Transas Offers New GMDSS Simulator

The Transas Product of the Year 2000-2001, GMDSS simulator TGS4000, has received further improvements. Launched at Europort 2001, TGS4100, includes all the functionality of the previous version and features a number of additional hardware and software capabilities, making it one of the most powerful GOC (General Operator's Certificate) and ROC (Restricted Operator's Certificate) training and certification tool available in the market.

TGS4100 includes new Transas dedicated hardware, which consists of the TGS4000 Console with SAILOR panels of VHF&DSC RT4822, MF/HF&DSC HC4500, Inmarsat-C H2095C and Battery Panel BP4680 and a separate Alarm Panel AP4365 (available as an option when used with Transas ship handling simulator).

Other important enhancements of the new Transas GMDSS simulator include Instructor functions in the capacity as Operator of the coast station, RCC, coast telex and phone subscriber that are accessible using the Log window, and the display of GMDSS Sea Areas and division of search and rescue regions on the electronic chart. The range of simulated equipment has been expanded to comprise Jotron's VHF radio station Tron Air for communication with aircraft and Cospas-Sarsat EPIRB E3 from McMurdo. A simple simulated steering panel has been added to the Trainee workplace.

A Workplace Status window on the Instructor PC allows monitoring the condition of all the trainee workplace instruments. TGS4100 also provides facilities for the rough estimation of radio wave propagation within a selected frequency band using the electronic chart.

Users of this simulator can now export and import their scenarios from or to file for exchange between different training centers and benefit from the animated console view screen. Exercise Log and Workgroup information can be printed out with the simulator. Pre-selectable switch-on default to the 4000 or 2000 system, as well as capability to select SAILOR Program 4000 equipment for Sea Area A1 or A2 only, is also available with the new GMDSS simulator.

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