Wartsila 64

  • Wartsilii has focused its technological developments in this realm on three main areas: Common-rail fuel injection for heavy-fuel engines: Humidification methods for reduction of NOx; and Dual-fuel engines with micro pilot.

    Long-term research on the concepts hot combustion for combined cycles and steam injected diesel is also going on.

    Common-Rail Fuel Injection Three engine types, i.e. the Wartsila 46, Wartsila 38 and Wartsila 32 have - so far - been made available for the common- rail injection systems. The pilot engine, which sails onboard the Carnival Spirit, has to date gathered more than 3,500 hours of operational experience, and the Wartsila 46 test engine has more than 3,000 hours as well. While there has been a normal amount of teething problems, the experience so far has proven that the basic concepts of the Wartsila common-rail system are sound.

    The accumulator architecture (Figure 1) has proven very successful in providing excellent pressure stability, meaning that every injection starts from the same rail pressure.

    The rail pressure control by linear solenoid valves on the injection pump (Figure 2) provides even better than expected rail pressure accuracy, i.e. the rail pressure is maintained at + 35 bar, while + 100 bar would have been still acceptable.

    The injector with the shuttle valve and the press-down piston for the injector needle provides together with the flow fuse total safety against early introduction of fuel into the cylinder. The pressdown piston also contributes to excellent smoke behavior. (Figure 3) The target of smokeless operation at all loads and load pick-up has been reached (Figure 4), and laboratory tests have proven that there is further potential to do even better. Wartsila 46 engines with common-rail injection systems for five cruise vessels have been delivered so far. The first Wartsila 32 common-rail engines are due for delivery shortly, and during the autumn the first Wartsila 38 engines will be retrofitted into common rail.

    Humidification for Reduced Nox Direct Water Injection used to be the Wartsila method for combustion air humidification. The system has been developed for common rail engines with side-mounted injector (Figure 5). This configuration is now in field test. The Combustion Air Saturation System (CASS) (Figure 6) has been further tested, and a pilot installation on a Wartsila 32 engine will go into operation this autumn. The system is also being qualified for the Wartsila 46 engine, and further engine types are likely to follow.

    The first systems are sold for half the NOx value compared to Marpol Annex VI curve.

    Fuel-water emulsion is not promoted for engines with conventional injection systems. With common-rail fuel injection most of the disadvantages are eliminated.

    Compared to conventional injection systems the common rail offers the following advantages: • Full load can be reached without increased camshaft torque. In fact the camshaft torque of a common-rail engine is always much reduced compared to conventional engines.

    • There will be no risk of cavitation in the high-pressure pump, because the pressure relief process is not taking place in a common-rail high-pressure pump.

    • It is possible to optimize the engine both for fuel-water emulsion and pure fuel as different timings and durations can easily be used in both cases.

    The NOx reduction of water-fuel emulsion alone might not be very interesting in the current world, because it is limited to 20-25 percent. The reason for Wartsila's interest is mainly because of the opportunity to reach ultralow NOx emissions by a combination of Combustion Air Saturation and Fuel-Water Emulsion. A patent application for this combination has been filed.

    Dual-Fuel Engine With Micro Pilot The dual-fuel engine with micro pilot has demonstrated itself as a surprisingly successful concept. Although the micro pilot injects only one percent of the full- load fuel, the igniting capacity of the pilot spray is thousands of times better than from a spark plug. This means that good combustion stability can be reached with leaner mixes, which again allows for higher compression ratios, resulting in high efficiency and improves the possibility to run good performance in the gas mode and in the diesel mode in the same hardware.

    Introductions & Updates Wartsilii 50DF While the Wartsila 32DF has been on the market for some time, the first installations are at about 20,000 running hours, the Wartsila 50DF is a new product introduction. This engine is based on the diesel engine Wartsila 46. It offers a cylinder output of 950 kW. The shaft efficiency in gas mode is 47 percent, which is probably a current world record for gas engines. As has been earlier reported, the 50DF has made a breakthrough into the LNG tanker market.

    Wartsila 38B With more than 60 engines sold, the Wartsila 38B is not exactly a new product introduction, but the fact that this engine is now available also with common- rail fuel injection makes it worth mentioning. The cylinder output of this engine is 725 kW. A test engine is currently being installed in the research center in Trieste. During the autumn the focus will be on endurance testing of the common-rail equipment.

    Wartsila 32 with Increased Output The Wartsila 32, which is the successor of the Vasa 32, has now been on the market for some time, and with more than 300 engines sold and the first engines passing 25,000 running hours, the engine is now ready for an output increase into 500 kW per cylinder.

    Wartsila 64 An excellent piece of experience can be reported from the Wartsila 64, of which the first engines to go into operation are now approaching 20,000 hours.

    Thirteen engines are — at the moment — in operation, and up to now in total 12 hours of non-availability have been recorded. Most of those hours were due to a mishap with parts logistics. Mathematically this means that the availability has been more than 99.9 percent and the mean time between failures is calculated to more than 5,000 hours. The step from the Wartsila 46 with 1 MW per cylinder into the Wartsila 64 with 2 MW per cylinder was certainly a big one, and for that reason no effort was spared in terms of numerical calculations and simulations.

    Circle 64 on Reader Service Card www.maritimereporterinfo.com

  • equipment. In this case the injection equipment is based on injection pumps of the double plunger type that have been used with good experience on Wartsila 64 engines. Another unique benefit of the CR system is the engine's ability to adapt to changes in fuel quality. Circle 54 on Reader Service Car

  • a staggering 2 MW per cylinder. Commencing with the 13,645-dwt German vessel Containerships VI, commissioned in 1999, a total 11 engines of the Wartsila 64 type have now been supplied for marine propulsion. At press time, the Finnish engine group was hoping that the design would be nominated for

  • MR Jul-00#53  19.5 8.5 8250-18800 
Wartsila 64 640 770-900 4 6,7,8)
    July 2000 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 53

    460 580 4 6,8,9L,12,16,18V 905-1050 450-514 21.9-26.1 8.7-9.9 5430-18900 Sulzer RTA60C 600 2250 2 5,6,7,8L 1650-2360 91-114 19.5 8.5 8250-18800 Wartsila 64 640 770-900 4 6,7,8,9L,12,16,18V 1940-2010 327.3-428 22-25.5 9.8-11 12060-34920 Sulzer RTA48T-B 480 2000 2 5,6,7,81 1020-1455 102-127 19 8.5 5100-11640

  • MR Mar-01#9  a total 
11 engines of the Wartsila 64 type have 
now been)
    March 2001 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 9

    a staggering 2 MW per cylinder. Commencing with the 13,645-dwt German vessel Container- ships VI, commissioned in 1999, a total 11 engines of the Wartsila 64 type have now been supplied for marine propul- sion. At press time, the Finnish engine group was hoping that the design would be nominated

  • MR Jun-03#67  
Repeat Orders for Four Wartsila 64 
Propulsion Systems)
    June 2003 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 67

    Main engines (2) Wartsila 12 V46 Generator engines (2) Wartsila 12V46 Cargo carrying capacity 158 Trailers, 66 Vehicles Repeat Orders for Four Wartsila 64 Propulsion Systems Wartsila Corporation has received repeat orders for the Wartsila 64, the company's powerful medium- speed diesel engine

  • MR Nov-04#41  
with good experience on Wartsila 64 
    November 2004 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 41

    . In this case the injection equip- ment is based on injection pumps of the double plunger type that have been used with good experience on Wartsila 64 engines. Another unique benefit of the CR sys- tem is the engine's ability to adapt to changes in fuel quality. Circle 54 on Reader Service

  • MR Nov-99#8  was tes-tament. But the Wartsila 64, now going to sea for)
    November 1999 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 8

    bores are not without precedent in the medium-speed engine domain, to which the Stork-Wartsila (nee Stork-Werkspoor) TM620 was tes-tament. But the Wartsila 64, now going to sea for the first time in a German-built shortsea containership, marries an unprecedented power concentration in a single, medium-speed

  • MR Nov-98#102  Wartsila 64 provides a plat-
    November 1998 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 102

    European shipown- ers to the new design. Offering a nominal output of around two-MW in its in-line ver- sions, the environmentally-favor- able Wartsila 64 provides a plat- form for engine efficiency levels of 55 percent and beyond. Its attrib- utes have been favored for a 16- knot containership

  • MR Sep-98#55  
Wr * -
. t "SSI 
The Wartsila 64. 
cash-rich after)
    September 1998 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 55

    ; . . . LSMi: >i MH Wr * - . t "SSI The Wartsila 64. cash-rich after the sale of Rolls- Royce Motor Cars to Volkswagen of Germany, is planning to strengthen its position in the marine propulsion market by way of takeovers and joint ven- tures. It is reportedly consider- ing the possibili

  • MR Sep-98#54  
applications for the Wartsila 64 
design, the world)
    September 1998 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 54

    on last year, when sales turnover was FM 11.3 billion. The recent contract intake has notably included the first marine applications for the Wartsila 64 design, the world's most powerful medium-speed engine. While the opening order involved a 12-cylin- der version for use in a new, com- bined-cycl

  • MR Apr-98#94  effi-
ciency for the Wartsila 64. The 
    April 1998 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 94

    com- pany during the development of its proprietary Low NOx Combustion process provided the basis for a target 50 percent effi- ciency for the Wartsila 64. The feasibility of the target figure was said to have been confirmed soon after the six-cylinder prototype had been fired-up at the Vaasa

  • MR Mar-98#10  production point for the 
Wartsila 64, the world)
    March 1998 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 10

    of New Sulzer Diesel France, which will become primarily a maker of parts. Trieste has also been nominated as the production point for the Wartsila 64, the world's most pow- erful medium-speed engine, in addition to its substantial role as a manufacturer of Sulzer two-stroke engines. The

  • MR Feb-98#43  
The introduction of the Wartsila 64 brings the most efficient)
    February 1998 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 43

    WARTSILA Most efficient ever The introduction of the Wartsila 64 brings the most efficient and powerful medium- speed engine to the market, offering completely new possibilities in the selection of propulsion machinery and the entire vessel design. Based on the Wartsila reliability standards

  • MR Sep-97#67  46/46GD 
Sulzer ZA50S 
Wartsila 64 
    September 1997 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 67

    Wartsila 20 Wartsila Nohab 25 Wartsila 26 Wartsila Vasa 32/32GD Wartsila 32 Wartsila 38 Sulzer ZA40S Wartsila 46/46GD Sulzer ZA50S Wartsila 64 PROPAC PROPULSION SYSTEMS TWO-STROKE ENGINES Sulzer RTA38 Sulzer RTA48 Sulzer RTA48T Sulzer RTA52U Sulzer RTA58T Sulzer RTA62U Sulzer

  • MR Sep-97#63  engine — the 
emerging Wartsila 64 — in Italy. 
    September 1997 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 63

    Diesel and Diesel Ricerche, has been the decision to concentrate output of the world's most power- ful medium-speed engine — the emerging Wartsila 64 — in Italy. Offering an output of 2,010 kW (2,734 bhp) per cylinder at 333.3 rpm, commercial production has been assigned to Fincantieri's

  • MR May-97#28  46/46GD 
Sulzer ZA50S 
Wartsila 64 
    May 1997 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 28

    Wartsila 20 Wartsila Nohab 25 Wartsila 26 Wartsila Vasa 32/32GD Wartsila 32 Wartsila 38 Sulzer ZA40S Wartsila 46/46GD Sulzer ZA50S Wartsila 64 PROPAC PROPULSION SYSTEMS TWO-STROKE ENGINES Sulzer RTA38 Sulzer RTA48 Sulzer RTA48T Sulzer RTA52U Sulzer RTA58T Sulzer RTA62U Sulzer

  • MR Aug-97#54  of the Finnish-con-
ceived Wartsila 64 diesel, the 
    August 1997 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 54

    with European costings in a business under acute price pressure. The move to center commercial production of the Finnish-con- ceived Wartsila 64 diesel, the world's most powerful medium- speed engine, in Italy is an early expression of the intention of the largely Finnish-controlled

  • MR Jul-97#35  46/46GD 
Sulzer ZA50S 
Wartsila 64 
    July 1997 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 35

    20 Vartsila Nohab 25 A/artsila 26 /Vartsila Vasa 32/32GD /Vartsila 32 A/artsila 38 Sulzer ZA40S i/Vartsila 46/46GD Sulzer ZA50S Wartsila 64 PROPAC PROPULSION SYSTEMS TWO-STROKE ENGINES Sulzer RTA38 Sulzer RTA48 Sulzer RTA48T Sulzer RTA52U Sulzer RTA58T Sulzer RTA62U Sulzer

  • MR Dec-97#44  medium-speed engine, the 
Wartsila 64, was started more 
    December 1997 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 44

    UPDATE Wartsila NSD Declares 64 Ready For Market A six-cylinder prototype of what is reportedly the world's largest medium-speed engine, the Wartsila 64, was started more than a year ago at the Wartsila NSD Vaasa research center in Finland. One thousand operating hours later, the Wartsila

  • MR Sep-99#7  
Most efficient ever 
Wartsila 64 core values: 
• Efficiency)
    September 1999 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 7

    WARTSILA Most efficient ever Wartsila 64 core values: • Efficiency 50% • Output 2 MW/cylinder • Emission levels below the IMO 2000 limits • Minimum space requirement • Built-on auxiliaries The introduction of the Wartsila 64 brings the most efficient and powerful medium- speed engine to

  • MR Aug-99#9  the readying of the first 
Wartsila 64 engines for shipment)
    August 1999 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 9

    for the future was apparent in the production of blocks for the first of the compact new Wartsila 26X type, and in the readying of the first Wartsila 64 engines for shipment. It was also evident in the endurance trials of an X-type engine and in the Orimulsion fuel trials with a Wartsila 46

  • MR Aug-99#8  potent, Finnish-
designed Wartsila 64 engine, the world)
    August 1999 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 8

    NSD's 'focused factory' philosophy. This is most graph- ically expressed in its selection for the manufacture of the potent, Finnish- designed Wartsila 64 engine, the world's most powerful medium-speed diesel. At c) the same time, certain merits have been per- ceived in WARTSILA NSD . . , CORPORATION

  • MR May-99#44 , Italian-manufactured Wartsila 64. 
In addition to its)
    May 1999 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 44

    series will provide a showcase for the world's poten- tially most powerful medium-speed diesel engine, the Finnish-developed, Italian-manufactured Wartsila 64. In addition to its suitability for timber, paper, general cargo, bulk commodities and also dangerous cargoes, the type has been moduled for

  • MR May-99#38  the phas-
ing-in of the Wartsila 64 engine-
equipped Wasa)
    May 1999 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 38

    a further indicator of long-term intent, R&D expenditure amounted to four percent of net sales. A notable development was the phas- ing-in of the Wartsila 64 engine- equipped Wasa Pilot Power Plant at Vaasa, Finland, as a platform for evalu- ating high-efficiency diesel combined cycle technology

  • MR May-99#36  the 
extremely powerful, Wartsila 64 medium-speed 
    May 1999 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 36

    a cohesive part of the engine group's international manufacturing network. In addition, the allocation of production of the extremely powerful, Wartsila 64 medium-speed design to GMT had denoted the application of Wart- sila NSD's focused-factory concept to the Italian domain. The process of assimilatio

  • MR Jan-99#67  Inc 
Support Grows For Wartsila 64 
Developed in response)
    January 1999 - Maritime Reporter and Engineering News page: 67

    Inc SCHOTTEL-Werft Ultra Hydraulics Ltd. Valmet Power Transmission Inc Volvo Penta of the Americas Waterjet Systems Inc Support Grows For Wartsila 64 Developed in response to demand for large medium-speed engines, the Wartsila 64 is designed for high output, compact size, fuel economy