Page 43: of Marine News Magazine (February 2012)
Inland Bulk Transportation
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PRODUCTSThird Mitsubishi Installation Powers LA Carriers LA Carriers has again chosen Laborde Products to supply power- ful Mitsubishi engines. A recently built 98' tug, M/V Karen Koby, was fitted with twin ABS-certified S12R-Y2MPTK Mitsubishi engines rated 1,260 hp at 1,600 rpm, as well as 50kW FPT generators. Another major Laborde Mitsubishi installation is on the horizon. An inshore 70' x 24' x 9' pushboat will be fitted with two Mitsubishi six- cylinder S6R-Y2MPTK 630 hp, 24.5 liter engines rated at 1,600 rpm. Laborde distributes Yanmar, Mitsubishi, FPT and Hatz Diesel engines. Laborde also packages its own diesel-powered equipment under the Diesel America brand name. www.labordeproducts.com Moose Boats Depend on Hella Marine LightsBoats used for law enforcement, fire/emergency and security patrol must be rugged and highly depend- able. Moose Boats has chosen Hella marine lights for many of its rugged catamarans and monohulls. Outfitted with Hella marine's LED Navigation Lamps, EuroLED Interior Touch Lamps, LED Mega Beam Deck Floodlights, and LED Courtesy Lamps, the fully outfitted cabins serve the crew well. Hella energy-saving LEDs employ Multivolt circuit- ry to provide consistent and safe illumination under severe voltage fluctuations, as well as low battery. Sealed against the elements, the lamps feature UV- and impact-resistant acrylic lenses. www.hellamarine.com Analytic Systems Goes for ABS CertificationAnalytic Systems announced that it has started the process of certifying their marine specific power conver- sion products. The first models to be certified to ABS standards are the new BCA1505 (1500W AC charger); the BCA310 (300W AC charger); the IPS300 (300W DC/AC Puresine inverter) and the VTC315 (Isolated DC/DC voltage converter). ABS has provided their Certificate of Manufacturing Assessment # VA2089914-A-X. Clients include: CDI Marine, Washington State Ferries, Textron Marine Systems, Foss, Wellcraft Marine, Washington Marine, Sperry Marine, Kobelt, Prime Mover Controls, Raymarine, Seaspan, ACB Boats, Metal Shark and others. www.analyticsystems.com EPA Approves Diesel Additive for Marine Use ValvTect Petroleum has received formal approval for the registration and sale of ValvTect BioGuard Plus 6 multifunctional biocide diesel additive from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Ultra low sulfur diesel fuel can cause a mul- titude of fuel related problems and requires more than just a biocide that only prevents bacteria.It also becomes unstable and con- tains high moisture content that leads to corrosion, sludge and plugged fuel filters. The lack of lubrication can cause expensive premature failure of injectors and fuel pumps unless treated with a lubricity improver. www.valvtect.com New Industrial Coupling Catalog Available Power Transmission Solutions has introduced its new consolidated 300- page industrial coupling catalog cover- ing Kop-Flex, Jaure, Morse and Browning products in bore sizes up to 43.5 inches, and torque ratings up to 329,000,000 lbs-in. The wide variety of designs covers a multitude of indus- tries, such as steel, aluminum, pulpand paper, and mining, as well as turbomachinery. Applications include rolling mills, crushers, pumps, fans, steam turbines, elevators, machine tools and hoists to name a few. Various units meet API 610, ISO 13709and AGMA 11 specs. Service center programs, repair, inven- tory and maintenance management are explained as well. www.emersononlinecatalog.com Patent Protection Granted for Hybrid Propulsion System Aspin Kemp & Associates (AKA) and Foss Maritime Company with their technology partner XeroPoint Energy, have received U.S. patent protection for their hybrid propul- sion and energy management sys-tem. The hybrid propulsion and energy management sys- tem has been proven to significantly reduce emissions, fuel consumption and equipment maintenance for marine ves- sels. The technology draws energy from various sources to optimize operations across a wide range of propulsive load demands. Foss built the first hybrid tugboat and has suc- cessfully converted a second vessel, Campbell Foss, to a hybrid at its shipyard in Rainier, Oregon. www.furunousa.com www.marinelink.com MN43MN#2 (32-43):MN 2011 Layouts 2/6/2012 12:23 PM Page 43