Page 50: of Marine News Magazine (September 2014)
Inland Waterways
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PEOPLE & COMPANY NEWS Paul ?Chip? Jaenichen was con-Þ rmed by the U.S. Senate as Admin- istrator of the U.S. Maritime Admin- istration (MARAD). Jaenichen has been Acting Administrator since June 2013. He has been with MARAD since July 2012, when he was ap- pointed Deputy Maritime Adminis- trator. Capt. Jaenichen was a career naval ofÞ cer, retiring after serving 30 years as a nuclear trained submarine ofÞ cer. His Þ nal assignment was as Deputy Chief of Legislative Affairs for the Department of the Navy. Dr. Michael A. Alfultis , a retired U.S. Coast Guard captain, and the di- rector and chief administrative ofÞ cer of the University of ConnecticutÕs Av- ery Point campus, was named as the next president of the SUNY Maritime College. Chad Fuhrmann was named Busi- ness Director, Americas, of the Scot- tish marine specialist Maritime Assur- ance & Consulting (MAC). He will focus on developing MACÕs business in the Gulf of Mexico. Fuhrmann, a graduate of the United States Mer- chant Marine Academy, spent 10 years at sea as an engineer, both inter- nationally and in the Gulf of Mexico. Scott Keever has been hired by Hornblower Cruises & Events as Manager, Special Projects. After grad- uating from the California Maritime Academy with a BachelorÕs degree in Marine Transportation, he began a sea-going career with Chevron Ship- ping. James A. Walters was elected by the Georgia Ports Authority to serve as chairman. Appointed to the GPA board by Gov. Nathan Deal in 2012, Walters previously served as vice chairman.The Landing School has an-nounced that Richard J. Schuhmann, Ph.D. , currently a Senior Lecturer and Program Manager at MIT, will this month begin as The Landing SchoolÕs next President, Dr. Schuh- mann joined MIT in September 2012 and supervised graduate hydrologic research at MIT, assisting the Red Cross in the development of a ß ood early warning system for residents in the Manafwa River Basin in Uganda. Seakeeper has announced the ap-pointment of three new regional sales managers. In the U.S., Mark Taiclet and Grant Haugen will oversee the Southeast and West coast areas, re- spectively. Tanja Lutz will handle sales in Northern Europe. Darlene Crowder has been ap-pointed Vice President for Human Resources at Foss Maritime. Crowder brings over 25 years of experience to Foss. Previously the top HR leader at Swedish Medical Group, Crowder oversaw the complete restructuring of all HR processes, positions and tech- nology platforms. Glenn Gros was named General Manager of DanosÕ Fabrication Di- vision. In addition to the day-to-day management duties, Gros will also be responsible for establishing the com- panyÕs new, waterfront fabrication yard. Tammy Emerson , W&O Senior Account Executive, has been elected as vice president of programs of the Jacksonville Propeller Club. Emer- sonÕs election is part of a larger histori- cal event for the Jacksonville Propeller Club, as this marks the Þ rst time in club history that there is an all-female Executive Board. Ray Ruiz was hired by The Ameri- can Equity Underwriters (AEU) as Loss Control Manager. Ray has ex- tensive safety expertise including Þ ve years at a large shipyard in Port Ar- thur, Texas, where he implemented management systems, conducted in-cident investigations, oversaw safety inspections and conducted shipyard safety training for supervisors and em- ployees in both English and Spanish. He has numerous certiÞ cations from OSHA and the Texas Department of Health and an Associates of Applied Science Degree in Environmental Safety and Health from Texas State Technical College. JaenichenFuhrmannWalters SchuhmannAlfultisKeeverSeptember 201450 MNMN Sept14 Layout 50-59.indd 50MN Sept14 Layout 50-59.indd 508/20/2014 11:34:06 AM8/20/2014 11:34:06 AM