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INTERIOR OUTFITTING for so-called ‘technical water’ (for boiler feed water, for example). In these cases, customers require technical wa- ter which has a much lower TDS level than standard po- table water. This ultra-low level of TDS can be achieved through the implementation of a second pass of reverse osmosis processing in conjunction with engineered feed water pre-treatment and possibly post-treatment, depend- ing on the customer’s particular application. This second pass removes between 90 to 95% of the TDS from the watermaker’s product water. Dometic’s systems are speci? - cally able to achieve this ultra-low level of TDS required of technical water if this is speci? ed by the customer.
Ben Haynes, Joe Pinto,
CX systems include the industry’s 316SS passivated motor
Dometic Director of Dometic National Account mount isolators, which properly support the high pressure
OEM sales Manager pump during operation, thus minimizing system vibration.
Properly placed vibration isolators minimize system vibration
Another place where customers can save money is and result in noise reduction and increased crew comfort. through the use of Dometic’s super-duplex, radial axial high pressure pump that is highly resistant to the effects
Utility and Economy in Challenging Waters of seawater. There is an 8,000 hour service interval on the
Dometic’s commercial grade Watermaker is Skid mount- ed / unitized for easy install and maintenance. Readily pump, signi? cantly longer than the service interval of the traditional piston pumps used by some of the other brands lifted by a crane or other onboard equipment and placed of watermakers.
without having to undergo extensive fabrication, plumb-
A high-capacity unit, built for extreme offshore condi- ing and other connection costs, this capability makes the tions, the Dometic CX notably utilizes a piping system system attractive in the aftermarket, where often times sys- comprised of 100 percent 316SS plumbing as opposed to tems are required to ? t through door openings and other plastic plumbing. Pinto explains why. “Our CX systems are con? ned spaces. Pinto adds, “From a service perspective, plumbed completely with 316SS, unlike the other reverse maintenance can readily be performed on the system by osmosis systems offered in the marketplace (which use plas- one person because all integral parts of the watermaker are tic plumbing on the low pressure side of their systems). The conveniently located within reach of the operator.” challenge with plastic plumbing is that when it is exposed
For the thrifty workboat operator, the CX watermaker to weather, the material typically fatigues over time, ulti- can also reduce output when demand is lower. Beyond mately causing plumbing to leak and ultimately rupture.” this, operators have the ability to program the system to Beyond this, he insists, compared to overall system weight, make a certain number of gallons and shut off, or run for the 316SS does not add a signi? cant amount of weight. a certain period of time and shut off. The CX systems,
That system is plumbed with Victaulic’s “Vic-Press” fully automatic, also have mechanical redundancy. “This plumbing system with 316 Stainless Steel Schedule 10 feature makes our reverse osmosis systems unique in the Pipe. Simply described, Vic-Press is a Press-to-connect pip- marketplace, since no other manufacturer of reverse osmo- ing solution offering hand-held, ? ame-free welding alter- sis systems offers this,” adds Pinto. native installation of small-diameter stainless steel pipe in
Consistent with today’s increasingly connected seagoing seconds. Rated for up to 2500 psi, Dometic’s CX typically operations, the CX units come with remote, offsite moni- operates at less than 900 psi. And, the savings in the elimi- toring capabilities. Joe Pinto explained, “We can monitor nation of hotwork, permits and labor alone are enough to virtually all functions of the CX systems in that all system justify the use of a better product, says Pinto. data is available. So, for example, we can look at a system fault history from the factory while a technician is physical-
Dometic’s 45-Ton Titan Chiller ly in front of the unit to assist the technician in diagnosing
If crystal clear water is a de? nite requirement of a fully a potential problem or other issue.” The system can even be operated remotely in this manner, so the customer doesn’t MLC compliant vessel, then the other side of the equa- tion arguably includes the right to work in a comfortable necessarily even need to have an onboard system operator. 45 www.marinelink.com MN
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