Page 56: of Marine News Magazine (February 2016)
Dredging & Marine Construction
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TOTE LNG Ellicott Dredges LLC Merchant Marine constant vigilance and commitment Founded in 1885, Ellicott ? rst gained ing to the variance materials, the pres- by everyone on campus to maintain a global recognition in the dredge busi- ent 1,200-foot turning basin at the strong safety standard.” ness by building all the dredges used Port of Wilmington will be expanded in the original construction of the to 1,400 feet so the port can service
Panama Canal. Ellicott is now not vessels in the New Panamax class that
TOTE Performs First LNG only the oldest player among dredge will be calling on the port in 2016.
Bunkering at Jacksonville
On Saturday, January 9, 2016, TOTE builders, but the largest builder of The project is estimated to take ? ve
Maritime Puerto Rico successfully portable cutter dredges. months. New Panamax vessels are ex- pected to begin transiting the Panama loaded LNG bunkers aboard the
Canal in 2016, and it is the objective
Bollinger Shipyards world’s ? rst LNG powered contain- of N.C. Ports to be prepared for these
Agrees to $8.5 Million ership, MV Isla Bella. Approximately vessels by May 2016. 100,000 LNG gallons transported by
DOJ Settlement 12 TOTE-owned LNG ISO contain-
Bollinger Shipyards will pay the Unit-
Merchant Marines honored ers were loaded on schedule. The bun- ed States $8.5 million and release con- kering was conducted under strict US tract claims to settle a False Claims Act at National WWII Museum
Coast Guard oversight while Isla Bella action ? led against it in the Eastern In December, the Ralph E. Crump, was also undergoing cargo operations. District of Louisiana, the Department LTJG, USNR, US Merchant Ma-
The LNG was transferred from the of Justice announced in December. rine Gallery opened at The National
ISO tank containers using a specially The False Claims Act suit alleges that WWII Museum in New Orleans. This developed transfer skid developed by Bollinger misrepresented the longitu- stand-alone 940-square-foot gallery
TOTE’s partner Applied Cryogen- honors the civilian merchant mariners dinal strength of patrol boats it deliv- ics Technologies (ACT) of Houston, ered to the Coast Guard that resulted who risked their lives transporting
Texas. The transfer skid is designed to in the boats buckling and failing once weapons, men, and matériel to US allow four ISO tanks to be transferred they were put into service. The claims troops overseas. Members of the Mer- to Isla Bella at once, dramatically re- chant Marine were an essential force resolved by the settlement are allega- ducing transfer time. for the Allied cause, often working to- tions only, and there has been no de- gether with US Navy or Coast Guard termination of liability.
vessels to protect their precious cargo.
Ellicott Dredge: 1000 Day
Through video, artifacts, a model of
Safety Record, 130 Years Port of Wilmington a Liberty ship, and an engaging array of Business Approved for $16 Million of personal narratives, this exhibit tells
The employees of Ellicott Dredges
Dredging Project their story – including impressive lo-
LLC in Baltimore, Maryland had two The N.C. Coastal Resources Commis- gistical feats, tales of constant danger big reasons for celebration this past sion unanimously approved a variance (and higher casualty rate than any US year. First Ellicott’s Baltimore plant Tuesday enabling the N.C. Ports Au- branch of service), and the role of this has achieved an enviable safety record thority to go ahead with a $16 million of one thousand (1,000) consecutive dredging project to enlarge existing hardworking group in transporting working days without a lost time ac- ships’ turning basin to accommodate 7.3 million American soldiers to sup- cident. Secondly Ellicott is now cel- larger container vessels, according to port the epic battle fought across the oceans and continents of the world. ebrating its 130th year of business. CRC Chair Frank Gorham. Accord-
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