Page 56: of Marine News Magazine (April 2016)
Boatbuilding: Construction & Repair
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Courtesy: Kirby Corporation
Luthi Zukunft Kirby Corporation from the 2017-2022 OCS Oil and one towboat currently under con-
Coast Guard Commandant
Gas Leasing Proposed Program. This struction. Also, as part of the agree-
Lauds Support for Service is a short-sighted political decision of U.S. Coast Guard Commandant ment, Kirby will transfer to Seacor the an administration in? uenced by the Adm. Paul Zukunft delivered the ownership of one Florida-based ship radical and extreme minority devoted 2016 State of the Coast Guard Ad- docking tugboat. The deal is expected to keeping fossil fuels in the ground. dress at U.S. Capitol Visitor Center to close early in the second quarter of
The removal is not based upon sci- Congressional Auditorium in late 2016 and is subject to certain custom- ence or good energy policy, and will February. This was Adm. Zukunft’s ary conditions, including regulatory certainly inhibit the economic op- approvals. Kirby said it plans to pay second State of the Coast Guard Ad- portunities and energy security of dress and he welcomed the opportu- for the acquisition using funds avail- our country.” Luthi added, “This is nity to recognize Service accomplish- able under its revolving credit facility. the wrong direction in efforts to con- ments, reinforce his strategic intent tinue the U.S. march towards energy and provide direction for the coming
U.S. Shipping Corp. independence.”
Receives the 2015 Benkert year. “Now, on behalf of the 88,000 women and men of the Coast Guard,
Environmental Award
Coast Guard Seeks
I profoundly thank the 114th Con- IThe U.S. Coast Guard recognized
Input for Atlantic, gress and this Administration for de- U.S. Shipping Corp. with the 2015 livering an authorization bill along Rear Admiral William M. Benkert
Gulf Seacoast Study
The U.S. Coast Guard is seeking in- with the largest acquisition budget Environmental Protection Bronze put from commercial and recreational in Coast Guard history,” stated Zu- Award March 4 in New Orleans, LA. mariners for an assessment of navi- kunft. The commandant’s speech The biennial award program honors gation requirements on the Atlantic focused on how the budget is being leaders in the ? eld of marine safety and Gulf seacoast. The Coast Guard driven by strategy and how the bud- and environmental protection. U.S.
Waterways Analysis and Management get will support his priorities to in- Shipping Corp provides long-haul
System (WAMS) survey is focused on vest in the 21st century Coast Guard, marine transportation services in the the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mex- sustain mission excellence, and maxi- U.S. Jones Act Trade. In 2015, the ico Seacoast System, an open water mize value to the nation. company safely transported over 1.8 system typically traveled by mariners billion gallons of petroleum, petro- arriving from an ocean voyage or tran- chemicals, and chemical products
Kirby Buys Seacor’s siting along the coast. Individual mar- with more than 600 cargo transfers.
Inland Tank Barge Fleet iners and interested maritime indus- Over the past four years, the company
Kirby Corporation has agreed to pur- try representatives can provide input chase the inland tank barge ? eet of has achieved a signi? cant reduction until May 31, 2016, at: https://www. in its recordable injury rate, clocking
SEACOR Holdings Inc. from subsid- surveymonkey.com/r/SeacoastWAMS. iaries of Seacor for approximately $88 over one million man hours without
The assessment is the ? rst in a series million in cash. The asset purchase a lost time incident. It has also made of national-level reviews that are part will consist of 27 inland 30,000 barrel a signi? cant impact with environmen- of the Future of Navigation initiative. tank barges and 13 inland towboats, tal programs, achieving goals for waste plus one 30,000 barrel tank barge and management and energy ef? ciency.
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