Page 51: of Marine News Magazine (March 2017)
Pushboats, Tugs & Assist Vessels
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Stauber MarlerAndrewsGalasso Palabrica Boyle ChampagneWillis has appointed two new commission- key member of the company’s execu-
Marler Named CEO at Port ers to the Duluth Seaway Port Au- tive team. Previously, Hartwell was the of Vancouver USA
The Port of Vancouver USA Board of thority. Patrick Boyle was ? rst elected General Manager of the company’s
Commissioners recently voted to ap- to the SLC Board in a special election Large Craft Production facility where prove terms of employment for Julianna in January 2014 to ? ll out the term the US Navy’s Mk VI Patrol Boats
Marler, of? cially installing her as CEO/ of the late Steve O’Neil. At the time, are manufactured. Separately, SAFE
Executive Director. Marler is the ? rst he was a member of the Duluth City Boats also promoted Janice Wil- female CEO in the port’s 105-year his- Council. He was reelected last No- lis to the position of Vice President tory and one of just a handful of female vember for a four-year term. Pete Program Management. Janice joined port CEOs in the U.S. She led the port Stauber retired from professional SAFE Boats in December 2010 as a in dual roles as CEO and CFAO before hockey and began his career in law member of the Business Development being selected for her current position. enforcement with the Duluth Police team. In 2014 she became the Direc-
Department in 1993, where he serves tor of Program Management, leading as a police lieutenant. Stauber served the teams responsible for managing
Carboline Names Andrews two terms as a Hermantown City SBI’s federal government program as EVP of Sales USA
Carboline announced that Darrin J. Councilor before being elected to the business, including the USCG CB-
Andrews has joined as Executive Vice SLC Board in 2012. OTH and USCBP CIV Programs.
President of Sales USA. Darrin has been
Pettit Adds Palabrica to Johansen Joins EBDG in the protective and industrial coatings
Sales Team industry for over 27 years and is a NACE Erik Johansen has joined Elliott Bay
Certi? ed Coatings Inspector and has Pettit Marine Paint announced the Design Group’s New Orleans of? ce. been active in the Canadian protective addition of Tony Palabrica as Tech- Erik’s expertise includes supporting coatings industry for 20 years. nical Sales Representative. Palabrica, offshore vessel operators with ma- who joined the Pettit Team in 2016 as jor modi? cations, conversions and a Technical Sales Representative, has oversight of electrical contractors.
Galasso Appointed US Sales decades of experience in the marine His portfolio of vessel types includes
Manager for Ocean Signal
Communication and safety at sea spe- market. Palabrica was also actively in- workboats, ferries, tugboats, platform cialist Ocean Signal has announced the volved with a number of mega yacht support vessels, and chemical and pe- appointment of Rich Galasso as its builds and was an instructor on the troleum carriers.
new US Sales Manager. Bringing more proper application of marine paint for
Global Appoints Coppes Direc- than 20 years of experience in the ma- professional applicators at a training tor of Salvage & Wreck Removal rine industry to the role, Galasso joins center in Cocoa Beach, Florida.
Bas Coppes has joined the senior
Ocean Signal following a seven-year management team at Global Diving
SAFE Boats Adds to Senior stint as regional distribution manager & Salvage. Coppes brings two de-
Management Team with satellite communications and
SAFE Boats International announced cades of salvage and offshore experi- tracking leader Globalstar/SPOT. that Hartwell Champagne has been ence to the organization, having man- appointed as the Senior Vice Presi- aged an extensive number of salvage,
New appointments to Duluth dent of Operations. Hartwell joined wreck removal, and offshore projects
Seaway Port Authority Board
The St. Louis County (SLC) Board SAFE Boats in 2013 and has been a across the globe. 51 www.marinelink.com MN