Page 52: of Marine News Magazine (March 2017)
Pushboats, Tugs & Assist Vessels
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Johansen Coppes Chao Grindle Butera Gianfalla
Gas Services business unit and served
AMP Applauds Chao as Gianfalla Named to DHS in that position until retiring from
Secretary of Transportation Security Committee
The American Maritime Partner- Daniel M. Gianfalla has been ap- Teekay at the end of 2015. ship (AMP) last month congratu- pointed to the National Maritime
Marine Exhaust Systems lated Secretary Elaine Chao for her Security Advisory Committee by
Hires Mark Brown nomination to be the U.S. Secretary the Secretary of the Department of
Marine Exhaust Systems has hired Mark of Transportation. AMP said in a pre- Homeland Security. A Master Mari- pared statement, “With vast experi- ner, he was also recently named Vice Brown for technical sales. Brown brings ence across the maritime industry and Chairman of United Metro Energy to Marine Exhaust Systems a broad skill set, ranging from sales and marketing prior service at the U.S. Department Corp., for Acquisitions and Govern- strategy to small business and entrepre- of Transportation, Maritime Admin- ment Affairs. The National Mari- istration, and Federal Maritime Com- time Security Advisory Committee is neurship. He will work with owners, mission, Secretary Chao understands tasked with advising the Secretary, the captains, boatyards and boat builders to the critical role our industry plays in Commandant of the US Coast Guard, develop complete exhaust systems and advancing the nation’s economic and and the President of the United States sell individual components.
national security.” on maritime security issues.
Ponedel Joins Suzuki
Repower by Mastry
Grindle named CEO at Smith Joins MarineMax
Suzuki outboard expert Jon Ponedel
MarineMax announced that supery-
Hatteras Yachts acht industry veteran, William (Billy) has joined Suzuki RePower by Mastry.
Hatteras/Cabo Yachts LLC has ap- pointed Kelly Todd Grindle as the Smith, is joining as Vice President of Ponedel will provide technical support their Super Yachts Division. His