Page 56: of Marine News Magazine (June 2018)
Combat & Patrol Craft Annual
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Containerization and Intermodal Institute Containerization and Intermodal Institute
FukunagaMitropoulos Cannizzaro Bell Larrabee Blake Winfree BronstienFinn
US Customs and Border Protection tors. Robert Cannizzaro, VP, Marine the board in accordance with Matson’s
Of? ce of Air and Marine as a Vessel and Terminal Operations for North mandatory retirement age policy.
Commander and Marine Interdiction America, Hamburg Sud, Admiral
APC Adds Mitropoulos
Agent. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree Richard Larrabee, USCG (ret.), for- to Sales Team from Ohio State University and main- mer Port Director for the Port Au- tains a 200 Ton Near Coastal Masters thority of NY/NJ, and Susan Win- Georgios Mitropoulos has been license. Additionally, MJP has ap- free, VP, Workforce Development named Sales Representative for the pointed Philip Gibson as Director of and Corporate Diversity Of? cer, New MarineLine cargo tank coating system
Sales for North, South and Central York Shipping Association, (NYSA) from Advanced Polymer Coatings.
America. Previously serving as a Re- all have joined the CII Board. Near- Mitropoulos was a Deck Of? cer from gional Sales Manager for Brunswick ing its 60th anniversary, CII is a non- 1988 to 1992 and then became a coat-
Commercial & Government Products, pro? t organization with an industry- ings inspector and marine coatings
Philip has over 30 years military mari- education mission. Cannizzaro has sales representative for ENPLO LTD. time experience. He retired from the more than 23 years of experience in He graduated from the Merchant Ma-
U.S. Navy in 2005 with the rank of containership operations and inter- rine Academy in Aspropyrgos, Greece.
Master Chief Petty Of? cer, where he modal logistics. He is a graduate of He has a Coatings Inspector Certi? - served as a U.S. Navy SEAL and ad- SUNY Maritime College. Larrabee is cate under the requirements of MSC visor to the international military and the retired Director of the Port Com- 215 (82), MSC 244 (83), and MSC police forces for riverine and counter- merce Department of The Port Au- 288(87), as well as IACS UI SC 223. drug operations. He holds a Bachelor’s thority of NY/NJ. Prior to that, he He also holds a Captain’s diploma.
degree in Spanish and an Associate of rose to the rank of Rear Admiral in
Arts degree in Technology Instruction. the U.S. Coast Guard. Winfree has
Announces Advisory Board more than 23 years in marine and ter-
Honda Marine Adds to minal operations. A graduate of the MyTaskit has announced its newly-
Management Team
U. S. Merchant Marine Academy, she formed advisory board. This group
Mike Rickey has been named Senior has a diverse background, including will provide strategic guidance to the
Manager, Honda Marine, overseeing leadership positions at Trans Freight company’s C-suite managers. George total Sales, Operations and Applica- Lines, Sea-Land Service, the Port of Bell, Frank Blake, Jr., Jim Bronstien tion Engineering activities for the U.S. Baltimore as well as Port of NY/NJ. and Sandi Finn will serve on the region. Previously he was National board. A 30-year veteran of consumer
Sales Manager for Honda Marine dur- businesses, Bell has served in various
Matson Board ing 2005-2009 where he expanded the capacities, including as managing di-
Welcomes Mark Fukunaga
Honda Marine dealer network and The Board of Directors of Matson an- rector and executive in residence at strengthened the division’s sales support. nounced that shareholders elected Mark VC and private equity ? rm General
H. Fukunaga, Chairman and CEO of Catalyst Partners. Blake is a general
CII Welcomes New
Servco Paci? c, a new member of the manager for The Home Depot. Bron-
Board Members
Matson board at the Company’s annual stien has spent 32 years as a marine
The Containerization and Intermodal meeting of shareholders. Concurrently, business owner and executive. His
Institute (CII) announced three new Jeffrey N. Watanabe, the board’s Lead experience includes large scale yacht appointments to its Board of Direc- Independent Director, retired from re? t yards, including Rybovich, where
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