Page 57: of Marine News Magazine (June 2018)
Combat & Patrol Craft Annual
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Nolan McCague Lee Poole Gellert Wiernicki Clark Smith Luthi Fireman he presided for 20 years as owner. lert as Chairman and Richard Clark Of? ce. McCague, who has been
Finn has served in various executive as Vice Chairman for the upcoming serving as an advisor to JAXPORT’s leadership positions at Cendant Cor- 2018-2019 term. NOIA President CEO, will oversee JAXPORT’s $600 poration, Haddon Holidays, and E.F. Randall Luthi said, “John and Rich- million capital program and will be
Hutton & Company. ard come into their roles at a time JAXPORT’s primary liaison with when the offshore industry is start- bondholders, lenders and credit rat-
Lee Sworn in as Los ing a new chapter. While the offshore ing agencies. Prior to joining JAX-
Angeles Harbor recovery has been frustratingly slow, PORT, McCague managed the $1.6 commission President commodity prices are slowly climbing billion Jacksonville Police & Fire
Jaime L. Lee, the newest Los Angeles upwards, breakeven prices are steadily Pension Fund through a transition
Harbor Commissioner, has been elect- dropping and the Trump administra- in leadership. ed president of the Los Angeles Har- tion has been aggressive in unlock- bor Commission. Ambassador Vilma ing America’s energy potential.” Gel-
The Future of Class, Safety
Martinez served as President of the lert is the Chief Executive Of? cer of
Discussed at ABS AGM
Los Angeles Harbor Commission for SEACOR Marine Holdings. Richard ABS held its 156th annual meet- ? ve years before stepping down earlier Clark is founder and President of ing in April, bringing together ABS this month. Lee holds a bachelor’s de- Deep Gulf Energy. members representing industry, gov- gree in English from the University of ernment and academia. The meeting
Southern California and a law degree provides an opportunity to hear from
Canaveral Port from USC’s Gould School of Law. ABS leadership on the performance
Authority Appoints CFO
Canaveral Port Authority has named and future focus of the organization.
MLA Elects
Michael B. Poole as Chief Finan- “Despite a year of continued market
Nolan as President cial Of? cer for Port Canaveral. pressures and widespread change in
Vedder Price attorney Francis X. No- Poole brings 30 years experience in everything from global economics, lan, III has been elected President of maritime transportation, municipal industry fundamentals, technology
The Maritime Law Association of the ? nance, public accounting, and ? - advancements and regulatory expec-
United States (MLA). Nolan has served nancial and operating auditing. Prior tations, we held our own and deliv- on the Board of Directors and earlier as to joining Port Canaveral, he spent ered solid performance in 2017,”
Vice President and Chair of the Ma- more than a decade as Chief Financial said ABS Chairman, President and rine Financing Committee. Nolan has Of? cer at JAXPORT, and was previ- CEO Christopher J. Wiernicki. ABS represented clients in ? nancing trans- ously Deputy Port Director at the reported the safest year in ABS his- actions for vessels under U.S. ? ag and Port of Pensacola. Poole is a Certi? ed tory with zero work-related lost-time numerous foreign ? ags, bareboat char- Public Accountant and holds a BA in injuries recorded. ABS Members also ter registries and under restricted ? ags, Accounting from the University of heard from Jamie Smith, SVP of such as the U.S. Jones Act trades. West Florida. Global Marine and Chief Business
Development Of? cer, and Howard
NOIA Names Gellert JAXPORT Names
Fireman, Chief Digital Of? cer, on
Chairman, Clark Vice Chair Interim CFO advancements in the organization’s
The National Ocean Industries Asso- JAXPORT has named Beth Mc- digital journey. ciation (NOIA) has elected John Gel- Cague as Interim Chief Financial 57 www.marinelink.com MN
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