Page 56: of Marine News Magazine (March 2019)
Pushboats, Tugs & Assist Vessels
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Foti Kirby acquires Cenac assets Greg Beers, BHGI Middlebrook
Sydney, Australia to be their exclu- substantial increase in the number tomary closing conditions, including sive North American vessel design of Vigor employees who will be liv- regulatory approvals under the Hart- representative. AMD specializes in ing and working here.” Scott-Rodino Act. David Grzebinski, high-speed, multi-hull vessel designs. Kirby’s President and Chief Executive
BHGI Awarded IDIQ Contract
The partnership brings together a Offcer, commented, “The acquisition through SeaPort-NxG wide-ranging collection of vessels and of Cenac’s young feet of well-main- marine expertise. AMD’s catamaran Bristol Harbor Group, Inc. (BHGI) tained inland tank barges and mod- hull forms are ideal for high-speed announced that it was awarded a fve- ern boats is an ideal complement to ferry, military, patrol and SAR mis- year indefnite-delivery, indefnite Kirby’s operations. Cenac has a strong sions. Most recently, AMD designed quantity contract through the U.S. history of operational excellence, and three 43.5 meter passenger ferries for Navy’s most recent contract vehicle, is well respected by the industry and
San Francisco Bay’s Water Emergency SeaPort-NxG. Through this contract, its customers.”
Transportation Authority (WETA), BHGI will have the ability to bid on
Seaway Activity Exceeds 40 currently under construction at Da- various task orders throughout the en-
Million Tons in 2018 kota Creek Industries. tire contract period.
The St. Lawrence Seaway Manage- ment Corporation (SLSMC) an-
Vigor selects Vancouver, Kirby to Purchase Cenac nounced that tonnage on the wa-
WA for New Aluminum Marine Assets
Kirby Corporation has signed an terway during the 2018 navigation
Fabrication Site
Vigor has entered an agreement to agreement to acquire the marine season totaled 40.9 million tons. The take over the former home of Chris- transportation feet of Cenac Ma- highest result since 2007, much of tensen Yachts in Vancouver, WA. rine Services, LLC for approximately the credit for the increase in tonnage
The frm says that this is the best $244 million in cash. The purchase can be given to healthy movements location to build the U.S. Army’s will be fnanced through additional of grain, the best on record since the new landing craft, Maneuver Sup- borrowings. Cenac’s feet consists of turn of the century. Marketing efforts port Vessel (Light) or MSV(L). The 63 30,000-barrel inland tank barges under the “Highway H2O” initia-
MSV(L) contract represents the with approximately 1.9 million bar- tive served as a catalyst to spur in- largest award in Vigor’s history with rels of capacity, 34 inland towboats, creased movements of a broad range a total value of nearly $1 billion over and 2 offshore tugboats. Cenac moves of cargoes including grain, road salt, 10 years and hundreds of family- petrochemicals, refned products, and stone, cement, gypsum and refned wage jobs. Vigor expects to even- black oil, including crude oil, residual fuels. Craig H. Middlebrook, Dep- tually employ approximately 400 fuels, feedstocks and lubricants on the uty Administrator of the U.S. Saint workers at the site and will be in- lower Mississippi River, its tributar- Lawrence Seaway Development Cor- vesting millions in capital upgrades ies, and Gulf Intracoastal Waterway poration said, “Total tonnage on the and equipment. Frank Foti, Vigor for major oil companies and refner- St. Lawrence Seaway exceeded the 5-,
President & CEO, noted, “While ies. The closing of the acquisition 10-, and 15-year averages, making we’ve had operations in Vancouver is expected to occur late in the frst 2018 an exceptionally strong shipping since 1980, this move represents a quarter of 2019 and is subject to cus- season, the best in over a decade.”
March 2019
MN 56