Page 58: of Marine News Magazine (March 2019)
Pushboats, Tugs & Assist Vessels
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BioGrease HDS 2: New High
Performing EAL Grease
BioBlend Renewable Resources’ lubri- cating grease is designed for dredging applications. Clamshell or dragline dredging involves multiple lubrication requirements, including two primary lubrication points, the hinge pin and
BWC - a Menu of Options
Trelleborg Strengthens Safe the sheave, and proper lubrication
Piloting and Nav Offering for BWT Compliance here is crucial. Extreme pressure and
Trelleborg has bolstered its advanced
BWC offers containerized Ballast water wash-out, provide challenges navigation and piloting offering with
Water Treatment in a range of tech- for lubricants, especially in salt water.
SafeTug, a software solution that nologies. Users can choose a BWTS
Traditional petroleum-based lubri- through real-time data sharing, helps in a pre-fabricated, pre-installed cants pose an environmental risk. Bio- tugboat operators and ports opti- deckhouse for a ship or container-
Blend’s BioGrease HDS 2 meets the mize safety and effciency in their ized systems for barges, using UV, standards for the EPA EAL’s. day-to-day operations. Enhancing
Electrochlorination or Chemical www.bioblend.com collaboration between the tug skip-
Injection as the technology. All per, bridge team, pilot and port, the
BWT solutions provided by BWC
SafeTug system uses dynamic data to are available with US CG type ap- give tugboat skippers accurate, real- proval. BWC collaborates with Alfa time information on the movement
Laval, Ecochlor, Optimarin, Wart- of the ship they are maneuvering. sila and ERMA FIRST. www.safepilot360experience.com www.ballastwatercontainers.com
Trelleborg’s Smart Rope
Free Mooring System
Trelleborg’s rope-free automated mooring system, AutoMoor, is ide- al for ferry and ro-ro ferry berths.
Using vacuum technology to rap- idly attach to and secure a vessel at berth, AutoMoor reduces vessel mo-
Dockmate’s Next-Generation tions and continuously monitors all
Wireless Docking System Harrington Hoists’ Standard mooring loads acting on the vessel
Duty Spreader Beam
Dockmate allows boaters to eas- at berth. It also minimizes person- ily operate electronically controlled Harrington Hoists’ HSDSB Stan- nel involvement to reduce human engines, bow and stern thrusters, dard Duty Spreader Beam can be error and improve safety. Vessels can anchor winches and horns from used where headroom is not limited be secured in under a minute and anywhere on board with a small such as in outdoor shipyard appli- released in 30 seconds. handheld device. Available in Single, cations. Available in 2 through 40 www.trelleborg.com
Twin, Twist 3-axis joystick models Ton capacities with outside spreads with proportional control, and Twist from 4 to 24 feet, the spreader beam
IPS for POD drives such as the Vol- utilizes an upper rigging spread be- vo IPS, the system features “fail safe” tween two lift points which adds ex- technology that increases reliabil- tra stability. Supplied with a pair of ity and operating range without the heavy-duty swivel hooks, additional need for additional hardware. lift points are optional. www.dockmate.us www.harringtonhoists.com
March 2019 58