Page 52: of Marine News Magazine (September 2019)
Vessel Conversion and Repair
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Widener Rheault Shepherd Fabrikant Brill Craven Wheldon supply chain, services, and commercial
Seacor Holdings Acquires Widener Joins The American organizations. Shepherd brings with
All Shares of Sea-Vista Equity Underwriters
SEACOR Holdings announced that The American Equity Underwriters, him signi? cant experience as a GE it has become the sole owner of its Inc. (AEU) announced that David commercial aircraft engine product consolidated SEA-Vista joint ven- Widener has joined the ? rm as direc- leader, serving Boeing and other GE ture, acquiring through a subsid- tor of a newly created division, AEU engine customers. Shepherd graduated iary the 49% interest that had been Claims Advisory Services. Widener from the University of Cincinnati with owned by an af? liate of Avista Capi- joins AEU with nearly two decades of a master’s degree in industrial engineer- tal Partners. Purchase consideration experience in the longshore claims are- ing and a bachelor’s degree in mechani- consisted of $106 million in cash na, most recently as a district director cal engineering from Ohio University. and 1,500,000 shares of the Com- with the U.S. Department of Labor,
Summit Electric Supply pany’s common stock. SEA-Vista where he oversaw operations for the
Names Craven as CFO operates commercially under the Houston District Of? ce since 2012.
Summit Electric Supply has an-
Seabulk name, with a ? eet of nine nounced that Brent Craven has been
Rheault Appointed Samson
U.S.-? ag petroleum and chemical hired as the company’s Chief Finan-
President & CEO carriers in the Jones Act, including the SEA-Chem 1, a modern, highly Samson, the worldwide leader in per- cial Of? cer. Craven recently served as capable chemical parcel Articulated formance cordage, announces the ap- Vice President Finance and Account-
Tug and Barge unit. Eric Fabrikant, pointment of Christian Rheault as ing and Chief Financial Of? cer for
Chief Operating Of? cer of SEACOR CEO, effective July 1, 2019. Rheault Aggreko LLC, a division of Aggreko
Holdings Inc., said, “Acquiring full comes to Samson with a strong com- PLC, which is a publicly held tempo- ownership of SEA-Vista underpins bination of multinational experience. rary power generation ? rm. He holds
Most recently he was CEO of Greene, a Bachelor of Business Administra- our continued commitment to re-
Tweed, a US-based global supplier of tion degree in Management from the maining a leader in the transporta- custom sealing engineered solutions University of Florida and a Masters tion and logistics industry.” for aerospace, oil? eld, semiconductor, of Business Administration from the petrochemical, and power. He started University of North Florida.
FUELTRAX Appoints Brill as his career at IBM Canada. Rheault has
Data Analytics Director
JAXPORT Adds Wheldon to
Johnalan Brill joins FUELTRAX as degrees in both Electrical Engineering
Commercial Team
Director of Data Analytics for FUEL- and Business Administration.
The Jacksonville Port Authority (JAX-
TRAX to leverage operational data
PORT) announced that Lisa Whel-
GE Appoints Shepherd As GM, from FUELTRAX global ? eet and don has joined the organization as
Global Marine Gas Turbines provide expert analysis to determine
Kris Shepherd has been appointed Director, Cargo & Intermodal Rail. best practices and operational ef? - ciencies to clients. Brill previously was the General Manager of GE’s marine Wheldon will be responsible for devel- employed as a Data Analytics Man- gas turbine business. Shepherd is re- oping containerized cargo business in ager at Mitsubishi Caterpillar Forklift sponsible for the full lifecycle of all GE major regional markets and for manag- marine gas turbine programs, product ing JAXPORT’s relationships with rail
America Inc. (MCFA). management, engineering, marketing, service providers. Wheldon has more 53 www.marinelink.com MN
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