Page 53: of Marine News Magazine (September 2019)
Vessel Conversion and Repair
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HII Crowley AAPA
Fields Collins Saetre Menoyo Sabbatini Sutton Connor Spaulding NagleWieland
MBA from American Intercontinen- ty, security and environment (HSSE)
HII Announces tal University. Spaulding will oversee and operations integrity for the com-
Leadership Changes
Damon Saetre has been promoted to yard-wide implementation of pro- pany’s Shipping business unit. Sutton vice president of integrated planning gram and production standards and joined Crowley in 2015 as manager and production control at Newport the establishment of phased reviews of health and safety for the company’s
News Shipbuilding. He brings 23 as part of Newport News’ Execution petroleum services group. He advanced years of experience in planning and Operating System. He will also lead a to director of health and safety in 2016, production control and four years of structured approach to institutionaliz- and then became managing director of waterfront trades and design experi- ing Newport News’ process improve- health, safety, security, quality and en- ence. A 1995 graduate of The Appren- ments, as well as best practice-sharing vironment (HSSQE) in 2018.
tice School, Saetre holds an associate’s across all HII shipyards. Spaulding ar-
AAPA Selects Connor degree in mechanical engineering from rived at Ingalls in 2008 after spending as New CEO
Thomas Nelson Community College 25 years with Newport News.
The American Association of Port and a bachelor’s degree in business ad-
Authorities (AAPA) announced that it
Crowley Promotes Three to ministration from Averett University.
Key Management Roles has unanimously chosen Christopher
Brian Fields is transitioning to vice president of business transformation Crowley Logistics has promoted two J. Connor as the association’s next and chief transformation of? cer. Fields of its leaders, Sal Menoyo and Patrick president and chief executive of? cer. began his shipbuilding career in 1990 Collins. Menoyo has been named vice Connor, the former Global CEO president, Caribbean logistics. Col- of Wallenius Wilhemsen Logistics as a test engineer in the Los Angeles- class submarine construction program, lins has been appointed vice president, (WWL) will begin transitioning into terminal and marine operations for his new role on September 23, suc- and has served in a number of leader- ship roles, including vice president the U.S., including Puerto Rico and ceeding Kurt Nagle, AAPA’s president of supply chain management. Fields the Virgin Islands. Menoyo joined and CEO since 1995.
Crowley in San Juan, Puerto Rico, in holds a bachelor’s degree in mechani-
Massport Votes to Approve 1993 as a mate in the tug and barge cal engineering from Auburn Univer-
Permanent CEO sity and an MBA from the College of ? eet and later serving as a senior port
William and Mary. Separately, Premo captain. He has a bachelor’s degree in The Massachusetts Port Authority marine transportation from the Mari- (Massport) Board of Directors voted
Sabbatini was promoted to vice presi- dent of central planning and process time College at Fort Schuyler, State today to offer Lisa Wieland the po- excellence at Ingalls Shipbuilding. He University of New York (SUNY). Col- sition of Chief Executive Of? cer and lins earned his bachelor’s degree from Executive Director for a ? ve-year succeeds Rick Spaulding, who has ac- cepted a position as vice president of Loyola University and graduated from term. Contract negotiations will oc- business process standardization at Of? cer Candidate School of the U.S. cur at a later date. Wieland is current-
Coast Guard. He served as executive, ly the Port Director at Massport, and
Newport News Shipbuilding. Sab- batini brings 33 years of shipbuilding deck watch and training of? cer on vari- has held this position since 2015. She ous Coast Guard cutters and has held a is a graduate of University of Califor- experience to his new role at the ship- yard. He holds a bachelor’s degree in USCG Master Mariner license for over nia, Los Angeles. She received a mas- 17 years. Crowley also promoted Peter ter’s degree in business administration business administration from the Uni- versity of Southern Mississippi and an Sutton to vice president of health, safe- from Harvard Business School.
September 2019
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