Page 95: of Marine News Magazine (November 2019)
Workboat Annual
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Seaspan Shipyards
Clarke MacLeod Hargreaves Thomson Oliver Diaz
Sandy studied aircraft maintenance
Seaspan Shipyards Announces at Northrop University in Inglewood,
Management Additions
Seaspan Shipyards announced the ap- California and graduated as a me- pointment of James Clarke as Chief chanical engineer. After a brief stint
Financial Of? cer (CFO). With more working for a Boston based mechani- than 15 years of senior ? nance experi- cal seal manufacturer, he returned to
U.S. Congressman ence in engineering and industrial en- Canada to join Thomson-Gordon vironments. Clarke brings his strong Ltd, founded by his grandfather in
Elijah Cummings background in strategic ? nance to 1911. Over time, Sandy’s pioneering
Passes Away at 68
Seaspan’s growing shipbuilding and work in eliminating a major cause of
On Thursday October 17, ship repair operations. Clarke holds ocean pollution – oil leaked from con- 2019, Congressman Elijah E. a Bachelor of Arts degree in econom- ventional oil lubricated tailshafts – has
Cummings (MD-07) passed ics and an MBA in Finance from prevented millions of liters of oil leak-
Brigham Young University. Seaspan ing into the sea and rivers.
away due to complications con- also announced the appointment cerning longstanding health chal-
Vancouver’s Oliver Receives of Amy MacLeod as Vice President, lenges. The energetic Cummings
Distinguished Service Award was best known in maritime Corporate Affairs & External Com- munications. MacLeod joins Seaspan The Paci? c Northwest Waterways circles for his time spent as chair with over 25 years of communications Association (PNWA) has recognized of the Subcommittee on Coast
Port of Vancouver USA Commission- experience in the technology and de-
Guard and Maritime Transporta- fense sectors. Separately, Seaspan also er Jerry Oliver with a Distinguished tion where, among other things, named David Hargreaves as Vice Service Award for his dedicated ser- he advocated for a more diverse vice to the maritime industry, includ-
President, Strategy & Business Devel- student body at the U.S. Coast opment. Most recently, David was a ing leadership on port and naviga-
Guard Academy. Additionally, he
Vice President at MDA, a Canadian tion issues that impact the economic was a vocal supporter of bring- system engineering company. He has health of Southwest Washington and ing maritime related curriculum the entire Paci? c Northwest. Oliver to secondary and elementary a Master of Applied Science from Si- mon Fraser University and earned a was elected to the Board of Commis- schools, primarily as a way to re- sioners in 2007 and has helped usher
MBA from Queen’s University. cruit a more diverse and robust in a period of tremendous growth and waterfront workforce at a time success at the port.
Thordon’s Polymer Pioneer when existing maritime workers
Wins Award - ashore and a? oat - were retiring
Perea Diaz Receives
Thordon Bearings’ founder and poly- in alarming numbers. Without a
Parkinson Award mer materials pioneer George A. doubt, his in? uence on the do-
The Institute of Navigation’s (ION) (Sandy) Thomson has been award- mestic waterfront impacted many ed the global transportation sector’s Satellite Division presented Dr. San- aspects of the nation’s maritime tiago Perea Diaz with its Bradford W. most distinguished accolade, the El- industry, and he was passionate
Parkinson Award in September. Perea mer A. Sperry Award 2019 for “Ad- about his responsibilities there.
vancing the Art of Transportation.” Diaz was recognized for graduate stu- 95 www.marinelink.com MN