Page 52: of Marine News Magazine (December 2019)
Innovative Products & Boats – 2019
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Massport McCarthy
Holvik Barrie Fitzpatrick Meyran Schmaltz Wieland Verble ter of Science degree in Environmen- (Massport) Board of Directors voted to on November 8th, 2019. Joining Rob- tal Science from UNC Chapel Hill. make Michael Meyran the Authority’s ert Allan Ltd. in 1988, Ken applied
Port Director, overseeing all Maritime his mechanical engineering skills and
Kirby Names Beder as business areas. Meyran has been with experience to the arrangement and in-
Director of the Board
Massport for more than a decade as a stallation of the propulsion machinery
Kirby Corporation today announced Deputy Port Director, and has been and shafting systems on many vessels the appointment of Tanya S. Beder as serving as Acting Port Director since types, but particularly tugs. His work a new member of the Kirby Board of Lisa Wieland took over as CEO in Au- contributed to many of the unique
Directors. Ms. Beder has an extensive gust. Before joining Massport, Mike and progressive aspects of the Rob- background with professional, board, served as Senior General Manager of ert Allan Ltd. tug designs that have and academic experience and service. Operations for APMT Corporate HQ received wide industry acceptance.
Beder is currently the Chairman and and before that, as GM Operations at Ken became President in 2008 when
CEO of a ? rm she founded, SBCC APM Terminals/ A.P. Moller-Maersk in Robert Allan Ltd. transitioned to an
Group, ‘Strategy Building and Crisis Los Angeles and Long Beach, CA ports. employee-owned company. In January
Control’, where she heads the global of 2015, Ken retired from his role as strategy, risk, ? ntech and asset man- President, passing the helm to Mike
Holvik joins agement practices. She earned a BA Fitzpatrick, however he remains as an
Thrustmaster as EVP in Mathematics and Philosophy from Thrustmaster of Texas, which acquired active Director of Robert Allan Ltd.
Yale University and an MBA from the ICON Dynamic Positioning busi-
Harvard Business School. ness from Rolls Royce earlier this year,
McCarthy Hires Two for Civil
Marine Industrial Group announced the addition of Jon Holvik
Danfoss Appoints Barrie as to the Thrustmaster team as the Ex- McCarthy Building Companies has
Head of Sales Americas ecutive Vice President for Business hired Jonathan Schmaltz as Busi-
Danfoss Drives has named Ian Bar- Development of Dynamic Position- ness Development Director for the rie as its new Head of Sales for the ing Systems. Holvik brings with him Heavy Civil Marine Industrial Group.
Americas. In this position, Barrie will over 30 years of experience in the DP Schmaltz brings more than 14 years of continue to build and develop regional ? eld having worked with Kongsberg heavy civil marine industrial construc- sales channels and verticals for Danfoss Maritime starting as a service engineer, tion experience to McCarthy, working
Drives’ business within North Ameri- eventually being promoted president in positions of increasing responsibility ca and Latin America. Previously, Bar- of Kongsberg Maritime. in locations including Georgia, Central rie was Head of Global Key Accounts Florida, Louisiana and the Texas Gulf for Danfoss Drives. In a 25-year his- Coast. He earned his BS in Construc-
RAL’s Harford receives
Maritime Excellence Medal tory with Danfoss, he has held several tion Science from Texas A&M Uni- regional and global positions in sales, Robert Allan Ltd. announced that versity. Separately, McCarthy Building marketing, and business development. Ken Harford (former President, Rob- Companies also hired Condon Verble ert Allan Ltd.) was presented with the as General Superintendent for the
SS Beaver Medal for Maritime Excel- Heavy Civil Marine Industrial Group.
Massport Board Votes to
Approve Port Director lence by the Maritime Museum of Verble will be responsible for overall
The Massachusetts Port Authority British Columbia in a ceremony held coordination, supervision and inspec-
December 2019 52