Page 53: of Marine News Magazine (December 2019)
Innovative Products & Boats – 2019
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HII WCI National Waterways Foundation
Mecklenborg Calhoun Woodruff Stephaich Calhoun Toohey Toohey Harris, Petters, Beckstoffer Gaskill tion of all ? eld installations and will gram designed to shape the future of
NWF Elects Trustees, Of? cers coordinate temporary jobsite facilities. At its November 2019 meeting in port leadership by providing high-level
Verble brings over 25 years of bridge, Pittsburgh, the National Waterways knowledge of all facets of port opera- heavy civil and marine construction Foundation (NWF) elected 19 Trust- tions and management. Wong oversees experience to McCarthy. ees, as well as a new slate of Of? cers. JAXPORT’s terminal operations, pub-
NWF Of? cers elected for terms expir- lic safety and engineering departments.
HII President and CEO ing in 2020 included Rick Calhoun honored by SNAME ILTA Elects Middendorf (Chairman), Mike Toohey (Presi-
Huntington Ingalls Industries an- as Chairman dent), Deb Calhoun (Secretary), nounced that the Society of Naval Cherrie Felder (Vice Chairman) and The International Liquid Terminals
Association has elected Clifford R.
Architects and Marine Engineers Matt Woodruff as Treasurer. (SNAME) awarded HII President “Kip” Middendorf for a one-year and CEO Mike Petters the 2019 term as the chairman of the board.
TOTE Promotes Gaskill to
Vice Admiral Emory S. “Jerry” Land Middendorf is vice president and
VP Human Resources managing director of Wolf Lakes Ter-
Medal. Petters received the award TOTE, LLC has promoted Karen Gas- during the Annual SNAME Banquet, kill to the position of vice president of minals, where he directs operations at where he and his wife, Nancy Briggs human resources for three of TOTE’s the company’s four terminals in Indi-
Petters, were keynote speakers. “Un- four operating companies, including ana and Wisconsin. He has worked at the company for 24 years, climbing der Mike’s leadership, HII’s shipyards TOTE Services, TOTE Maritime Puer- build and maintain the world’s ? nest to Rico and TOTE Resources. Gaskill to roles with increasing responsibil- aircraft carriers and amphibious ships, most recently served as vice president ity. He holds a bachelor’s degree from
Fort Lewis College.
and teamed with Electric Boat, de- of human resources for TOTE Mari- liver the world’s most technically ad- time Puerto Rico. She joined TOTE in
U.S. DOT Secretary Chao vanced submarines,” said Fred Harris, 2008 as manager of learning and devel- among Those Honored at 2012 Land Medal recipient and for- opment. She earned a BS in education
AOTOS Awards mer president of General Dynamics from Indiana State University.
Gratitude for the sacri? ces made by
NASSCO and Bath Iron Works. the U.S. merchant mariners was the
JAXPORT COO Earns theme of the United Seamen’s Service
WCI Elects 2020-22 Of? cers Industry Certi? cation
At the WCI Annual Meeting/Board of JAXPORT Chief Operating Of? cer (USS) 2019 Admiral of the Ocean
Directors Meeting held in Pittsburgh, Frederick Wong Jr. is one of eight Sea Awards (AOTOS) presented at
PA, the WCI Nominating Committee graduates from the U.S. and Canada the 50th annual gala on November recommended and con? rmed as WCI to earn the 2019 American Association 1, 2019. The awards were presented before nearly 700 maritime leaders to
Of? cers, Peter Stephaich, Campbell of Port Authorities (AAPA) Profession-
Transportation Company as Chair- al Port Manager (PPM) certi? cation. The Honorable Elaine L. Chao, U.S.
Secretary of Transportation; James man of the Board, Mike Toohey, Wong is the second JAXPORT em-
WCI as President and CEO and Dan ployee in the port’s history to earn the Given, President of Seafarers Interna- tional Union Canada; Anil Mathur,
Mecklenborg, Ingram Barge Compa- industry certi? cation. PPM is an inter-
President and CEO of Alaska Tanker ny, as General Counsel. nationally recognized, four-year pro- 53 www.marinelink.com MN