Page 35: of Marine News Magazine (January 2025)
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Passenger Vessels n the shadow of a rapidly changing political land- ing Group (ESG), and Philly Shipyard. WSDOT expects scape, the domestic passenger ferry sector is neverthe- two new hybrid-electric vessels to enter service in 2028 less seeing an increasing number of newbuild vessel with an additional three vessels in service by 2030.
I orders. Older ? eet vessels, some approaching ? nan- ABB, with vast experience in vessel propulsion systems, cial and operational obsolescence – also environmentally has been hired to work closely with WSDOT, who advised, undesirable on a waterfront that more than ever demands “ABB will select and integrate the technology that will cleaner carbon signatures – are going the way of the dino- power the new vessels, from the engine and batteries to the saur. Making this happen requires a creative, collaborative propellers. They will design a complete propulsion system, and determined approach. oversee the timely delivery of equipment, and offer exper-
A combination of innovative vessel designs and public- tise in equipment installation and commissioning.” Ad- sector ? nancing incentives is steering vessel operators to- ditionally, ABB would be involved extensively in training wards ? eets powered in part (and, in some cases, entirely) by crews on both vessel operation and system maintenance. electric power or alternative fuels now becoming available on Retro? tting of one existing Jumbo Mark II diesel ves- a commercial scale. In urban areas, propelled by local pres- sel, Wenatchee (212 vehicle capacity) to hybrid power, has sure to pull commuters out of their cars and onto cleaner been underway since September 2023 at Vigor Shipyard’s modes of transport has been a driving force. In many cases, Harbor Island facility (in Seattle). WSDOT explained, private ? nance is leveraged with public ? nance, typically in a year into the job, “Major work completed to date on the form of Federal and State monetary grants. Separately, Wenatchee includes removal of two propulsion diesel river and coastal cruising, mainly supported by private mon- generators, installation of electric power conversion and ey, is also seeing an uptick in activity. Both efforts have this distribution equipment, upgrades to obsolete propulsion important industry on a true course for future success. control equipment, recon? guration of piping systems, and build-out of two new battery rooms. Ongoing work in-
An Electric Voyage: that ship has sailed cludes installation of thousands of feet of electric and ? ber
The Washington State Ferry System (WSF), the largest in optic cable. From there, the battery modules will be in- the country (9.7 million passengers and 9 million vehicles stalled.” Two sister boats, Tacoma and Puyallup, are next in in 2023), is in the midst of a major electri? cation program, line for conversion to hybrid, with work beginning at the hoping to electrify its ? eet by 2050 at a considerable cost es- Vigor yard after Wenatchee’s anticipated return to service timated (as of September 2024) to be around $4 billion. The in Summer, 2025. Next in line for conversion to hybrid state’s Department of Transportation (WSDOT) declared, electric will be WSF’s Kwa-di-Tabil class vessels (748 pas- “… as the biggest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions sengers/64 vehicles), the CHETZEMOKA, SALISH, and among Washington state agencies, WSF burns approximate- KENNEWICK. Contracting will not begin until after the ly nineteen million gallons of diesel fuel to support nearly conversion work on the Jumbo Mark II boats is completed.
twenty million passengers every year. This innovative electri- ? cation program will drastically reduce greenhouse gas emis- Follow the Money: sions and save millions in fuel costs.” The ambitious plan Federal funding plays an important role in funding both involves the conversion of six existing diesel-powered vessels newbuild orders and retro? tting activity. In September 2024, to hybrid-electric power and building 16 new hybrid-electric the Federal Transit Administration (FTA, part of the U.S. vessels, as well as deploying shore charging at 16 terminals. Department of Transportation) awarded $299.3 million in
As many as 13 conventionally powered vessels will be retired. grants across three programs – the Electric or Low-Emitting
In May, 2024, invitations went out to potential bidders Ferry Pilot Program ($49 million), the Passenger Ferry Grant on the ? rst tranche (up to ? ve vessels) of newbuilds with ca- Program ($56.3 million), and the Ferry Service for Rural pacity for up to 160 automobiles. In September, 2024, pre- Communities Program ($194 million). These follow on to quali? cation bid packages were received from three yards: the $384 million that had been awarded in the previous year.
Nichols Brothers (on Whidbey Island), Eastern Shipbuild- The biggest winners in the 2024 FTA funding rounds were www.marinelink.com MN 35|