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Passenger Vessels the Alaska Department of Transportation, which will be see- why the zero-emission SEA CHANGE is so exciting.” ing $177 million of funds for enhancing service on the Alaska Switch Maritime (which had been helped early on by a

Marine Highway, and for the design and construction of a grant from the California Air Resources Board, or CARB, new diesel electric vessel, to replace the 60-year-old MATA- and by support from heavyweights such as oil giant Chev-

NUSKA (450 passengers, 83 vehicles), and to add wi-? ser- ron) recently announced plans for a much larger RoPax vice to the ? eet. The FTA explained, “The new ferry, which vessel (300 passengers, 80 automobile) in conjunction with will feature a diesel-electric propulsion system, will serve ru- partners LH2 Shipping and LMG Marin (a Seatrium sub- ral southwest Alaska, improving service, reducing greenhouse sidiary). The vessel, if built, would utilize a DNV-classed gas emissions, and preserving a vital transit lifeline.” liquid hydrogen fuel source design, for a RoPax currently

Electric power also ? gured in other 2024 awards. Dela- operating in Norway. ware River Bay Authority will be using $20 million to fund a new diesel-hybrid ferry, which will be replacing CAPE Green Marine: Many Routes to the Promised Land

HENLOPEN (1981-built / 800 passengers / 100 cars). Sep- Speaking at the November 2024 Marine Money event in arately, in Florida, the Jacksonville Transportation Authority New Orleans, Pace Ralli, CEO of Switch, told conference will be getting $15.6 million to buy a new diesel hybrid-elec- attendees: “About six years ago, we started looking at hydro- tric ferry to serve serving numerous communities on the St. gen as a way to get to zero emissions today in maritime.” He

Johns River. A host of terminals will be getting funds to sup- stresses that the fuel cell technology “has been around for a port ‘modernization’, including the Maine Department of while,” and that Switch “… put together off the shelf equip-

Transportation. In November 2024, Rhode Island-based Se- ment in a maritime application that had never been done be- nesco Marine launched the CAPT. ALMER DINSMORE, fore.” He emphasized the need to explain the technology to a 154-foot vessel (250 passengers / 23 vehicles) powered by numerous regulatory stakeholders (including the U.S. Coast a hybrid diesel/electric system, built for Maine State Ferry Guard – which ultimately issued the COI) “… so they could

Service (MSF) to serve the Rockland / Vinalhaven run. get comfortable with it.” He added that harbor craft and

Out on the left coast, in California, SWITCH Marine re- similar vessels would be a great ? t for hydrogen technology.

ceived U.S. Coast Guard approvals for its SEA CHANGE, The SFBF, meanwhile, says that it “…continues to a 75-passenger ferry with electric motor propulsion using make progress on its Rapid Electric Emission Free (REEF) 360 kW fuel cells powered by compressed hydrogen (sup- Ferry Program, having secured more than $117 million to plemented by lithium-ion battery storage). That vessel will electrify its ferry service. The 2050 Service Vision commits be operated by Blue & Gold Fleet, a contractor for San the agency to focus on adding zero-emission vessels to its

Francisco Bay Ferry (SFBF) in San Francisco Bay. The ves- ? eet through new construction and conversion of existing sel, in a project six years in the making, is also the subject of vessels, when feasible.” high-level scrutiny in the Golden State. California Gover- The Bay area stands to bene? t from ferry-related electri- nor Gavin Newsom insists, “California is a global leader in ? cation efforts in the Clean Ports Program, mainly aimed the ? ght against the climate crisis, pioneering new technol- at the handling sector, administered within the U.S. En- ogies to ramp up clean energy and cut pollution — that’s vironmental Protection Agency (EPA). For example, the

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Marine News

Marine News is the premier magazine of the North American Inland, coastal and Offshore workboat markets.