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Washington Watch

A Maritime Re? ection on the First 30 Days

The ? rst thirty days of the new Trump Administration have brought sweeping changes throughout the federal government. We take a pause to assess where things stand for maritime stakeholders and what may be coming next in Washington, DC, for our industry.

By Jeff Vogel, Shareholder, Cozen O’Connor’s Transportation & Trade Group

A Maritime Directive to integrating the U.S. maritime industry as part of the

For those that work in the U.S maritime space, it is axi- national security apparatus. This type of early and clear omatic to state that all aspects of the maritime industry are attention to our industry should yield signi? cant oppor- critical to our national security. U.S. ? ag vessels and mer- tunity for counteracting the years of neglect that have his- chant mariners not only support U.S. economic prosperity, torically plagued U.S. maritime development.

but also build the key sea lines of communication to support military operations. Similarly, our ports and marine terminal Tariffs and Cargo operators provide the critical intermodal connection to pro- As predicted, tariffs have been a cornerstone of the ? rst vide the constant ? ow goods needed by our Nation and warf- 30 days of President Trump’s second term. The long-term ighters. Of course, our shipbuilding industrial base is essen- impacts on cargo ? owing through U.S. ports remains tial to ensuring American power and in? uence throughout unclear, with additional tariffs and threats of reciprocity the world. However, for reasons that remain unclear, when changing minute-by-minute.

discussing our national security within Washington, DC, the The more immediate impact on the U.S. maritime in-

U.S. maritime industry often remains an afterthought. dustry, however, has been the freezing of programs admin-

Thankfully, that historic trend appears to be changing istered by the U.S. Agency for International Development under the leadership of National Security Advisor (“NSA”) (“USAID”). Three food aid programs provide a critical

Mike Waltz. There was resounding enthusiasm when Presi- cargo base for U.S.-? ag carriers in international trade: dent Trump announced the appointment of then-Congress- Food for Peace (also known as “PL-480”), which is admin- man Waltz to serve as the NSA. In his time as the representa- istered by USAID, and Food for Progress and McGovern- tive for Florida’s 6th District, Waltz made it clear that he not Dole, which are administered by the U.S. Department of only considered the maritime industry to be a critical part of Agriculture (“USDA”). At least 50 percent of the cargo our national security, but that he was ready to champion for generated by these programs is mandated to be carried additional government support. Notably, Waltz was one of aboard U.S.-? ag vessels, pursuant to the Cargo Preference the lead authors of the bipartisan, bicameral Congressional Act of 1954 (the “CPA 1954”). Under each of these pro-

Guidance for a National Maritime Strategy, which aimed at grams, U.S. food is purchased through USDA (including developing a clear strategy to reinvigorate the United States wheat, sorghum, pulses, rice, corn, soybeans, and vegetable as maritime nation to counteract China’s in? uence over the oil) and is transported to recipient nations, with African world’s oceans. In the report, Waltz stated, “We must act countries representing the largest recipients.

now, before it is too late, and make a once in a generation While Food for Progress and McGovern-Dole appear to investment in the future of America’s maritime power.” have been restored, the future of PL-480 is far less clear,

In his current role, Waltz appears to be carrying this with the Administration signaling its intent to effectively message forward, establishing a maritime directorate that shutter USAID. While USAID’s track record of comply- will be crucial to establishing – and implementing – a clear ing with the requirements of the CPA 1954 is far from maritime strategy. This directorate unequivocally demon- perfect, the loss of PL-480 cargoes nonetheless would be strates the commitment of the President and NSA Waltz a signi? cant blow to many U.S.-? ag operators, in addi- 16 | MN March 2025

Marine News

Marine News is the premier magazine of the North American Inland, coastal and Offshore workboat markets.