Page 17: of Marine News Magazine (March 2025)

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tion to the accordant impact on U.S. farmers. There are, of which is typical at the beginning of any new Administration. course, pending legal challenges regarding the freezing of The Maritime Administration (“MARAD”) is yet to have a

USAID operations and there may be alternative adminis- Maritime Administrator nominated, nor has the President trative measures for PL-480, such transferring the program appointed a Deputy Administrator or Chief Counsel (which to USDA, which has a history of not only complying, but positions do not require Senate con? rmation). The shortag- exceeding, the U.S.-? ag requirements of the CPA 1954. es within MARAD are not only at the top, as con? rmed by a

February 13th Government Accountability Of? ce (“GAO”)

Ef? ciency and Leadership report entitled Maritime Administration: Actions Needed

The reduction of the federal workforce is, of course, not to Help Address Workforce Challenges. GAO found that restricted to USAID. The actions of the Department of MARAD had a 12.3 percent vacancy rate (116 vacancies

Government Ef? ciency (“DOGE”) have dominated head- out of 941 authorized full-time positions) in addition to fac- lines, with probationary worker terminations and deferred ing further near-term challenges with 43 percent of the staff resignations reducing the workforce across federal agen- being retirement eligible in the next four years. If, as noted cies. The reductions are not limited to staff, as the Admin- above, the Trump Administration is focused on rebuilding istration terminated Admiral Linda Fagan, the ? rst female the U.S. maritime industrial base, it will need to be creative

Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, on day one. A in doing so with a depleted MARAD staff. Additional re- statement issued by the Department of Homeland Secu- liance on partnerships with private industry, such as the rity asserts that Admiral Fagan “was terminated because Vessel Construction Manager model that continues to suc- of her leadership de? ciencies, operational failures, and in- cessfully deliver National Security Multi-Mission Vessels (as ability to advance the strategic objectives of the U.S. Coast discussed in prior articles) may help to address the staf? ng

Guard.” Admiral Kevin Lunday assumed the duties of the de? ciencies, while creating further commercial opportuni-

Acting Commandant and a permanent Commandant is ties for maritime stakeholders. Indeed, if the ? rst 30 days yet to be nominated by President Trump. are any indication, President Trump’s second term could

Other maritime agencies also face leadership vacancies, lead to a genuine rebirth of the U.S. maritime industry. MN 17|

Marine News

Marine News is the premier magazine of the North American Inland, coastal and Offshore workboat markets.