Maritime Radio Technical Commission To Meet April 28-May 1

The 1980 General Assembly of the Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services will be held April 28-May 1 at the Key Bridge Marriott Hotel, Rosslyn, Va.

Samuel B. Nemirow, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Maritime Affairs, will present the keynote address on April 29. Adm.

John B. Hayes, U.S. Coast Guard Commandant, is scheduled to speak at a luncheon on April 29.

The meeting agenda includes the presentation of numerous papers on current maritime communications and navigation issues, and a panel session on federal activities in this area. The technical papers will present the work of more than 30 international experts on topics which include: use of ship simulators for navigational training; progress in satellite communications in the maritime industry; and developments at the 1979 World Administrative Conference at Geneva, Switzerland.

The meeting will include an allday tour of the Goddard Space Flight Center and a banquet at w h i c h Rear Adm. William B.

Benkert, USCG (ret.), president of the American Institute of Merchant Shipping, is scheduled to speak.

Other stories from April 15, 1980 issue


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