PSI To Furnish Steering Gear For Ogden Product Carriers At Avondale

Propulsion Systems, Inc., Kent, Wash., has been awarded a contract to furnish PSI/Frydenbo rotary-vane steering gear for two product carriers being built by Avondale Shipyards for Ogden Marine, Inc.

The use of the PSI 'Frydenbo rotary vane steering gear is becoming popular among owners and shipyards due to the advantages of low pressure hydraulics in combination with simple, compact design.

The ever-increasing concern over the latest USCG and IMCO r e q u i r e m e n t s has spurred the move to rotary-vane steering gear for product carriers and tankers due to the safety features inherent to the PSI/Frydenbo design.

Lockvalves that prevent fluid loss from the actuator in the event of a ruptured pipeline are furnished as standard equipment.

Dual independent power units are a l s o provided, each capable of moving the rudder at a rate not less than 2-1/3 degrees per second.

More than 265 PSI/Frydenbo rotary vane steering gear units have been supplied on various types of vessels in the United States, as well as some 6,000 units worldwide.

Other stories from September 1980 issue


Maritime Reporter

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