In addition to the traditional safety role, shipboard navigation and communications gear plays an important part in fuel conservation— a vital factor for all merchant ships noiv sailing the oceans. In view of this, the many companies that supply such equipment to the seagoing fleets as well as the big inland and offshore markets are continually improving their product lines.
We asked the major manufacturers and distributors of marine navigation and, communications equipment to tell us about their latest products and their marketing plans; the following revieiv is based on their replies.
C A I Communication Associates, Inc., Huntington Station, N.Y., has announced the Digiscan® family of microprocessor-based SSB transceivers for the international and U.S. government markets. The first transceivers to offer total, simplified keyboard control, Digiscan is available in output powers of 150, 400 and 1,000 watts.
A number of special features are incorporated in the new design.
Digiscan offers automated microprocessor frequency selection of 284,000 channels by keyboard and the choice of 100 programmable channels. It scans the HF spectrum just like VHF, removes spurious signals at the touch of a button, incorporates an emergency alarm and channel, and stays on frequency with a 0.4 Hz/mHz stability. Remote control interface with telephone, teleprinter, facsimile and manual telegraph is possible with a minimum of low-cost accessory equipment.
Available in a readily transportable desktop unit (model 150- ZY), a rack-mounted version (model 1000-ZY), and a desk assembly with rack built in (model 1000-ZY-R), Digiscan is expected to find wide application as emergency or primary communications around the world.
For further information, Write 20 on Reader Service Card COMSAT MARISAT, the world's first commercial satellite communications system, reaches a milestone of five year's successful operation in July 1981. MARISAT today provides worldwide telex, telephone, facsimile, and data communications to more than 625 ships and offshore rigs at sea.
These include all variety of ships, from private yachts, construction barges, and containerships to giant drilling platforms, luxury passenger liners, and VLCCs.
Steps are now being taken for the transition of MARISAT to the new and expanded international INMARSAT System, which will be operational in early 1982.
All shipboard terminals now in use will be compatible with the INMARSAT System, thus assuring a smooth transition for present users of MARISAT services.
In mid-1981, a new service offering will permit ship-to-U.S.
transmission of high-speed (56 kbps) data, primarily for the seismic industry. Under INMARSAT next year, new shore stations will begin service in Europe, Japan, the Mideast, and Asia, making maritime satellite communications directly available at greater economies to new areas of the world.
For further i n f o r m a t i o n on MARISAT from Communications Satellite Corporation, Write 21 on Reader Service Card DIGITAL MARINE The Northstar 7000 is the successor to the standards set by the ward-winning Northstar 6000.
Developed by Digital Marine Electronics, the new unit is a computerized Loran C navigator that is comprised of components with "full-control" weatherproof remotes.
Up to four remotes can be placed anywhere onboard, with each operating independently of the others.
The Northstar 7000 features many electronic advances that make Loran C navigation more accurate and reliable, including completely automatic notch filters that self-adjust and remove interference; an ECD (Envelope to Cycle Discrepancy) monitor that analyzes and corrects signal distortion ; and a new power supply that operates at 200 kc, which eliminates any receiver-made noise in the Loran C band.
Designed for easy operation, the Northstar 7000 contains more than 200 "plain-English" messages that provide the operator with navigating cues. Among the information available at the touch of a button is: true speed over the bottom, distance to go, cross track error, estimated time of arrival, distance and bearing, latitude/ longitude, and a Phantom Loran A™ conversion.
The 7000 can store a minimum of 60 way points and enter up to 20 different routes, and a steering indicator will guide the helmsman along. A Save and Recall feature "saves" the current time and position of a vessel with a push of a button, and the recall button displays any of the last 20 points saved.
The Northstar 7000 also gives the operator a choice of the navigation language that suits him best: speed and distance information in nautical miles, statute miles or kilometers; position in Loran C TD's, Lat/Lon or the Phantom Loran A readout. The unit can also be used as a watch alarm, stopwatch, alarm clock, an anchor watch, and it even contains an anti-theft message. With all that the Northstar 7000 does, it draws less than 18 watts of power.
For further information, W r i t e 2 2 on Reader Service Card ELECTRO-NAV The Saturn satellite communications terminal distributed by Electro-Nav, Inc. of Elizabeth, N.J., f u r n i s h e s fast contact, round-the-world range, clear reception, and economical operation.
It handles telephone communications, telex, facsimile, and high-speed data, to and from anywhere on earth.
Rugged antenna and terminal c o n s t r u c t i o n permits operation substantially unaffected by hurricane force winds and heavy rain, at a temperature range of — 40 to + 65 C, even when a ship is rolling as much as 25 degrees in each direction. The terminal and power supply fit into any standard radio room console, reducing clutter.
All connections are standard two-wire. This permits location of telephone jacks anywhere aboard ship, with full flexibility for locating telex and data and facsimile equipment. Saturn may also be wired to a ship's switchboard, allowing calls to be transferred within the ship. Saturn is manufactured by EB, one of Norway's foremost marine communications companies.
For further information, W r i t e 2 3 on Reader Service Card FURUNO The all-new Furuno FR-240 Mk II radar provides all the perform- ance features needed by the commercial operator, with styling and price ideal for smaller vessels.
Like all Furuno radars, the 240 offers outstanding performance with big-ship features such as dual pulse lengths for sharp target definition at any range, a solidstate front end for long crystal life, and ultra-high sensitivity.
Six range scales — from y2 to 24 nautical miles — are standard along with highly efficient sea and rain clutter controls. The display unit features a bright 7-inch CRT (12-inch with magnifier), and is fabricated from heavyduty marine aluminum alloy to assure long life and reliable operation.
The top unit weighs only 46 pounds, yet features a rugged cast aluminum housing and full 3-foot SWG radiator. The builtin transceiver puts the full 3-kw peak power right at the antenna for sharp echo returns under all sea and weather conditions.
Installation of the FR-240 is simple. The wedge base permits d i s p l a y mounting on tabletop, bulkhead, or overhead. Each radar is provided complete with installation kit, viewing hood with integral magnifier, and a spares kit. Normal operation is from 12, 24 or 32 volts dc at a power drain of only 80 watts.
Furuno also manufactures a high precision ADF, the FD-120; an ADF for small craft, the FD- 171; an automatic YHA direction finder, the FD 521; an all electronic Loran navigator and video plotter, the LC 30 receiver/processor and the GD 101A CRT plotter ; a high-performance radar, the FR-360; a new dome type radar, the Model 1600; and the Series Seven and Ten radar family.
For further information, Write 24 on Reader Service Card HENSCHEL Henschel Corporation, Amesbury, Mass., designs, develops, and manufactures ship control and interior communication systems and equipment for naval and commercial vessels. Commercial marine products include engine order equipment, throttle controls, bell loggers, digital master clocks, shaft and rudder indicators, sound-powered telephones, audible signals, alarm/indicator panels, automatic whistle timers, and fire alarm systems.
Henschel's naval product lines are ship control consoles, throttle controls, order/indicating equipment, digital indicators and master clock systems, ship's course indicators, synchro signal amplifiers, electrical hardware, switchboards, and submarine steering/ diving instrumentation. Recently developed products use microprocessors and the latest solid-state synchro conversion technology.
All products are sold worldwide.
Manufacturing plants are located in Massachusetts, Oklahoma, and Louisiana.
For further information, Write 25 on Reader Service Card HOSE-MCCANN In the early 1930s, it was unheard of to have a reliable interior communication system aboard ship until two marine electricians originated the world's first soundpowered telephone system for marine use. The originators, Charles G. Hose and Thomas J. McCann, were the founders of the Hose- McCann Telephone Company, Inc.
Together they pioneered the use of sound-powered telephones to be a safe, reliable, and rugged communication system.
Now, more than 45 years later, Hose-McCann is proud to continue in its tradition as the leader in the field of marine interior communication equipment. Other Hose-McCann products include fully automatic dial telephone systems, rudder angle indicators, navigation light panels, engineer's signal and alarm panels, alarm bells, and a s s o c i a t e d Mil-Spec items.
New products by Hose-McCann include a variety of bells, buzzers, horns, sirens, telephone equipment, and accessories manufactured in accordance with the latest Military Specifications.
For further information, Write 26 on Reader Service Card IOTRON The Digiplot line of automatic radar plotting aids is manufactured by the IOTRON Corporation of Bedford, Mass. IOTRON was one of the pioneers in the development of collision-avoidance equipment, and has specialized in this field for more than 10 years.
From the very beginning, IOTRON was concerned with meeting the mariner's real requirements for radar plotting, and its equipment has always been based on this requirement, not on a minimum standard developed by a regulatory agency. This philosophy, together with 1,250 ship years' experience in automatic radar plotting, has resulted in many important features to be found in the Digiplot line of collision- avoidance systems.
For example, Digiplot has a fully automatic target acquisition system. Some systems use "guard rings" that only acquire targets automatically at one or two ranges. Digiplot can automatically acquire targets wherever they appear within the unit's 17-mile tracking range. Other important features include an enclosed cooling system to prevent salt corrosion, a built-in training display to permit training at any time, choice of 20, 40, or 60 target tracking capability, and twoyear warranty.
For further information, Write 27 on Reader Service Card ITT MACKAY The ITT Mackay Marine MRU- 35A(T) radioteletype console is a complete high-frequency radioteletype, radiotelegraph, and radiotelephone communication fa- cility. It provides a choice of operating modes: F1 f o r direct printing radioteletype, A1 for radiotelegraph, A3H for reception on conventional AM receivers, A3A for reception by public coast stations, and A3J for reception on single-sideband receivers.
The MRU-35A (T) features synthesized frequency control that provides 220,000 h i g h l y stable transmitting and receiving frequencies in the 2 to 25.11 mHz range. The transmitter combines an advanced crystal oscillator and solid state synthesized exciter with a modern, manually tuned linear amplifier to provide large channel capability, economical operation, and excellent performance.
Rapid frequency changing and tune-up are achieved by the simplified and conveniently grouped operating controls.
For further information, Write 28 on Reader Service Card JAPAN RADIO Japan Radio Company, Ltd.
(JRC) has more than 65 years of experience in producing a broad range of marine electronics. JRC can draw on its experience and knowledge from building all types of marine electronics and produce sophisticated satellite communi- cations to meet the marine environment.
A significant portion of the JRC budget is spent on R&D to insure that the latest in world technology is used in its system designs. The JUE-15A MARISAT terminal represents the third generation of type-accepted terminals from JRC, and is indicative of the JRC dedication to continued excellence.
For quality control, the JRC Standardization Board continually evaluates every component used in the JUE-15A by applying some 721 criteria to the selection, testing, and evaluation process.
The JUE-15A Quality Control Board examines the productions through application of over 407 individual criteria in 12 major production steps — from initial planning to after-sales service.
The JUE-15A specifications are meant to exceed the nominal specification issued by MARISAT and INMARSAT; a clear example is the actual capabilities of the JUE-15A's stabilized antenna tracking system.
Reliability at sea is of crucial importance to any shipowner, and JRC considers it as a major design objective. Mean time between failure and mean time to repair are crucial considerations and must always exceed to industry norm before production is considered.
JRC maintains one of the world's largest service support networks.
The JUE-15A recently introduced such options as message secrecy polling and storage, and toll-ticketing. JRC also offers the standard options available in the industry. Additionally, the JUE- 15A has a design flexibility to interface with new capabilities planned for the future, such as onboard data processors to link to shore management systems.
For additional information, Write 29 on Reader Service Card KRUPP ATLAS The Krupp Atlas 8500 ACAS is said to be a revolutionary design in anticollision radar. Unlike other units, the 8500 ACAS combines a unique ARPA design with a 16-inch radar all in one console. This unit is the only ARPA to date to have met the strict specifications and testing requirements of the DHI (Deutsch Hydrographic Institute), IMCO, and FCC.
The 8500 ACAS is one of a series of new Atlas radars featuring a 16-inch daylight display and signal processing that has eight brightness levels. Tracking up to 42 targets is continual, with 20 targets actually displayed. Targets are never lost while switching ranges. The new stand/sit console lessens the fatigue factor on the operator for better con- centration. Standard features include off-centering, auto and manual STC, FTC, ranges 0.3-72N.M., VRM, EBL, performance monitor, Nav-lines (30), trial maneuver, visual and audible alarms, post tract vectors, manual and auto target acquisition, dangerous sectors, guard zones, self-checked onboard servicing, and log or doppler speed input.
For further information, Write 30 on Reader Service Card MAGNAVOX The MX 1102 from Magnavox was the first commercially available satellite navigation system to use a microprocessor instead of a computer. With its advanced built-in program, the MX 1102 is so easy to use that it requires only a few hours of operator familiarization.
The receiver, microprocessor, and CRT data display are housed in a single tabletop, bulkhead, or overhead mounted unit that is no larger than a portable TV set. A small antenna/ preamp mounts above deck in any relatively unobstructed location.
Navigation information is clearly displayed in digital form requiring no special charts or manual computations. Conventional SatNav data such as latitude, longitude, and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is supplemented with such information as distance trav- eled, heading to steer, great circle and rhumb line courses, distance to destination, and time of next (and future) satellite fixes, all of which may be displayed upon operator command.
The MX 1102 was the first to have the outstanding feature of programmed tracking. This feature enables the satellite navigation system to distinguish between conflicting satellite signals and to lock only on signals from the satellite offering the best navigation fix. The result is about 10 percent more usable fixes, which occur at 40 to 90-minute intervals anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day. Between fixes, the system automatically dead-reckons and compensates for set and drift.
The system self-tests every two hours and, in the event of failure, identifies the easily replaced circuit module responsible for the malfunction. The self-test procedure may also be initiated manually.
Specifications for Class Nav N certification by Det norske Veritas have been met in the design and testing of the MX 1102. These include demonstrated accuracy [static accuracy to 0.05 nautical mile (RMS), and underway to 0.1 NM (RMS)], comprehensive environmental testing, routing selftest of all circuits, continuous monitoring of all functions, failure mode identification, and reliability analysis.
For further information, Write 31 on Reader Service Card MICROLOGIC Micrologic is now delivering the new ML-2000 Loran C Navigator, said to represent a major advance in Loran C technology.
The Chatsworth, Calif., company has produced Loran C equipment for commercial vessels since 1974.
However, the ML-2000 is the first navigator from Micrologic that has been specifically designed for small vessels. Naturally, the commercial operator who is at sea daily has more time to learn about his complex equipment. The smaller craft owner usually requires a unit that is easy to master.
M i c r o l o g i c ' s ML-2000 eliminates the complexity of navigation primarily by using a colorcoded keyboard that simplifies the numerous functions of each key. The liquid crystal display describes which function is in operation.
It is also back-lighted for optimum night viewing.
From a navigation standpoint, the ML-2000 computes and displays latitude and l o n g i t u d e; range and bearing to a destination ; cross track error and timeto- go along a great circle path; as well as ground speed and true course. Ten waypoints are provided with a full memory, even when the power to ML-2000 is turned off. The unit has an arrival alarm feature, an audio alarm that sounds when the vessel comes within a pre-selected range to a waypoint. When the vessel exceeds a pre-selected range from a waypoint, the anchor watch feature also sounds the alarm.
The only requirement to operate the ML-2000 is to enter the initial latitude and longitude with an accuracy of three degrees when the unit is installed. The ML-2000 will a u t o m a t i c a l l y select the transmitters, acquire the signals, measure the time differences and compute the navigational outputs.
The ML-2000 will track up to five secondary transmitters as well as provide the signal-to-noise ratio and other diagnostic outputs.
The unit draws approximately one ampere at 10-18 volts dc. The ML-2000 is available in three versions: the Full-Function Navigator ; the receiver only; and the r e c e i v e r with time difference steering and 10-waypoint memory.
For further information, Write 32 on Reader Service Card NAV-COM Nav-Com Incorporated is a systems engineering o r g a n i z a t i on s p e c i a l i z i n g in custom marine communication and navigation systems, located in Deer Park, N.Y., and doing business worldwide.
No undertaking is too small or too large, but all undertakings are done on the basis of quality being the guiding factor. Such systems range from the installation of new equipment on existing vessels to the engineering, design, i n s t a l l a t i o n , check-out, and continuing support of large computer - controlled communica- tion and n a v i g a t i o n electronic suites on the most sophisticated of new vessels.
Nav-Com represents and thoroughly supports the products of the finest manufacturers of marine electronics equipment, which includes such firms as Magnavox, Harris, Krupp Atlas, Motorola, Furuno, Texas Instruments, Philips, Simrad, CAI, Racal-Decca, Alclen, and others.
The application of computers and processors to simplify the control of diverse equipment and to organize large amounts of information is one of the exciting new fields Nav-Com is pioneering in the marine industry.
For further information, Write 33 on Reader Service Card NAVIDYNE The featured exhibit of Navidyne C o r p o r a t i o n of Newport News, Va., at the RTCM Conference in Memphis April 27-29 will be the new ESZ-8000 satellite communicator. This is said to be the first Marisat/Inmarsat termi- nal that incorporates a completely integrated CRT display in a compact operator's console, thus providing unprecedented versatility and operating simplicity.
The ESZ-8000 has been designed to accommodate future growth. Optional features, such as data interfaces for shipboard sensors, can be added by simply inserting additional circuit boards in extra slots built into the central electronics unit. In addition to this new satellite communications terminal, Navidyne manufactures the well-known ESZ- 4000 satellite navigator and ESZ- 7000 Loran C navigator.
For further information, Write 34 on Reader Service Card NORCONTROL The Norwegian marine electronics manufacturer Norcontrol ( A /S Kongsberg Vapenfabrikk) will introduce a new collisionavoidance system, DataBridge 7, during Nor-Shipping '81 in May.
The system is designed primarily to meet special legalized specifications conforming to IMCO recommendations and MarAd Standard (USCG). However, it contains a number of technical advances that indicate that considerable practical navigational experience has influenced the final design.
Norcontrol claims that the system represents three generations of technical expertise and 10 years of experience in navigation and collision-avoidance systems. Norcontrol's experience stems from 300 onboard installations, and was in 1969 the first to install a collision-avoidance system on a merchant vessel.
The DataBridge 7 provides audio and visual warnings whenever a target exceeds "closest point of approach" and "time to closest point of approach" limits selected by the operator. It features an enhanced intensity daylight display eliminating the need for cumbersome hoods normally required on radar displays. The daylight radar displays course-up, north-up, or head-up modes on a 16-inch PPI screen.
A centrally located alphanumeric display is easily read by the navigator during traffic assessment, while surrounding controls are logically grouped for effortless selection. The DataBridge 7, as its predecessor DB-4, maintains a continuous track of targets during own-ship maneuvers.
It is also provided with a navigational sub-system that is able to track fixed targets, perform dead reckoning, drift calculations, and display fairway lines.
For further information, Write 35 on Reader Service Card NORTH AMERICAN PHILIPS The Philips STB-750 Mark II Teleprinting-Over-Radio (TOR) Marine Communications System is an advanced microprocessorcontrolled system that provides low-investment, worldwide marine communications. The Mark II fulfills every requirement of the latest CCIR Recommendation 476-1 to assure reliable, errorfree private or broadcast communications.
The System includes a heavy-duty, low-noise Philips PACT teleprinter ideally suited for quality marine application. A special PACT teleprinter provides traffic monitoring and 7or transmission from remote locations such as the bridge. Remote system control is possible with a remote control box CBX-750.
For further information, Write 36 on Reader Service Card NORTHERN RADIO The introduction of a fully synthesized single-sideband transceiver with worldwide communications capabilities has been announced by Northern Radio Company.
According to the Redmond, Wash., manufacturer, the N850 features a fully synthesized, microprocessor- controlled frequency selector as well as a thumbwheel selection of 130,000 frequencies with ITU frequencies stored in memory.
It also has a speech processor with what the manufacturer terms 'instant talk," which will transmit voices in a whisper.
Other standard features include automatic voice-detecting super squelch, LED digital readouts, 150-watt PEP output, plus solidstate modular construction for durability and ease of repair.
For further information, Write 37 on Reader Service Card RACAL-DECCA R a c a l - D e c c a ' s DS4 Satellite Navigator uses the signals from the U.S. Navy Navigation Satellite System (TRANSIT) and provides the mariner, at low cost, with a fully comprehensive satellite navigation capability. In line with the Racal-Decca reputation for navigational aids that combine high accuracy with ease of use, the DS4 operates automatically once the user has carried out a simple setting-up sequence.
Six "pages" of navigational data are available for display giving position, time, date, heading, speed, last satellite fix, future satellite alerts, and multiple waypoint information.
The DS4's receiver, processor display, and interfaces are housed in a single, compact unit that can be mounted tabletop, bulkhead, or overhead, and its associated UHF antenna is lightweight and easy to install. The unit will operate from ac supply (110-220 volt or 220-240 volt, 50/400 Hz), or dc (12-36 volts) and consumes approximately 20 watts. An internal battery can sustain operation for up to 15 minutes in the event of a power supply interruption.
The DS4 accepts inputs from most standard types of speed log and gyrocompass or, as an option, from a magnetic heading reference.
There is also an output for an optional printer for recording position and other data.
Sequential prompting by the system's powerful microprocessor enables settings of date, approximate time, and position to be correctly keyed in and thereafter the operation is fully automatic. Signal acquisition locking and message synchronization are clearly displayed, and symbols indicate the quality of the incoming data as the satellite pass proceeds. The data is edited for satellites having too high or too low an elevation angle, and also by reference to the measured number of doppler intervals.
The unit's "position" display presents current DR position in lat/lon, updated internally every minute, together with time, date, speed, heading, and, during a satellite pass, signal and fix quality.
The next useable satellite pass correctly adjusts the DR position.
Up to 10 way points can be nominated, to which the computer calculates distance and course to steer in great circle or rhumb line as required. Offset due to drift is calculated once tide or ocean current data has been set in.
Other equipment for which the company is well-known includes Radar, Loran, Track Plotter, Autopilot, Radio, Sounders, and Fish Detectors.
For further information, Write 38 on Reader Service Card RADAR DEVICES Radar Devices, Inc., San Leandro, Calif., recently announced the introduction of their Automatic Radar Plotting Aids (ARPA).The RDI ARPA Series I and Series II Automatic Radar Plotting Aids are designed to be interfaced easily with almost any modern marine radar equipment presently installed on vessels. The units are said to be cost-effective and designed for optimum performance.
RDI ARPA systems are designed to meet all U.S. and international regulations without the necessity of changing the entire radar system.
The RDI ARPA Series I contains a patented technique that presents collision-avoidance symbology on virtually any existing radar display. This eliminates the high cost of a separate 16-inch radar display, and is the key to its cost-effectiveness. The unit can be installed quickly and economically, and provides the utmost in flexibility and ease of operation, according to RDI.
The RDI ARPA Series II may be added to one or two existing radars even if they are less than 16 inches, and will meet the standard for Automatic Radar Plotting Aids where targets are acquired automatically. The ARPA Series II incorporates a 16- inch bright display PPI, which will serve as a master indicator should the radars already installed on the vessel be inadequate.
It also provides options for future expansion by addition of target memory and navigation functions by means of simple field modifications.
Deliveries on ARPA Series I equipment are scheduled to begin in June 1981 and ARPA Series II equipments in December 1981.
For further information, Write 39 on Reader Service Card RAYTHEON MARINE Raytheon Marine Company, Manchester, N.H., U.S. manufacturers of Bright Display 12-inch and 16-inch radar and collision avoidance systems, have announced that through the end of March 1981, they will have shipped more than 440 Raytheon RAYCAS collision avoidance systems to vessels flying the flags of the major maritime nations of the world.
The Raytheon RAYCAS collision avoidance system meets all requirements of the U.S. Coast Guard and IMCO for automatic radar plotting aids. The Federal Port and Tanker Safety Act will require that all vessels 10,000 gross tons and upward, carrying d a n g e r o u s liquid cargoes and entering U.S. p o r t s , must be equipped with this type equipment by June 30, 1982.
In addition to meeting the requirements of the U.S. Coast Guard and IMCO, the Raytheon RAYCAS provides the ship's navigator with several more features enabling the navigator to pilot his vessel with extreme accuracy and in complete safety without fear from collision and groundings.
The RAYCAS system was designed to be used with Raytheon Bright Display radars. Howeverthe RAYCAS can be interfaced to operate with other marine radar systems.
For further information, Write 40 on Reader Service Card RAYTHEON OCEAN SYSTEMS Raytheon Ocean Systems Company c o m p r i s e s f o u r business areas: oceanographic instrumentation and recorders, maritime systems, offshore oil instrumentation, and oceanographic systems and services. Within the ocean i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n group, bathymetric systems are a main component, providing echosounding, seismic profiling, sonar printouts as well as laboratory applications.
The maritime system products include multi-point digital loading computers and doppler speed logs. The offshore oil instrumentation main product is a RATAC® backup acoustic command system for emergency activation of blowout preventers. O c e a n o g r a p h ic systems and services offer deepwater finite a m p l i t u d e depth sounding, biological chemical surveys, hydrographic surveys, geophysical and geological surveys, OCS hazard surveys, data systems, bathymetric surveys, current monitoring, circulation and d i f f u s i o n measurements, plume mapping, and predictive modeling.
For further information, Write 41 on Reader Service Card RCA SERVICE RCA Service Company, Cherry Hill, N.J., has announced the introduction of a new VHF/FM radiotelephone to its marine equipment line. The Model 8080 is a fully synthesized marine radiotelephone that has been designed specifically to meet the needs of the most demanding marine environment, according to Edward B. Campbell, manager, industrial e l e c t r o n i c services marketing, RCA Service Company. "It combines keyboard channel selection with automatic scanning and covers all U.S. and International Channels," Mr. Campbell said.
A key feature of the unit, he pointed out, is the programmable microprocessor that allows up to 20 channels to be automatically or manually scanned for traffic in particular situations, such as negotiating harbors patrolled by Vessel Traffic Systems. Other features include 25-watt transmitter output capability and a receiver design that assures crisp signals even in congested harbors.
"The 8080 is U.S.-built with integrated circuit technology and corrosion-resistant materials to withstand the most rugged marine conditions," Mr. Campbell said. "The unit is ideal for commercial f i s h i n g vessels, workboats, large yachts, and deepsea vessels." For additional information, Write 42 on Reader Service Card REGENCY ELECTRONICS Regency Electronics, Inc., Indianapolis, Ind., has announced a new concept in Marine Direction Finders — the Polaris NC7100.
The unique feature is a circle of 36 light-emitting diodes that scan for a VHF signal, then point to the position of a transmitter with p l u s / m i n u s 5-degree accuracy.
Two adjacent lights alternately flash to indicate a more accurate bearing.
The Polaris NC7100 can determine position by triangulating between two coastal transmitters.
Or, it can get a bearing on coastal VHF marine or weather stations.
All entries are made by just touching the b a c k - l i g h t ed pressure pads.
The Polaris NC7100 uses a special dipole array antenna that is custom-designed with a circuit board that can detect direction and eliminate 180-degree errors, and it is built to hold up to 100- knot winds. Other features include a switch to hold the direction finder on the last bearing, memory lock, channel 16 switch, rugged external speaker, and channel 16 priority. A special direction-finding receive antenna is included.
For further information, Write 43 on Reader Service Card RF COMMUNICATIONS The RF-2330 channelized ARQ system from Harris Corporation's RF Communications Division is an advanced synthesized (transmitter / receiver), automatic error- correcting, radio teletypewriter system. A unique high-speed switch allows operation from a single antenna. The RF-2330 can be operated in either simplex or split channel (half-duplex) modes.
The RF-2330 ARQ terminal is a complete system that features 1 kw PEP or average, microprocessor control, switched simplex operation, high-frequency stability, and channelized full-frequency coverage. As a complete system, the RF-2330 includes all elements necessary for operation including the basic transmitter (RF-233), receiver (RF-530), HAARQ Modem (RF-3500), and antenna coupler (RF-1205). The teletypewriter is available as an option.
For further information, Write 44 on Reader Service Card ROBERTSON The new Robertson AP-8 Autopilot is a full feature system designed for vessels from trawlers and large yachts to supertankers —and everything in between. Although it will operate from a magnetic compass heading reference, it is specifically meant to i n t e r f a c e with the Robertson SKR-80 Gyrocompass. Both are manufactured by Robertson AS of Egersund, Norway, and Leonia, N.J.
The AP-8 consists of three units that can be mounted together in a bulkhead, overhead, or on the Robertson SS-3 steering station.
The main panel unit has a sensitivity control, as well as rudder, counter rudder, and rudder limit control for fine tuning of autopilot function under any combination of wind, weather, sea state, ship loading, and steering characteristics.
This panel contains an offcourse and system fault alarm that gives visual and audible notice if the autopilot system develops a fault or if the main gyrocompass and auxiliary magnetic compass differ by a preset amount. A compass selector allows the heading reference to be switched from the gyro to the auxiliary compass in case of trou- ble. The fault system monitors rudder feedback, voltage levels, and gyro input continuously for an almost completely fail-safe system. The panel also contains port and starboard rudder command indicators that light whenever the autopilot inputs the rudder actuator.
The AP-8 can be programmed to suit the characteristics of nearly any vessel. It is designed to meet and exceed the requirements of IMCO, West German DHI and Norwegian Maritime Directorate regulations.
For further information, Write 45 on Reader Service Card SCIENTIFIC-ATLANTA The Scientific-Atlanta terminal, Model 3055M, Inmarsat Satellite Communication Terminal, gives a ship or an offshore facility at sea many of the same communi- cations capabilities that businesses have enjoyed ashore for years.
These capabilities include fast and dependable telex, telephone, facsimile, and data communications, including a 56 KBIT option.
Compact and simple to operate, the terminal consists of an antenna unit installed above deck, and electronics/power units installed below deck, the latter gen- erally in a radio room. The 3055M Terminal offers the below-deck electronics and power units in separate modular form, permitting greater flexibility for installation of the equipment in spacelimited quarters. These units can be stacked and held in place by simple snap fasteners to form a compact console.
The terminal is based on the same proven design used in the earlier Model 3055 which Scientific- Atlanta has provided to Comsat General since the beginning of commercial Marisat services in 1976. The 3055M also incorporates many f e a t u r e s designed to further improve reliability and performance. Options include Data Management Interface RS232C and/or IEE488, Remote Telephone, Telex. Prefabricated heavy duty masts are also available.
For further information, Write 46 on Reader Service Card SGC SGC, Inc. of Bellevue, Wash., a manufacturer of sophisticated single-sideband radiotelephone equipment, has just announced the introduction of their newest synthesized SSB product. Synthesized circuitry allows full channel programming of the frequencies desired with no expensive crystals to install or change later.
The f r e q u e n c i e s can be easily changed, if required, by simple diode programming. The Model SG-712S-36-18 meets the demand for 18 mHz frequency range coverage in the SSB market, while featuring a front panel meter for signal reading and VSWR, as well as forward output power in transmit.
The unit produces 100 watts of convervatively rated power output, and has capability for 36 simplex or 12 simplex/12 duplex (or anv combination) channels.
The SG-712S-36-18 SSB features SGC's exclusive quickmounting tray for easy installation and serviceability. The unit is supplied complete with 50 ohms output for operation with an external antenna coupler or 50 ohm antenna, and is operational on 12 volts dc. Optional features include SGC's exclusive signal to noise ratio squelch, alarm generator, telephone handset, and dip switch programming boards.
For further information, Write 47 on Reader Service Card SIMRAD Simrad designs and builds every piece of marine electronic equipment to meet the most stringent legal requirements of government agencies throughout the world. And Simrad reports it goes farther, making sure its electronics are accurate, reliable, tough, and easy to use.
Simrad's compact RW-105 watch alarm receiver keeps continuous watch on the 2182 kHz distress frequency. If another ship is in trouble, you'll hear it.
The Armonk, N.Y., company also markets radars, Loran C systems, n a v i g a t i o n echosounders, fishfinder systems, sonar, automatic direction finding equipment, and weatherfax.
For further information, Write 48 on Reader Service Card SI-TEX A built-in navigational computer that converts Loran time differences (TDs) to latitude and longitude coordinates and performs a number of additional navigational functions, is the main feature of the new Model 757C just introduced by SI-TEX of Clearwater, Fla. In addition to Lat/Lon conversions, the microcomputer processes and displays v e s s e l ' s heading (in degrees), bearing (in degrees) to selected destination/way point, cross track error (in hundredths of a mile), distance to go (in nautical miles), time to go (in hours and minutes), and vessel speed (in knots) over the ground.
The SI-TEX/Koden Model 757C also features four totally automatic notch filters that eliminate most forms of local interference and can be tuned manually to notch out in-band interference.
Eight-position memory can store and recall eight separate Loran C positions in either TD or Lat/Lon mode. "Always on" memory feature retains entered chain number, secondary stations, and all eight memories even after receiver has been turned off.
ComPuNav s t e e r i n g f e a t u re can compute and guide the helmsman along a course to any one of seven programmable destinations/ way points. While steering this line, any off-course deviation is displayed in an upper window.
Display is in microseconds either left or right of track in TD mode and hundredths of a nautical mile in Lat/Lon mode. Distance to destination, time to go, vessel's speed, vessel's heading, course to way point, or elapsed time can be displayed in the lower window in the Lat/Lon mode.
For further information, Write 49 on Reader Service Card SPERRY The Sperry CAS II system, introduced in 1979, is currently aboard more than 200 ships, and more than 500 Sperry collisionavoidance systems have been sold worldwide. The CAS II system allows ship masters to detect at a glance possible danger areas and steer to avoid them. Sperry recently developed a channel navigation option to the system, which allows chart data to be superimposed on the radar data, permitting precise, safe steering even in restricted waterways.
The Sperry division of Sperry Corporation is a leading manufacturer of commercial marine systems, and is a world leader in sales of collision-avoidance systems.
Other marine product lines produced by Sperry include energy- efficient autopilots, radars, speed logs, steering gear, steering failure alarm systems, ship stabilizers, gyrocompasses, and engine monitoring and control systems.
The Sperry division, one of five divisions of Sperry Corporation, is also a leading developer of systems and hardware for defense, and is the corporation's principal contributor of new technologies for land, sea, and missile applications.
Its major products include combat systems, simulators, radar/sonar equipment, guidance and control systems, automated materiel handling systems, and traffic and transportation systems.
For further information, Write 50 on Reader Service Card TEXAS INSTRUMENTS The TI 9900 fully automatic Loran C navigator manufactured by Texas Instruments Incorporated is a state-of-the-art device that packs a complete Loran C based navigation system into an attractively styled package the size of a major city telephone book. More than a Loran C receiver, the microprocessor-controlled TI 9900 displays the vessel's position directly in latitude and longitude coordinates, reducing user dependence on special Loran charts. The TI 9900 stores up to 10 way points. With single key presses, the mariner can read range and bearing and time to go at present speed to any way point, course made good from last way point, present average speed over the bottom, and cross track error relative to a selected rhumb line course between two way points.
Easily added to any TI 9900, the TI 9930 speech option speaks the navigational information in a clear, lifelike voice. The TI 9930 includes the industry standard output for Loran/autopilot interfaces as well as output for the TI 9920 remote course deviation indicator and RS 232 output for printers and other devices.
For additional information, Write 51 on Reader Service Card TRACOR INSTRUMENTS Tracor recently introduced a new Satellite Navigator. Named after the North Star and the submarines that first tested the Transit system, the Polaris Sat- Nav is a full feature, total performance system. The attractive housing is sleek yet functional with its yoke that provides overhead, bulkhead or table-top mounting flexibility.
The large, two-line LED presentation clearly details the navigation data required to efficiently and safely sail anywhere in the world. Tracor chose the LED display because of distinct advantages over a CRT presentation.
First, because of fewer components and less power required, the LED display has an inherent reliability advantage over a CRT.
Second, the Tracor Polaris LED display can be read from across the bridge. Finally, only the necessary data is shown for clarity and simplicity. Other "nice-tohave" navigation data is instantly available at a touch of a button, but is not continuously displayed to minimize confusion.
Polaris only draws 1.5 amperes at 12 volts. The navigation program for Polaris is based upon the Tracor SatNav II, which has received prestigious international type approvals from Det norske Veritas, Norwegian Maritime Directorate, and Swiss PTT.
Polaris operation can be as simple or sophisticated as the navigator chooses. Special software features such as multipass discrimination and force fix update p r o v i d e the Polaris user with about 10 percent more useable satellite fixes than most other Sat- Nav receivers. Automatic speed and heading interface, standby battery, and operation from ac or other than 12 volt dc mains power are available options.
For further information, Write 52 on Reader Service Card TRIMBLE Trimble Navigation of Mountain View, Calif., recently introduced a new Loran C navigation instrument, the model 5A. The 5A receiver is said to be a highquality, reliable, and totally automatic system, so easy to use that anyone can operate it. Pushing the Lat and Lon buttons provides current position quickly and accurately; Lat/Lon are displayed to a resolution of 0.01 minute (60 feet). The 5A calculates course by the great circle route (shortest distance) from present position, and displays course and distance to destination.
The 5A receiver tunes out local interferences with four automatic notch filters. It constantly searches and electronically adjusts the filters for interferences so there is never a need for operator or internal a d j u s t m e n t of filters when sailing into a new area. The 5A automatically acquires all stations in the Loran chain and selects the two LOPs that give the most accurate fix. There is no need to evaluate the various stations and to select the best TDs; the Trimble does all that automatically.
For further information, Write 53 on Reader Service Card AAT AAT Communications Corporation is a full-service marine electronics company. It provides all manner of equipment types in addition to installation and repair services to workboats, fishing vessels, and deepsea vessels. The firm serves the Port of New York area with its own personnel, and attends vessels in virtually all United States ports with its own technicians or those of similar service-first o r g a n i z a t i o n s who perform work in AAT's behalf.
The company publishes a newsletter that contains timely regulatory information as well as new equipment offerings and brief technical articles on marine electronics geared to the vessel operators' point of view. AAT offices are located in Staten Island, White Plains, and Garden City Park, N.Y., and in Bloomfield, N.J.
For further information, Write 54 on Reader Service Card
Read NAVIGATION & COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT A Review in Pdf, Flash or Html5 edition of April 1981 Maritime Reporter
Other stories from April 1981 issue
- A d d i t i o n s To T i d e w a t er Fleet V a l u e d At M o re T h a n $ 5 0 M i l l i on page: 4
- United States Cruises Acquires Title To SS 'United States' page: 4
- Improved Controllability Topic At Chesapeake Section Meeting page: 5
- 1981 RTCM ASSEMBLY page: 6
- Donald Caldera Named Senior VP-Marketing For Midland Affiliated page: 7
- ASNE Day 1981 Scheduled For April 30-May 1 In Washington page: 8
- MarAd Study Details 'Multiplier Effect' Of U.S.-Flag Merchant Fleet page: 9
- Long Beach Terminal Orders Two Additional Transtainer Cranes page: 9
- New Scanning Pyrometer For Diesel Temperatures —Literature Available page: 10
- Pisani Named Head Of MarAd's Port And Intermodal Office page: 10
- Delta Line Appoints World Shipping As Midwest Agents page: 10
- Gulf Fleet Marine Will Add 19 New Vessels At Total Cost Of $50 Million page: 11
- Marine Industries Corp. Will Market NABRICO Products In St. Louis page: 12
- American Aero To Build New Facility That Will Double Current Capacity page: 12
- Twin EMD Diesels Power Newest Turecamo Tug Built By Matton page: 12
- New Cruise Line Features Yacht-Like Luxury Ships page: 12
- Naikai Zosen Delivers Versatile Cargo Ship For Philippines page: 14
- Chesapeake Shipbuilding Constructing Third Vessel For American Cruise Lines page: 14
- Watts Named President And Chief Operating Officer Of Solus Ocean Systems page: 14
- Levingston Launches Jackup Drilling Rig For Dixilyn-Field page: 14
- Hampton Roads SNAME Hears Paper On Shipboard Piping page: 14
- Halter Delivers Tug/Supply Boat To D.F. Levy Marine page: 15
- Consortium To Offer New Container Service Between Canada And Europe page: 16
- District Engineer James Ton Gets Philadelphia SAME Award page: 16
- Ship Structure Committee Offers Three Free Technical Reports page: 16
- New Drydock Doubles Capacity At Newport News Shipbuilding page: 16
- Fuel Utilization Seminar And Exposition Scheduled For Baltimore Sept. 1-4 page: 17
- Enclosed Lifeboats Serve As Escape Craft For Offshore Oil Platforms page: 17
- New Tube-Cleaning Unit Announced By Goodway —Literature Available page: 18
- William Turner Named Vice President For Ryan-Walsh Stevedoring page: 18
- IHI Delivers Suction Dredge And Tug To Mexican Government page: 18
- Los Angeles SNAME Discusses Liquid Level Gauging By Radar page: 18
- New Cummins Brochure Describes K Series Of Marine Diesel Engines page: 19
- American President Lines To Test Feasibility Of 45-Foot Cargo Containers page: 19
- NOR-SHIPPING '81 page: 20
- New Supply/Fire-Fighting Vessel Delivered To Gulf Fleet Marine page: 20
- Liquefied Gas Minicarrier Delivered By Moss Verft page: 23
- Hayward Offers New Line Of Valve Operating Stands —Literature Available page: 24
- Automatic Logging System Developed By NMS— Literature Available page: 24
- Neorion Yard Expands Its Gritblasting And Coating Facilities page: 25
- $5-Million Contract Awarded By South Jersey Port Corporation page: 26
- J.J. McCarthy Appointed Director Of Sales At Waukesha Engine Division page: 27
- Curry Named VP And Ritch Secretary Of Ogden Corporation page: 27
- Fraser Shipyard Will Convert Three U.S. Steel Ore Boats To Self-Unloaders page: 28
- Tracor Introduces New Satellite Navigator —Literature Available page: 29
- Gems Offers Explosion- Proof Junction Boxes —Literature Available page: 30
- B&W-Powered Bulk Carrier Delivered By Hitachi Zosen page: 32
- Barges Carried Some 40 Percent Of U.S. Grain Exported In 1980 page: 33
- Floating Desalination Plant Ordered From Krupp By Abu Dhabi page: 34
- Tacoma Boat Had Record Year In 1980—Backlog Is More Than $300 Million page: 34
- S N A M E N e w E n g l a nd S e c t i o n Hears Paper On Thrust B e a r i n gs page: 38
- & K To B u i l d Split H u l l H o p p e r Dredge For H e i n r i c h Hirdes page: 38
- Santa Fe Drilling's Seven Offshore Rigs To Cost $350 Million page: 40
- Brent Christens Cummins-Powered Towboat 'Melinda Brent# page: 42
- Corpus Christi Gets Its First Floating Drydock page: 44
- GM-Powered Towboat 'Trotter' Delivered By Hudson Shipbuilders page: 46
- Marinette Launches Another Berthing Barge For U.S. Navy page: 46
- Mare Island Naval Shipyard Elects New NCAA Officers page: 46
- Hellenic Lines To Convert Four Cargo Ships To Container Vessels page: 48
- Standard 35,000-dwt Bulk Carrier Developed By Japan's Nippon Kokan page: 48
- Choctaw Asks Title XI For Rig Reconstruction To Cost $86 Million page: 48
- OTC 81 page: 49
- VPA Draws Plans For 25-Million-Ton Coal Exporting Facility page: 51
- ASNE Delaware Valley Chapter Hears Report On Delaware River page: 51
- Holland-America Selects Sulzer Diesel Engines For Its Two Cruise Ships page: 51
- Promet Private Launches Jackup Drilling Rig For Sedco page: 52
- SNAME New York Section Honors William J. Dormari page: 52
- Marathon LeTourneau, C-E And Sea Tank Form New Company page: 53
- Broughton Rig Commissioned At Bethlehem's Beaumont Yard page: 54
- Mangone Swiftships Delivers Pocket Tanker To Sun Transport page: 54
- Long Beach-Los Angeles ASNE Elects New Officers page: 54
- New Catalog Describes Coppus Engineering's Turbine Generator Sets page: 55
- Big Car Carrier 'Glorious Ace' Completed By Hitachi Zosen page: 56
- HUDSHIP Delivers Twin Supply Vessels To Gray Mackenzie page: 56
- Lykes President W.J. Amoss Receives American Legion Merchant Marine Award page: 70
- IME Eastern U.S.A. Branch Hears Paper On Fuel Treatment page: 70
- Ridgon And Almerico Named Managers At Gulf Fleet Marine page: 86
- Bailey Delivers Two 60-Ton Water Chilling Units To Navy page: 86
- Canadian Pacific To Buy One-Third Share In Dart Containerline page: 86
- New Brochure On Arc Welding Available From Westinghouse Electric page: 88
- Brown And Symon Named To Board Of Liberian Shipowners' Council page: 89
- Honeywell ELAC Introduces Survey/Sediment Sounder —Literature Available page: 89
- HUDSHIP's First 85-Foot Towboat Delivered To Energy Transport page: 90
- Advanced Marine Enterprises Announces Corporate Changes And Move To New Facilities page: 92
- Zapata Marine Service Announces Assignments In Its Marketing Group page: 95
- New Brochure Describes History And Products Of Sulzer Bros., Inc. page: 95
- Denyer Succeeds Nelson As Managing Director Of Butterworth Systems (UK) page: 96
- Advanced Studies Center Dedicated At Maine Maritime Academy page: 96
- Literature Available On Pourable Resin Chocking For Stern Tube Assembly page: 96
- New Customer Support Organization Implemented By Honeywell Marine page: 97
- Paul Hall Named First Posthumous Recipient Of AOTOS Award page: 98
- American Commercial Asks Title XI On Towboats And Barges To Cost $84 Million page: 98
- Wheeler Named U.S. Agent For Royal Schelde's Repair Yard At Vlissingen page: 99
- Promet Private Launches Jackup r For The Offshore Comrp an7y page: 100
- Hitachi Zosen Delivers Bulk Carrier For Norwegian Owner page: 100
- New Protective Fender For Offshore Structures Developed By Seaward page: 101
- Proceedings Of 1980 REAPS Symposium Now Available page: 101
- David Porter Elected Vice President Of Childs Engineering page: 103
- Institute Marks 25 Years Of Containerized Shipping page: 103
- New Pipe Freezing Kit Saves Time And Money —Literature Available page: 103
- Soviet Union Orders Nine ACVs From Wartsila Helsinki Yard page: 106
- Richard Davis Named Director Of Service At Waukesha Engine page: 107
- Dome Will Employ Japanese Technology In New Shipyard page: 110
- Wayne Harper Named Sales Engineer For Delta Shipyard page: 110
- Isdahl And Sotir Named Senior Vice Presidents At Royal Viking Line page: 111
- Port Of Los Angeles Approves Major Coal Terminal Concept page: 112
- Webb Institute Receives $25,000 Grant From The Teagle Foundation page: 112