Michell Bearings Appoints Peter Pagan President

Michell Bearings has announced the appointment of Peter Pagan as president of Michell Bearings, Inc. U.S.A.

Mr. Pagan was formerly vice president and marketing director of American Metal Bearing.

Michell Bearings is the original company founded in England by A.G.M. Michell FRS—the first man to patent a bearing in which load was carried upon oil film generated by a series of white-metaled, faced pads. This principle is universally known today as the Michell Bearing. In the United States, a similar development of white-metal bearing technology was associated with Dr. Albert Kingsbury.

Michell Bearings is one of eight companies that form the Marine Engineering Division of Vickers PLC.

For further information on Michell pivoting pad thrust and journal bearings, or on special bearing designs for all kinds of applications, Circle 89 on Reader Service Card

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