Free Eight-Page Brochure On Marine Powermeters Offered By Acurex

Acurex Corporation, Autodata Division, Mountain View, Calif., has published a free eight-page brochure on "Powermeters for Marine Environments." The introduction explains that the Acurex Model 1600A Series Horsepower Measurement Systems are used to display instantaneous horsepower and rpm on large ship's main propulsion shafts. Horsepower is computed from torque and rpm.

The Acurex horsepower meters are used for a variety of applications including fuel conservation system, ship's powerplant monitor, sea trials horsepower meter, twin-screw load balancing, and hull fouling determination.

The system mounts directly on the main propulsion shaft and requires only 56 cm (22 inches) of shaft length. All systems are totally precalibrated, requiring no further adjustment. The Model 1600A measurement systems continuously display shaft horsepower, torque, and rpm.

Features and benefits include: ready to use immediately after installation; easy and rapid installation; no shaft redesign or disassembly; shaft sensor operates in harsh environments; low maintenance; not affected by torsional pulses; and zero and full-scale calibration verification while underway.

In addition to a description of the system, the publication discusses system components, operation, 1600A specifications, options, etc.

For a free copy of "Powermeters for Marine Environments" from Acurex Corporation, Circle 71 on Reader Service Card

Other stories from October 1986 issue


Maritime Reporter

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