Morrison-Knudsen Appointed EMD Distributor In 17-State Area And All Of Caribbean

Morrison-Knudsen Company, Inc., Power Systems Division was recently appointed an authorized distributor by the Electro-Motive Division of General Motors Corporation. The division will sell and service the EMD Diesel Engine Power Products exclusively in a 17-state U.S. East Coast area and all of the Caribbean.

Power Systems offers a complete line of EMD Series 645 engines to meet requirements for marine propulsion and marine generator set applications. A complete power package with engine, reduction gear or generator and accessories is available.

Propulsion drives are also available with two, three, or four engines driving a common reversereduction gear, or with a straight-reduction gear when controllable-pitch propellers are utilized.

The GM 645 line of engines is available in 8-, 12-, and 16- cylinder Roots blown and 8-, 12-, 16-, and 20-cylinder turbocharged models. The horsepower ranges from 800 to 4,400.

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