Navy Commissions Guided Missile Cruiser

The U.S. Navy recently commissioned the guided missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea at ceremonies in Portland, Maine, at Bath Iron Works shipyard.

Senator William S. Cohen, RMaine, was the principal speaker at the ceremony. Renee Lyons, wife of Admiral James A. Lyons, Jr., U.S. Navy (Ret.), was the sponsor of the ship.

USS Philippine Sea is a Ticonderoga Class (CG-47) cruiser built to provide the primary antiair warfare protection for the Navy's battle forces. Equipped with the Aegis combat system, the ship is able to operate in all warfare mission areas to detect, track and destroy enemy aircraft, missiles, submarines and surface ships. The Aegis system, comprising radars, computers and weapons, is designed to function effectively in all weather and hostile countermeasure environments.

USS Philippine Sea is 567 feet in length, has a 55-foot beam and displaces about 9,600 tons. Four GE gas turbine engines enable the ship to reach speeds in excess of 30 knots.

The ship is equipped to carry standard surface-to-air and Tomahawk missiles launched from fore and aft vertical launching systems; the fully automated, radar-controlled Phalanx anti-air weapon system; Harpoon surface-to-surface missiles; two five-inch guns; electronic warfare systems and two Light Airborne Multi-Purpose System (LAMPS) helicopters.

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 8,  Jun 1989

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