ASNE DAY 91 'Naval Engineering In The Changing Defense Structure'
The American Society of Naval Engineers (ASNE) will celebrate 103 years as an individual member professional society this year with a technical program and exhibit show that emphasizes the role of the naval engineering community in the rapidly advancing and changing world of defense technology. The ASNE Day event, which actually consists of a two-day program, is appropriately titled, "Naval Engineering in the Changing Defense Structure." Last year the program focused on "The Increasing Dimensions of Naval Engineering." According to an ASNE spokesman, ASNE Day '90 drew more than 2,500 attendees and 120 exhibits were on display featuring some of the latest equipment products and services supplied to the naval sector. Twenty-four technical presentations were also given focusing on such topics as naval warfare, logistics, engineering education, the future of the Navy, and naval engineering research and experimentation.
This year's show is expected to be equally as successful. Held May 2-3, 1991 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C., ASNE Day 1991 will again feature 24 technical presentations on the full range of naval engineering related subjects, delivered by highly regarded members of the naval engineering community.
In addition, over 120 companies that manufacture materials for the defense industry are expected to exhibit the most recent and sophisticated state-of-the-art equipment and systems currently available.
"A solid technical program has been assembled," said ASNE president Rear Adm. Lowell J. Hollo way, USN, "with subjects ranging from naval contingency to materials, from rapid prototyping to maintenance, as ASNE continues to be a true full spectrum society." Speakers for the annual meeting include Adm. David E. Jeremiah, USN, Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff; Gerald Cann, Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development and Acquisitions; and Dr. Robert M. White, president of the National Academy of Engineering, will deliver the Fourth Annual Isherwood Lecture. Secretary of Energy, Adm. James D. Watkins, USN (Ret.), has been invited to address the ASNE Presidents Club Luncheon.
The society will continue its tradition of presenting its prestigious awards in recognition for superior achievements in the naval engineering discipline; special volunteerrelated service to the society; the best original technical paper published in the Naval Engineers Journal, and its Gold Medal Award for accomplishments made over the past five years.
Registration materials were sent to ASNE's 8,000 members in mid- March, and all attendees, and especially government personnel, are encouraged to send in registrations as soon as possible. Purchase order numbers for government registrants are usually forwarded directly to ASNE the week prior to the meeting.
The exhibit hall will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days of the annual meeting, at no charge, but visitors who are not registered will be required to obtain a name badge at the ASNE registration office at the Omni Shoreham Hotel prior to touring the displays. For additional information, contact the ASNE offices at 1452 Duke Street, Alexandria, Va. 22314-3458, or call (703) 836-6727.
ASNE TECHNICAL PAPERS Thursday, PM, May 2 2A Session Moderator: Rear Adm. (Sel) John J. Donegan Jr., USN. and Capt. John H. Chenard, USN (Ret.), Assistant.
"Future Naval Contingency and Limited War Operations," by Dale K. Pace.
"Small Ships, Advanced Technology and Warfighting Performance," by David H. Skolnick and Alfred Skolnick.
"Artificial Neural Networks and Their Application to Weapons," by Willard P. Webster.
28 Session Moderator: Paul A. Schneider and Terrence R.
Applebee, Assistant.
"The U.S. Navy's New Coastal Minehunter (MHC). Design, Material and Construction Facilities," by Lt. Comdr. Richard D. Hepburn, USN, Giorgio Magliulo and Thomas Wright.
"Hydrodynamic Efficiency Improvements for U.S. Navy Ships," by Gregory P. Platzer, Donald N. McCallum, Gabor Karafiath and Allen R.
"Multimission Ship Design for an Alternative Fleet Concept," by Lt. Comdr. Michael Bosworth, USN, Aileen G. Kleiman and Steven C. Matz.
2C Session Moderator: Rear Adm. Roger B. Home Jr., USN, and Harry J. Skruch, Assistant.
"The U.S. Navy's Chloroflurocarbon (CFC)/ Halon Program," by Joel L. Krinsky and William Noel.
"Fouling Control of Navy Surface Ships— 1990," by Chris P. Cologer.
"Reverse Osmosis for Surface Ship Desalination— An Overview," by Joseph F. Pizzino, Wayne L. Adamson and Wilbur L. Smith.
Friday, AM, May 3 3A Session Moderator: Rear Adm. Thomas W. Evans, USN, and Frederick C. Marcel! Jr., Assistant.
"Ship EMP Survivability Trials," by Michael E.
Jump and William C. Emberson.
"Magnetohydrodynamic Submarine Propulsion System," by Daniel W. Swallom, Isaac Sadovnik, Judy S. Gibbs, Husam Gurol, Long V. Nguyen and Hugo van den Bergn.
"Development of Lithium Rechargeable Battery for Underwater Vehicle Propulsion," by Patricia H. Smith, David L. Chua and Stanley D.
3B Session Moderator: Alexander Malakhorr and Charles M. Atchison, Assistant.
"A Computational Study of HY and HSLA Steel Performance in a Bulkhead Test Panel Geometry," by Virginia DeGiorgi and Peter Matic.
"Current and Candidate Titanium Alloy Applications on U.S. Navy Surface Ships," by Ronald W.
Schutz and Milton R. Scaturro.
"Structural Analysis Methods for Lightweight Metallic Corrugated Core Sandwich Panels Subjected to Blast Loads," by Christopher J. Wiernicki Franz Liem, Gregory D. Woods and Anthony Furio.
3C Session Moderator: Capt. Ronald J. Marafioti, USCG, and Clayton W. Davis, Assistant.
"Role of Simulation in Rapid Prototyping for Concept Development," by J. Fred King and Douglas E. Barton.
"Talon Hydraulic Helicopter-Shipboard Securing System," by Lt. Comdr. Joseph V. Grant.
"Polar Class Icebreaker Oceanographic Mission Upgrade," by Mark Tilyou, Neal Thayer and Richard P. Zimmermann.
Friday, PM 4A Session Moderator: Thomas A. Clare and Richard Holden.
"Applying Vector Processing to Sonars for Increased Accuracy and an Expanded Operating Envelope," by David A. Whiney and Lt. Terry J.
Benedict, USN.
"Concept for a Force Level Combat System," by M. Bridget Young.
4B Session Moderator: Rear Adm. Robert E. Traister, USN, and Lt. Daniel K. Oliver, USCG, Assistant.
"Engineered Approach to Effective Maintenance Management," by Anthony M. Cieri and Mark M.
"An Affordable Approach for Quality-Assured Shipboard Maintenance Information," by Robert E. Knachel and William F. Magrogan.
4C Session Moderator: Richard E. Metrey and William L.
Thomas, Assistant.
"Tooling for ImpellerCastings via CAD/CAM," by Erich A. Meyer.
"New Techniques in Weapon Firing Cutout Zone Design," by J. Everett F. George.
ASNE 91 EXHIBITION GUIDE The following is a brief review of some of the major companies and organizations that will be displaying at the ASNE 91 exhibition. All exhibitors are not included due to space limitations. A short description of the products and services each firm will have on display is included along with the booths where they will be appearing and a Reader Service Number.
For further information on any of the company products or services in this guide, circle the appropriate Reader Service Number on the post-paid card bound in the back of this issue.
ABS Circle 103 on Reader Service Card The American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) classifies all types of vessels and marine structures. In addition, ABS offers certification of equipment and systems, marine survey and consultancy services and structural, mechanical and electrical analyses. ABS will exhibit at Booth 553.
AEROQUIP Circle 104 on Reader Service Card Aeroquip Corporation has over 40 years' experience designing and producing NAVSEA- approved marine and MIL-Spec hose lines, fittings, couplings, adapters and other fluid power products. Aeroquip will exhibit at Booths 456 and 457.
ALMON JOHNSON Circle 105 on Reader Service Card Almon A. Johnson, Inc., Elizabeth, N.J., offers the marine industry automatic towing machines and mooring winches, capstans, anchor windlasses (both electric and hydraulic), conduit hose reels and custom deck equipment. Almon A. Johnson will have video operating displays at Booth 956 APPLETON MARINE Circle 106 on Reader Service Card At Booth 157, Appleton Marine, Inc. will display its full line of deck machinery including cranes, mooring, constant tension, towing, and underway replenishment winches and anchor windlasses and capstans.
AQUA-CHEM Circle 107 on Reader Service Card Designers and manufacturers of naval and commercial desalting systems. The firm will exhibit at Booth 406. Aqua-Chem offers reverse-osmosis, vapor compression, flash type and plate or submerged tube varieties.
BATH IRON WORKS Circle 108 on Reader Service Card The lead shipyard for the design and construction of the Arleigh Burke Class (DDG- 51) destroyer, Bath Iron Works, with yards in Bath and Portland, Maine, will exhibit at Booth 555.
CARLETON Circle 109 on Reader Service Card For over 30 years, Carleton's designs and applications of high pressure pneumatic and life support components have met the most stringent military standards and specifications.
Carleton's products have proven themselves in some of the highest priority Department of Defense programs, involving the Navy's most technologically sophisticated submarines and surface vessels. Carleton Technologies will exhibit at Booth 412.
CATERPILLAR Circle 110 on Reader Service Card At Booths 125 and 126. Caterpillar will have static displays and show engine supporting display with the theme of "America's Technology Leader" in marine engines.
Caterpillar offers diesel propulsion engines from 150 to 7,270 bhp, diesel generator sets from 50 to 5,720 ekw and worldwide product support.
CDI MARINE Circle 111 on Reader Service Card CDI Marine Company has provided engineering and design services to the marine industry since 1973. Supports both Navy and commercial shipbuilders from nationwide offices. In addition, CDI Marine also offers logistics capability and technical documentation services. They will exhibit at Booth 362.
CENTRICO Circle 112 on Reader Service Card Westfalia Separator, Centrico, Inc., offers Westfalia Oil-Purifying Centrifuges, available in both automatic self-cleaning and nonautomatic designs. Products from the company will be displayed at Booth 602.
CINCINNATI GEAR Circle 114 on Reader Service Card The Cincinnati Gear Company, exhibiting at Booths 252 and 253, produces large Carburized, Hardened and Precision Ground (CHG) gears designed and manufactured to AGMA class 15 level. The firm reports that CHG gears in a large marine drive can result in a quieter gearbox that is 35 percent smaller and lighter than one of conventional through-hardened design. CGCO gears can be found in TA0-187, LCAC, AOE-6 Classes, as well as commercial high speed gas turbine applications such as the Kawasaki/ Boeing jetfoil.
COLTEC-FAIRBANKS MORSE Circle 115 on Reader Service Card Coltec Industries, Fairbanks Morse Engine Division, features Fairbanks Morse opposed piston and Colt-Pielstick diesel en- gines for ship propulsion and power generation applications. Colt-Pielstick engines are featured on T-AO-187 Class Navy oilers and LSD Class ships. The company will exhibit at Booths 302, 303 and 304.
DAYTON T. BROWN Circle 116 on Reader Service Card The Engineering and Test Division of Dayton T. Brown, Inc., Bohmeia, Long Island, N.Y., provides testing and engineering services to government and commercial organizations, primarily in the following markets: Department of Defense hardware, aerospace, transportation, communications, and energy. These services include simulation and recording of natural and induced environments (climatic, dynamic, and electromagnetic) on units under test, component and system evaluation, reengineering/ product improvement, development of specifications and standards, design and fabrication of prototypes, design and fabrication of specialized test equipment, field data acquisition, reliability and maintainability analysis and predictions, and failure analysis. The technical disciplines applied in these services include: electronic, electromechanical, mechanical, hydraulics, and fluid power. The company will exhibit at Booth 657.
DEUTSCH METAL Circle 117 on Reader Service Card Deutsch Metal Components will display pyplok®, an innovative, cost-reducing method for joining shipboard piping at Booths 605 and 606.
DIVERSIFIED TECHNOLOGIES Circle 118 on Reader Service Card At Booth 956, Diversified Technologies will display photos and videos of its naval architecture, marine engineering, salvage engineering, mooring design, drydock certification/ calculations, computer-aided design/ engineering, computer aided logistics support, technical documentation, specialty equipment design and project management services.
L.C. DOANE Circle 119 on Reader Service Card The L.C. Doane Co. of Essex, Conn., located at Booth 802, offers U.S. Navy shipboard lighting l / A /W Mil-F-16377, and shipboard lighting l / A /W VL595 for commercial and MSC ships manufacture and design.
The firm will display lighting from both these categories.
DRESSER PUMP Circle 120 on Reader Service Card Dresser Pump Division, Dresser Industries, will exhibit at Booths 159 and 160.
The company will display its magnetic drive pump, model DM-1000. This is a seal-less pump that addresses the industry's concerns of preventing corrosion, toxic or carcinogenic leakage into the atmosphere. The company will also exhibit its new end suction general service pump, model D-1090.
ENVIROVAC Circle 121 on Reader Service Card At Booths 358-359, Envirovac Inc. produces the Evac vacuum sewage transport systems for the marine industry. Maximum flushing water consumption is three pints per flush; small diameter piping can be used with non-sloping lines; vertical lift capabilities.
The Envirovac Orca and Orca IIA sewage treatment systems (Type II Physical/ Chemical process) are compact, lightweight, easy to install and maintain, and are microprocessor controlled and USCG certified and IMO approved.
ENVISIONS Circle 122 on Reader Service Card ENVISIONS offers design engineering, drafting, logistics, automated data processing and in-service engineering to the Navy, Coast Guard and other government agencies. The firm will display info on its current services and customers at Booth 410.
FALK Circle 123 on Reader Service Card Falk Corporation offers marine propulsion gears, power take-off drives, high-quality steel castings, continuous slip clutches and gear monitoring equipment. Falk will exhibit at Booth 959.
GE ALCO POWER Circle 124 on Reader Service Card GE Alco Power will display at Booth 654 its Alco 251 model diesel engine, rated at 600-4,800 hp, for main propulsion and ships service generators. Engine components will be on display.
GE MARINE & INDUSTRIAL ENGINES Circle 125 on Reader Service Card Located at Booths 205-207, 255-257, and 305-307, GE Marine & Industrial Engines offers aeroderivative gas turbines, 6,000- 60,000 shp, for marine propulsion for military ships, cruise ships, fast ferries, megayachts, hydrofoils, etc. The company will display GE's LM2500, which has been used in naval propulsion on 305 ships, 37 ship classes and 24 navies worldwide. The company will also display the LM3000 Intercooled Regenerative Gas Turbine team and the entire family of marine gas turbines from GE M&l.
GIBBS & COX Circle 126 on Reader Service Card A leading naval architecture and marine engineer for the Navy, Gibbs & Cox has prepared detail design drawings of over 40 classes of surface ships in its more than 60- year history. The company will display at Booths 556 and 557.
INGALLS SHIPBUILDING Circle 127 on Reader Service Card Ingalls Shipbuilding, division of Litton Industries, offers shipbuilding, repair and overhaul of Navy surface combatants, as well as marine design and engineering services.
Ingalls's exhibit will promote its more than 50 years of shipbuilding and naval engineering expertise. In addition to U.S. Naval surface ships, Ingalls has expanded its capabilities to support the needs of foreign coastal navies with design and construction of the SA'AR 5 Corvette Class. The firm will display its capabilities at Booths 650-651 and 711.
IMO DELAVAL Circle 128 on Reader Service Card Located at Booths 100-102 and 150-152.
Imo Delaval Inc., has been a leading supplier of systems and components to the U.S.
Navy for more than 50 years. Products offered by the company and its divisions include level and flow instrumentation, screw pumps for fuel, hydraulic and transfer service, electronic and mechanical controls, propulsion turbines and gears, surface condensers for marine applications, original equipment parts, repair and service.
ITW PHILADELPHIA RESINS Circle 129 on Reader Service Card At Booth 511, ITW Philadelphia Resins offers pourable chocking compounds, corrosion- resistant coatings, epoxy remetalizing and repair systems, Mil-Spec coatings and adhesives. ITW Philadelphia Resins will display nonskid deck coatings and Chock Fast Orange pourable chocking system.
JERED BROWN BROTHERS Circle 130 on Reader Service Card Jered Brown Brothers offers a full line of motion control and material-handling equipment.
Jered Brown Bros, equipment has been utilized on such U.S. Navy ships as FFG, T-AO, LHD, LSD, MCM, CVN and CG classes. The company will exhibit at Booths 404-405.
JJH Circle 131 on Reader Service Card JJH, Inc., a naval architecture and marine engineering firm, will exhibit at Booth 311.
KEYSTONE VALVE Circle 132 on Reader Service Card Valve manufacturer Keystone Valve will have materials on display at Booth 661.
LAPEYRE STAIR Circle 133 on Reader Service Card - At Booth 600, Lapeyre Stair, Inc., New Orleans, La., will display its alternating tread stair.
LONSEAL Circle 134 on Reader Service Card Lonseal, Inc., Carson, Calif., offers "the complete sheet vinyl marine decking," Lonmat UV. Lonmat UV is a heavy-duty sheet vinyl material available with a new ultraviolet- cured, high-gloss finish. The firm will display at Booth 103.
MAGNETEK DEFENSE SYSTEMS Circle 139 on Reader Service Card MagneTek Defense Systems, Anaheim, Calif., will display solid state bus transfer, DC drives, pulse generators, line power conditioners, distribution system protection, converters and inverters at Booths 652 and 653 MAROTTA SCIENTIFIC Circle 136 on Reader Service Card Marotta Scientific Controls, Inc., Montville, N.J., offers conformance, support and service in specialty valves and systems for precise fluid control. The company will be exhibiting at Booths 458 and 459.
JOHN J. MCMULLEN Circle 137 on Reader Service Card John J. McMullen works closely with the U.S. Navy, private shipowners, shipyards, combat system companies, energy companies, and international clients to provide a total engineering and design capability, extending from initial requirements analysis and concept design to final detail design, validation and verification, testing, fleet support and field support. Pictures and videotapes of past naval designs will be on hand at Booth 908.
MTU Circle 138 on Reader Service Card MTU of North America, at Booths 705 and 706, will display information on its marine diesel engines, which range in power from 600 to 10,000 hp for ship propulsion and auxiliary applications aboard frigates, corvettes, submarines, patrol boats, etc.
NEWPORT NEWS SHIPBUILDING Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co., Newport News, Va., is a leading U.S.
shipbuilder and ship-repairer. The yard is currently constructing Nimitz CVN-68 Class aircraft carriers and SSN-688 Class attack submarines for the U.S. Navy. The company will display its capabilities at Booths 450- 451 and 500-501.
NMP Circle 139 on Reader Service Card NMP Corporation, Tulsa, Okla., will exhibit shock hardened electrical switchgear at Booths 702 and 703.
Circle 140 on Reader Service Card World leaders in high velocity waterjet propulsion and maneuvering systems, Omnithruster supplies the U.S. Navy, Japanese Defense Forces, Soviet Sea Exploration Ministry, Canadian Coast Guard and many major oil and shipping companies, and commercial users. Systems range from 125 to 2,000 hp and up. Both bowthrusters and propulsion with 360 degree thrust capabilities are offered. Simple and computerized control systems are available. Omnithruster will display at Booth 163.
PAXMAN DIESEL Circle 141 on Reader Service Card Paxman Diesels Limited will exhibit its diesel engines, ranging in power from 892 to 2,112 kw in 12- and 16-cylinder models, at Booths 502 and 503.
PORT OF PORTLAND Circle 142 on Reader Service Card Located at the Port of Portland (Oregon), which is celebrating its 100th anniversary, is the Portland Ship Repair Yard (PSRY), one of the largest, most modern facilities on the West Coast. The yard has the capabilities for both naval and commercial work. PSRY will offer information at Booths 709 and 710.
PRC Circle 143 on Reader Service Card Products, Research & Chemical Corporation (PRC) is a leading manufacturer of coatings, sealants and adhesives for the marine industry. The firm will display at Booth 613.
ROLLS-ROYCE Circle 144 on Reader Service Card Rolls-Royce will display information on its marine diesel engines for Navy and commercial applications at Booths 508-509 and 558-559.
M. ROSENBLATT Circle 145 on Reader Service Card M. Rosenblatt & Son, Inc., is a leading naval architecture and marine engineering firm. The company will display at Booths 354 and 355.
SCHOTTEL Circle 78 on Reader Service Card Schottel of America supplies the marine market with 360 degree controllable propulsion systems and maneuvering aids. The company will display at Booth 612.
SEACOAST ELECTRIC Circle 146 on Reader Service Card Will display at Booths 462-463 and 512- 513. Seacoast Electric offers military wire, cable and electrical supplies. Some of its products include shipboard cable, terminal and stuffing boxes, circuit breakers and motor controllers.
SEACOR Circle 147 on Reader Service Card Systems Engineering Associates Corporation (SEACOR), on display at Booth 407, offers management, training, technical support, ILS and marine engineering services.
SEAWARD INTERNATIONAL Circle 148 on Reader Service Card Seaward International, Inc., Clearbrook, Va., will exhibit at Booth 2. The firm offers elastomer materials development for corrosion, abrasion and acoustic applications.
Photos and samples will be on hand.
GEORGE G. SHARP Circle 149 on Reader Service Card George G. Sharp, Inc., with offices in New York, Washington, D.C., Virginia Beach, Va., and Philadelphia, Pa., offers systems analysis, naval architecture and marine engineering services. The firm will display at Booth 254 SOLAR TURBINES Circle 150 on Reader Service Card Solar Turbines Inc., a subsidiary of Caterpillar, Inc., supplies high-efficiency gas turbine generator sets and propulsion units.
The company has been working with the U.S. Navy for over 50 years. Solar Turbines will exhibit at Booths 658-659 and 143.
SOLIDUR PLASTICS Circle 151 on Reader Service Card Solidur Plastics Co., a leader in the design and fabrication of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene, will exhibit a variety of dock tendering and marine trade components at Booth 3. Solidur will highlight its 2090 Fender Pads, which are chemically inert, abrasion resistant and unaffected by marine organisms.
SPD TECHNOLOGIES Circle 152 on Reader Service Card SPD Technologies, exhibiting at Booths 250-251 and 300-301, is one of the largest producers of military circuit breakers, and a prominent supplier of other electronic controls for electrical systems protection in the U.S. and abroad.
Other stories from April 1991 issue
- Halter Marine Christens Second Of Two Navy Survey Ships page: 8
- Literature Available On COMSAT's SatCom Services page: 9
- New IMO Quabbin Package Improves Turbine Performance page: 9
- Balehi Marine Delivers Second Of Two GM-Powered Towboats For Conoco Oil Company page: 10
- Winninghoff Boats Introduces Versatile Workboat Design— Literature Available page: 11
- Wide Range Of Vessels Using Hamilton Water Jets Detailed In Free Literature page: 11
- Allied Shipbuilders Deliver New Caterpillar-Powered Z-Drive Ship-Assist Tug page: 12
- Saab Marine Reports Orders Received In Excess Of $35 Million page: 14
- World Bulk Fleet Expected To Increase Moderately For Next Few Years page: 16
- Lexair Introduces New Three-Way Poppet Type Control Valve page: 16
- Exxon Celebrates Grand Opening Of Port Allen Lubricants Plant page: 17
- Textron Marine Awarded $69.1 Million Navy LCAC Order Yard Completes SES Refurbishment page: 18
- Viking Introduces New 50-Man Reversible Buoyant Apparatus page: 19
- NEI Syncrolift Wins Over $3 Million In Orders For Shiplifts, Transfer Systems page: 20
- AT&T Awarded $157 Million Contract To Build Undersea Fiber-Optic Cable —Color Brochure Available page: 20
- OTC 91 page: 23
- Balancing The National Energy Strategy page: 30
- Gulf Craft Delivers 160-Foot Aluminum Crewboat For U.S. Gulf Operator page: 35
- Southwest Marine Reports Upturn In Ship Repair And Conversion Business page: 36
- American Ship Building Awarded Navy Contract For Up To Six Ocean Surveillance Ships page: 37
- Shipbuilding Surge Predicted For 90s page: 38
- Rail/Sea Link Crossing Soviet Union Opened By Sea-Land Service page: 39
- ASNE DAY 91 'Naval Engineering In The Changing Defense Structure' page: 42
- The Iowa Class Battleships page: 50
- PMSA Study Shows Impact Of Maritime Industry On 3 West Coast States page: 51
- General Dynamics Announces Two Key Appointments page: 51
- Inventory Locator Names Jim Bross Sales Director page: 52
- Hatch & Kirk Defco Division Opens In Houston, Texas page: 52
- Innovative Tug/Barge Training Begins At Maritrans GP page: 53
- War Showed Absolute Surge Requirement For More RO/ROs page: 54
- Sperry Marine Maintains Leading Position In Competitive Marine Electronics Market page: 55
- Archway Marine Lighting Introduces New Hi-Tech Searchlight Fixture Line page: 57
- Sound Ocean Systems, SUTEC Awarded NavSea MMUROV Contract page: 58
- Amprodux Introduces New Model Level Alarm/Control Unit page: 58
- Baldt Celebrates 90th Anniversary page: 59
- Krupp Atlas Introduces New Echosounders page: 60
- Astronomical Drilling Rig Prices Anticipated Because Of Worldwide Demand page: 60
- Murphy's All-New Gage And Control Catalog Pictures Over 80 Products page: 61
- Nordic Machine Expands Line Of Anchor Winches page: 62
- ZF Extends Range Of Marine Transmissions page: 62
- TWRA Members Adjust Rates Previously Set For U.S. Exports To Far East page: 63
- Sea Recovery Offers Compact, Commercial R.O. Desalinator page: 64
- Singapore Introduces Tax Plan To Lure Foreign Shipowners page: 65
- Louisiana Officials Create Oil Spill Cleanup Tax page: 65
- Kerr Becomes U.S. Agent For Brazil's Nacional Line page: 65
- McDermott Awarded Marathon Oil Contract page: 66
- DNV Grants Quality Certificate To Wartsila page: 66
- Jered Brown Bros. Expands Manufacturing Capability By Leasing Georgia Facility page: 66
- World's Largest Seiner Delivered By AESA page: 68
- MSE Offers 28-Page, Full-Color Brochure On Shipbuilding & Services page: 69
- 50,000-GRT 'Costa Classica' Launched At Fincantieri's Marghera Yard page: 70
- Thomas B. Crowley Jr. Appointed Manager, Red & White Fleet page: 71
- Shipowners In Hong Kong Welcome Canadian Moves To Offer Tax Incentives page: 71
- Tanker Owners Alter Practices To Cope With Risks Under Pollution Act page: 72
- Gladding-Hearn Building Detroit Diesel-Powered Catamaran For California Ferry Market page: 73
- SPD Technologies Names Colangelo Executive VP page: 74
- Stolt-Nielson Names White Managing Director, Tanker Trading-Europe page: 75
- Delaval Turbine Division Appoints Kramer, Morgan To Marketing Department page: 75
- Best Effort Response To Cleaning Up Oil Spills page: 76
- Severe Vessel Shortage, Advanced Age Of Fleet Threaten Some USSR Lines page: 76
- Schepen Appointed VP, Central America/Panama Service For Crowley page: 77
- Leslie Acquires Bailey Division, CMB Industries' Navy/Marine Product Lines page: 77
- Ingalls Christens USS Essex, Second Wasp Class Assault Ship page: 78
- Western Coal Shipments Through Great Lakes Ports Could Expand Dramatically page: 79
- Norwegian Navy To Build Nine MCMVs With Composite Hulls page: 80
- Tore Steen Appointed President And CEO, West State, Inc. page: 81
- PBM Designs Patented Flush Tank Valve— Literature Available page: 81
- New $40 Million NSF Research Ship Fitted With Thordon Bearings page: 84
- Leevac Shipyards Delivers First New Supply Vessel Built In U.S. Since 1986 page: 85
- McDermott Marine Readies Four-Pile Offshore Platform For Freeport-McMoRan page: 86
- Avondale To Use Japanese Method Of Building —Gets Trade Zone Status page: 86
- Trimble Navigation Introduces Integrated GPS Receiver And Antenna In One Unit page: 87
- Flexible Power Solutions* page: 88
- Marine Inland Fabricators Launches Tow Steering Unit page: 89
- Lykes Bros. Names Two New Officers page: 91
- Marine Liability Insurance Increases Up To Threefold For Tankers Trading To US page: 92