Free Brochure Offered On AutroMaster 3 0 0 0 Monitoring System

Norway's Autronica A/S is offering a color brochure on its AutroMaster 3000 system, which simplifies monitoring and handling of complex alarm systems.

Utilizing clear illustrations, the publication details typical graphic pictures of the AutroMaster 3000 system, as well as standard and optional system configurations. In addition, technical details are included on the standard and optional equipment, graphic terminal, text terminal, transmission distance and other hardware.

According to the publication, the system consists of a standard PC with a color monitor. All available information connected to the AutroMaster 3000, via an Autronica ASAP communication protocol, can be displayed on the screen either as text or graphics. The menu-based operation system leads the user quickly to the required information.

For a free copy of the Autronica brochure, Circle 25 on Reader Service Card

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 93,  Apr 1992

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