Long Maritime Reporter 1980 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on April 1980The annual membership meeting of Western Shipbuilding Association (WSA) was held recently in San Francisco, Calif. Rear Adm. James K. Nunneley, USN, Deputy Commander for Industrial and Facility Management, Naval Sea S y s t e m s Command, Washington, D.C., was the guest speaker. Admiral Nu
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Maritime Reporter
on March 15, 1980R.J. Brown and Associates has been awarded a contract by Esso Australia Ltd. for the design of an underwater plow to trench-in a pipeline following its installation in Bass Strait, off Southeast Australia. The 23-mile 24-inch gas transmission line will connect the Snapper "A" production platfo
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Maritime Reporter
on March 1980The second of a series of 1,200- ton/225-foot seiners being bulit by Peterson Builders, Inc., Sturgeon Bay, Wis., splashed into Sturgeon Bay's waters on January 5, 1980, nearly three months ahead of schedule. The Captain Frank Medina (shown above) is owned by the Carolyn M. Corporation of S
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Maritime Reporter
on February 15, 1980The past five years in the history of Lockheed Shipbuilding and Construction Company, Seattle, Wash., have been marked by construction of three new submarine tenders for the U.S. Navy and expansion of ship repair capabilities. Concurrent with construction of AS-39 Land-class submarine t e n d
- Is A Big Bulk Carrier A Good Bet? page: 48
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Maritime Reporter
on February 15, 1980Entering the 1980s, it is hard to believe that it is now more than six years since the last "boom" in the big bulk carrier market was ended by the "Oil Crisis," and an abrupt change in the trading pattern of the combined fleet. For much of this period, operators of big bulk carriers—and by "bi
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Maritime Reporter
on February 15, 1980Edfred L. Shannon Jr., president of Santa Fe International Corporation, Orange, Calif., for the past 17 years, has been elected chairman of the board of directors and chief executive officer. Assuming the newly created office of president and chief operating officer is Gordon M. Anderson, w
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Maritime Reporter
on February 15, 1980Morgan City businessman and m a r i n e s p e c i a l i s t Wayne Musgrove has been elected president and board chairman of Chem- M a r i n e C o r p o r a t i o n . The new Louisiana corporate structure was organized by Twin City Barge & Towing Company (TCB) of St. Paul, Minn., and T r a n
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Maritime Reporter
on February 15, 1980A recent report on "The Economic Impact of the U.S. Shipbuilding and Ship Operating Industry" by Data Resources, Inc. (DRI), commissioned by the Shipbuilders Council of America, demonstrates that the net effect of building ships in the U.S. is significantly positive. The following is a dige
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Maritime Reporter
on February 1980The superseiner Napoleon, first of a three-boat contract signed between Peterson Builders, Inc., Sturgeon Bay, Wis., and Ocean Blazer, Inc. in July 1978, was turned over to her owners recently just before leaving Sturgeon Bay. To be operated under the Venezuelan f l a g by Venatun, Inc., t
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Maritime Reporter
on February 1980Three appointments to key staff positions were recently announced by Morris Guralnick Associates, Inc. (MGA), prominent San Francisco, Calif., firm of naval architects and marine engineers. Henry Berk has been appointed chief electrical engineer. Robert K. Richardson has been appointed s e
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Maritime Reporter
on February 1980Luther Blount, p r e s i d e n t of Blount Marine Corporation, has announced the delivery of the New Shoreham II, a new innovative, fuel-efficient cruise ship designed to carry 100 passengers. The vessel was constructed in six months, under U.S. Coast Guard specifications, for the American
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1980During the 1970s, the influence and importance of expanding oil supplies close to the major oil consuming nations has grown rapidly. Rising output from new p r o d u c i n g areas has increased the availability of shorthaul crude oil supplies, thereby displacing significant volumes of long-
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1980The following is a condensation of a technical study prepared by the engineering and research departments of Samson Ocean Systems, Inc., Shirley, Mass. The report analyzes and compares the performance characteristics of the traditional towing surge pendant utilizing heavy chain with those o
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1980The Northern Leader, the third in a new series of 123-foot combination boats constructed by Marine Construction & Design Co. (MARCO), Seattle, Wash., was delivered recently. It is reported to be one of the most versatile fishing vessels for the North Pacific yet constructed by MARCO. Owners
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Maritime Reporter
on January 15, 1980New Orleans, La., was selected as the site of the 1980 annual meeting of the Water Resources Congress to be held February 13- 16, at the New Orleans Hilton Hotel. This year's convention promises to be particularly significant and enjoyable for numerous reasons. It is being held during the week
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1980The second and third in a series of seven T-ATF Fleet Ocean Tugs built by Marinette Marine Corporation, Marinette, Wis., for the U.S. Navy were recently christened. The USNS Narragansett (T-ATF 167) recently completed sea trials and has been delivered. The USNS Catawba (T-ATF 168) is comple
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1980The DeoLinda, a 224-foot, 1,200-ton tuna seiner, was launched into the waters of the Sabine Neches Channel at Burton Shipyard, Inc., recently after being christened by its namesake, Mrs. Deolinda Medeiros, wife of the DeoLinda's skipper, Raymond Medeiros, and her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Christin
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1980The second boat in a new class of pilot launches has been delivered to the Lakes Pilots of Port Huron, Mich, by Gladding-Hearn Shipbuilding Corporation of Somerset, Mass. The Pilot Association's Captains Greene and MacDermid made the 1,000-mile delivery trip from Somerset to Port Huron, tr
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1980David H. Klinges, vice president in charge of shipbuilding, Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Bethlehem, Pa., recently announced a reorganization of the department, effective December 1, 1979. Continuing to head the shipbuilding executive offices are Mr. Klinges and John C. Estes, assistant vice
- M a r A d Study A v a i l a b le O n D e v e l o p m e n t Of A S t a n d a r d C a r g o Ship page: 23
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Maritime Reporter
on January 1980The development of a standardized general cargo ship to help meet the future requirements of the U.S. merchant marine would yield substantial benefits to ship operators, shipbuilders and the Government, according to a study released recently by the Maritime Administration. Series production