B e t h l e h em Reorganizes S h i p b u i l d i n g D e p a r t m e nt
David H. Klinges, vice president in charge of shipbuilding, Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Bethlehem, Pa., recently announced a reorganization of the department, effective December 1, 1979.
Continuing to head the shipbuilding executive offices are Mr.
Klinges and John C. Estes, assistant vice president.
Tug and its Environment." The meeting will be sponsored by the Council of Marine Carriers and B.C. Towboat Owners Association.
The B.C. T o w b o a t I n d u s t ry Conference is open to all members of the Council of Marine Carriers, the B.C. Towboat Owners Association, and any other persons interested in the development of the towboat industry.
The main program will consist of three technical sessions and a visit to the Institute of Ocean Sciences, Patricia Bay. The conference fee includes all aspects of the main program, ladies program, cost of lunches, hospitality suite, cocktail party, banquet, and dance. The cost of accommodations and any other meals is not included. The fee will be $125.
Subjects will include: Transportation in the Forest Industry —An Update; Fraser River Estuary Study; West Coast Mariners Assistance Program; Marine Sanitation Devices—A Panel Discussion on Existing and Proposed Regulations ; Regulation, The Environment and the Shipyard; Ship Handling Tug Design; The Other End of the Towline; and Fuel Conservation.
Direct all inquiries to Peter Woodward, Council of Marine Carriers, #200-1575 West George Street, Vancouver, B.C. V6G 2V3.
Telephone (604) 687-9677.
Under the r e o r g a n i z a t i o n, Herbert I. Freinberg becomes general manager of operations and facilities, Francis J. Long becomes general manager of human resources, and Thomas F.
Robinson becomes general manager of technical services.
In the operations and facilities organization, Mr. Freinberg will be assisted by Rockwell Holman, manager of production; Sidney S. Cohen, superintendent of estimating and pricing; Allan F.
Stacy Jr., superintendent of planning ; Timothy E. Cummings, construction engineer; John G. Rogers, planning engineer, and Tore O. Hartmann-Hansen, f a c i l i t i es engineer.
Assisting Mr. Long in the human r e s o u r c e s g r o u p will be George L. Bowen, manager of labor relations, safety and workers' compensation, and equal employment; Mary S. Murphy, administrative manager of salary and office administration; Wendell O.
Robertson, s u p e r i n t e n d e n t of management development; Allan Gunderson, superintendent of personnel services, and Ruth E.
Thompson, administrative assistant for public affairs.
Mr. Robinson will head the organization within the shipbuilding department that has been known as central technical division.
Mr. Klinges said that the sales group will continue in its present format. Roland V. Danielson is manager of new ship construction, Louis W. Gomlick is manager of ship repair sales, William H. Bevan is assistant manager of ship repair sales, Robert W. Miller is manager of industrial products sales, Richard H. Jones is assistant manager of industrial products sales, Bradford J. Sibley is sales engineer, John J. Heffernan is manager of contract administration, and James W.
Bramblet Jr. is assistant manager of contract administration.
David T. Cianelli will continue as legislative liaison in the Washington, D.C., office.
Other stories from January 1980 issue
- Title XI Requested For 2 Lakes Carriers Costing $ 6 0 M i l l i on page: 4
- AWO Reports $2.9 Billion In New Waterways Plants In First Half Of 1979 page: 4
- T i d e w a t e r M a r i n e Tows M o b i l e Supply Vessel Eleven Thousand Miles page: 6
- M o o r e McCormack Names Three To Key Positions page: 6
- Desco Marine Launches Its 100th Cummins-Powered Boat page: 9
- Bay S h i p b u i l d i n g Lays Keel For Turecamo Barge page: 11
- Blount To Build 75-Foot 1 8 9 0 ' s Style Steam Launch page: 11
- Kent And Boling Elected To The NOIA Board page: 11
- D a v i e Launches Second Jackup Drilling Rig For Global M a r i n e Drilling Company page: 12
- Marinette Marine Christens Second And Third Of Seven N e w Tugs For U.S. Navy page: 12
- 1980 Annual Meeting, Water Resources Congress page: 12
- Papers Call For First P a n - A m e r i c a n Conference Of Ocean Engineering page: 14
- M a r A d A w a r d s Contract For Sailing Ship Study page: 14
- McDermott Building Two Bulkfleet Marine Tugs Custom-Made For Future page: 14
- Reduced Towing Costs Subject Of Study On Towing Surge Pendants page: 16
- Todd W i l l Deliver 2 4 0 0 ' Barges To M o n t a uk Oil T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Corp. page: 17
- Raytheon Service Co. Brochure Describes A u t o - A l a rm RCVR/KYR page: 17
- N a t i o n a l M a r i n e Shipyard Division To O p e n N ew Gulf Coast Facilities page: 18
- LNG V i r g o N a m ed At General Dynamics page: 18
- Port Weller Dry Docks Delivers Bulk Carrier With Fuel Efficient Hull page: 18
- 123-Foot Northern Leader From MARCO Equipped As Catcher, Freezer, Packer page: 20
- FMC Releases Study On Virgin Islands Trade page: 20
- H i l l m a n D e l i v e r i n g 14 N e w Chemical Barges To PPG page: 21
- NASSCO Awarded 5-Ship $239-Million Contract By American Tankships page: 22
- M a r A d Study A v a i l a b le O n D e v e l o p m e n t Of A S t a n d a r d C a r g o Ship page: 23
- Chevron Orders Two 3 5 , 0 0 0 - D W T Product Tankers From Mitsubishi page: 24
- M a n g o n e Delivers Research Vessel, W e s t e r n Strait, To Western Geophysical page: 24
- A.L. Kucera Elected President Of A WO page: 24
- Crude Oil Supply And Tanker Demand Report Available From Drewry page: 24
- Fourth British C o l u m b ia T o w b o a t Conference Set For M a r c h 2 1 - 2 2 , 1980 page: 25
- B e t h l e h em Reorganizes S h i p b u i l d i n g D e p a r t m e nt page: 25
- Lips-Doran To Establish Chesapeake, Va., Plant page: 25
- P e r t a m i n a 1020 Delivered By Hitachi Zosen page: 26
- USS H a r r y W . Hill Commissioned At Ingalls S h i p b u i l d i ng page: 27
- Dinko's Marine Service Orders Supply Vessel From Mississippi Marine page: 27
- New Major Shipyard To Be Formed In Hong Kong page: 27
- Shell Orders 11,500-DWT Tanker From Valmet page: 28
- S.G. Dever N a m ed V P Of Colmac Coil M f g. page: 29
- Exxon ULCCs Receive S t a n w i c k M a i n t e n a n ce A n d Inventory Services page: 29
- Shell Offers Literature On New Diesel Oils page: 32
- Halter Marine, Inc. Sets Production Record - 2 2 8 Deliveries In 1979 page: 33
- FMC Signs N e w Barge Contract W i t h Puget Sound Freight Lines page: 34
- t h Ocean Energy Conference Set For June In W a s h i n g t o n , D.C. page: 34
- SNAME Philadelphia Hears Paper On Hopper Dredge Design page: 34
- McAllister Acquires Baker-Whiteley— Now Offers Baltimore-Based Marine Services page: 34
- Gibbs & Cox Names Stark Assistant VP page: 35
- Kings Point Names G.A. Uberti Of NASSCO M a r i n e M a n Of Year page: 35
- De Laval Offers Literature On Centrifuges For Shipboard Use page: 35
- Four Agents N a m e d By N a t i o n a l M a r i n e Service page: 36
- Electro-Nav To M a r k et SATURN Satcom In U.S. page: 36
- North Sea Corrosion Conference Papers Now Available In Book Form page: 36
- Shipping Orders Worth £ 4 2 M i l l i o n For U.K. Y a rd page: 37
- GE's Ground Systems D e p a r t m e n t Renamed page: 37
- Davie Signs $C35-Million Petrobras Rig Contract page: 37
- S t a n w i c k A n d Vickers Form Joint Company page: 38
- M a r t i n o N a m e d Assistant G e n e r a l M a n a g e r At Todd Galveston Yard page: 38
- FMC Marine And Rail Launches Fourth Ro/Ro Barge For Crowley page: 38
- John S. Hollett Joins Crowley Maritime page: 38
- Olson N a m e d President Of W i l l a m e t t e Tug & Barge page: 39
- N e w M A R C O Brochure Describes Hydraulic Pump Drive Units page: 39
- E.C. Flint Promoted At Zidell's Marine Construction Division page: 39
- Construction To Begin On New $20-Million N.Y. Container Terminal page: 39
- G l a d d i n g - H e a r n Delivers Pilot Boat Huron Belle page: 40
- ABS Approves Use Of Protective Ceramic M e t al —Literature A v a i l a b le page: 40
- 3 New Reports Now Available From Ship Structure Committee page: 40
- International Oil Spill Conference To Be Held In Atlanta March 2-5, 1981 page: 40
- Norwegian Firm Offers Porthole/Escape Hatch —Meets Safety Rules page: 41
- Mississippi Marine Towboat Delivers Two New Vessels To Palmer Barge Line page: 41
- Pickands Mather Awards $10-Million Conversion Order To Fraser Shipyard page: 42
- S N A M E N e w England Hears Paper, ' L i a b i l i t y A v o i d a n c e In Ship Design A n d Construction' page: 44
- N e w OMNITHRUSTER For Small Commercial Boats —Literature A v a i l a b le page: 44
- Burton Launches Third Of Seven Tuna Seiners page: 46
- MorMac Appoints Marcelewski Philadelphia Office Manager —Edward J. Desher Retires page: 46
- Farrell Realigns Executive Personnel page: 46
- W e s t e r n Oceanic Inc. To Build 300-Ft. W a t er Depth Jackup page: 47
- Newport News Delivers The U.S.T. Pacific In Record Time page: 47
- Bourgeois And Mitchell Elected Vice Presidents At State Boat Corp. page: 47
- SNAME L.A. Section Hears Paper On Air Cushion Drilling Systems page: 48
- N o r w e g i a n Firm To Buy Jetfoils For Offshore Use From Boeing M a r i ne page: 48
- H i g h Pressure Filter Selection G u i d e From P a u l - M u n r o e Hydraulics page: 49
- Propp N a m e d M a n a g e r Of Z i d e l l ' s Swan Island M a r i n e Repair Division page: 49