M a r A d Study A v a i l a b le O n D e v e l o p m e n t Of A S t a n d a r d C a r g o Ship

The development of a standardized general cargo ship to help meet the future requirements of the U.S. merchant marine would yield substantial benefits to ship operators, shipbuilders and the Government, according to a study released recently by the Maritime Administration.

Series production of such a ship could significantly lower construction costs and cut production time, helping make the American merchant marine more competitive in the world shipping market. This, in turn, could reduce the level of subsidies paid by the Government to help offset the advantages enjoyed by low-cost foreign competitors.

The study, "Next Generation Cargo Liner: Phase I," was prepared under c o n t r a c t by J.J.

Henry Co., Inc., and Temple, Barker and Sloane, Inc. The cost of the c o o p e r a t i v e effort was shared by the Maritime Administration and seven U.S.-flag operators — Farrell Lines, American Export Lines (now a division of Farrell), Lykes Bros. Steamship Company, M a t s o n N a v i g a t i on Company, Moore M c C o r m a ck Lines, Puerto Rico Maritime Shipping Authority, and United States Lines.

The first step of the study involved forecasting general cargo movements and service requirements on selected worldwide trade routes served by the participating operators. The forecasts, which extended through the year 2000, produced profiles on each carrier's cargo mix (percentages of breakbulk, containerized, and rollon /roll-off cargoes), and service requirements (itinerary, service frequency, and port and canal constraints).

Based on these individual profiles, a conceptual ship design was developed for each operator.

These designs were tailored to each company's specific cargo and service requirements.

The final step was the development of a composite design based on the m o s t i m p o r t a nt characteristics of the seven individual designs. The resulting composite ship, with available options, has the following specifications: length between perpen perpendiculars, 620 feet to 800 feet; beam, 105 feet 6 inches; depth, 69 feet 6 inches; draft 29 feet 6 inches to 32 feet 6 inches; deadweight tonnage, 19,500 to 29,600; service speed, 18 to 23 knots; and shaft horsepower, 14,500 to 42,500.

While the study assumed the use of a steam powerplant, it was recognized that diesel propulsion offers fuel-saving advantages, and would meet the lower speed and horsepower requirements of some shipowners. The report suggested that powerplant trade-off studies be conducted at a later date.

The composite design also can be modified to facilitate different cargo mixes, depending on the container, r o l l - o n / r o l l - o f f or breakbulk requirements of the shipowner.

The report recommends continued development of a standardized vessel and concentrated research on optimizing such a ship. This would involve such eff o r t s as model testing and applying technological advancements to the production of the ship and its cargo-handling systems.

The report is available from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Va. 22161. The prices and order numbers are: Executive Summary (PB-297588/ AS) @ $4, Final Report (PB- 297590/AS) @ $9.50, and Final Report/Appendices (PB-297589 / AS) @ $8.

Other stories from January 1980 issue


Maritime Reporter

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