Kings Point Names G.A. Uberti Of NASSCO M a r i n e M a n Of Year
The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Alumni Association has named George A. Uberti of San Diego, Calif., as its 1979 Marine Man of the Year.
Mr. Uberti, a 1948 Academy graduate, c u r r e n t l y serves as chief marine engineer at the National Steel and S h i p b u i l d i ng Company in San Diego. He has been involved in tanker design for NASSCO, and recently was selected as program manager for the construction of a U.S. Navy cable repair ship.
A specialist in nuclear engineering, Mr. Uberti was involved in the development of the nuclear merchant ship Savannah, in the creation of a Navy Nuclear Power Department, and in the design of the U.S. Army's nuclear barge MH-1A.
Mr. Uberti sailed for a number of years after graduating from Kings Point, and began his shoreside career as a test engineer for the U.S. Naval Boiler and Turbine Laboratory. He later attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on a scholarship from The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers.
Other stories from January 1980 issue
- Title XI Requested For 2 Lakes Carriers Costing $ 6 0 M i l l i on page: 4
- AWO Reports $2.9 Billion In New Waterways Plants In First Half Of 1979 page: 4
- T i d e w a t e r M a r i n e Tows M o b i l e Supply Vessel Eleven Thousand Miles page: 6
- M o o r e McCormack Names Three To Key Positions page: 6
- Desco Marine Launches Its 100th Cummins-Powered Boat page: 9
- Bay S h i p b u i l d i n g Lays Keel For Turecamo Barge page: 11
- Blount To Build 75-Foot 1 8 9 0 ' s Style Steam Launch page: 11
- Kent And Boling Elected To The NOIA Board page: 11
- D a v i e Launches Second Jackup Drilling Rig For Global M a r i n e Drilling Company page: 12
- Marinette Marine Christens Second And Third Of Seven N e w Tugs For U.S. Navy page: 12
- 1980 Annual Meeting, Water Resources Congress page: 12
- Papers Call For First P a n - A m e r i c a n Conference Of Ocean Engineering page: 14
- M a r A d A w a r d s Contract For Sailing Ship Study page: 14
- McDermott Building Two Bulkfleet Marine Tugs Custom-Made For Future page: 14
- Reduced Towing Costs Subject Of Study On Towing Surge Pendants page: 16
- Todd W i l l Deliver 2 4 0 0 ' Barges To M o n t a uk Oil T r a n s p o r t a t i o n Corp. page: 17
- Raytheon Service Co. Brochure Describes A u t o - A l a rm RCVR/KYR page: 17
- N a t i o n a l M a r i n e Shipyard Division To O p e n N ew Gulf Coast Facilities page: 18
- LNG V i r g o N a m ed At General Dynamics page: 18
- Port Weller Dry Docks Delivers Bulk Carrier With Fuel Efficient Hull page: 18
- 123-Foot Northern Leader From MARCO Equipped As Catcher, Freezer, Packer page: 20
- FMC Releases Study On Virgin Islands Trade page: 20
- H i l l m a n D e l i v e r i n g 14 N e w Chemical Barges To PPG page: 21
- NASSCO Awarded 5-Ship $239-Million Contract By American Tankships page: 22
- M a r A d Study A v a i l a b le O n D e v e l o p m e n t Of A S t a n d a r d C a r g o Ship page: 23
- Chevron Orders Two 3 5 , 0 0 0 - D W T Product Tankers From Mitsubishi page: 24
- M a n g o n e Delivers Research Vessel, W e s t e r n Strait, To Western Geophysical page: 24
- A.L. Kucera Elected President Of A WO page: 24
- Crude Oil Supply And Tanker Demand Report Available From Drewry page: 24
- Fourth British C o l u m b ia T o w b o a t Conference Set For M a r c h 2 1 - 2 2 , 1980 page: 25
- B e t h l e h em Reorganizes S h i p b u i l d i n g D e p a r t m e nt page: 25
- Lips-Doran To Establish Chesapeake, Va., Plant page: 25
- P e r t a m i n a 1020 Delivered By Hitachi Zosen page: 26
- USS H a r r y W . Hill Commissioned At Ingalls S h i p b u i l d i ng page: 27
- Dinko's Marine Service Orders Supply Vessel From Mississippi Marine page: 27
- New Major Shipyard To Be Formed In Hong Kong page: 27
- Shell Orders 11,500-DWT Tanker From Valmet page: 28
- S.G. Dever N a m ed V P Of Colmac Coil M f g. page: 29
- Exxon ULCCs Receive S t a n w i c k M a i n t e n a n ce A n d Inventory Services page: 29
- Shell Offers Literature On New Diesel Oils page: 32
- Halter Marine, Inc. Sets Production Record - 2 2 8 Deliveries In 1979 page: 33
- FMC Signs N e w Barge Contract W i t h Puget Sound Freight Lines page: 34
- t h Ocean Energy Conference Set For June In W a s h i n g t o n , D.C. page: 34
- SNAME Philadelphia Hears Paper On Hopper Dredge Design page: 34
- McAllister Acquires Baker-Whiteley— Now Offers Baltimore-Based Marine Services page: 34
- Gibbs & Cox Names Stark Assistant VP page: 35
- Kings Point Names G.A. Uberti Of NASSCO M a r i n e M a n Of Year page: 35
- De Laval Offers Literature On Centrifuges For Shipboard Use page: 35
- Four Agents N a m e d By N a t i o n a l M a r i n e Service page: 36
- Electro-Nav To M a r k et SATURN Satcom In U.S. page: 36
- North Sea Corrosion Conference Papers Now Available In Book Form page: 36
- Shipping Orders Worth £ 4 2 M i l l i o n For U.K. Y a rd page: 37
- GE's Ground Systems D e p a r t m e n t Renamed page: 37
- Davie Signs $C35-Million Petrobras Rig Contract page: 37
- S t a n w i c k A n d Vickers Form Joint Company page: 38
- M a r t i n o N a m e d Assistant G e n e r a l M a n a g e r At Todd Galveston Yard page: 38
- FMC Marine And Rail Launches Fourth Ro/Ro Barge For Crowley page: 38
- John S. Hollett Joins Crowley Maritime page: 38
- Olson N a m e d President Of W i l l a m e t t e Tug & Barge page: 39
- N e w M A R C O Brochure Describes Hydraulic Pump Drive Units page: 39
- E.C. Flint Promoted At Zidell's Marine Construction Division page: 39
- Construction To Begin On New $20-Million N.Y. Container Terminal page: 39
- G l a d d i n g - H e a r n Delivers Pilot Boat Huron Belle page: 40
- ABS Approves Use Of Protective Ceramic M e t al —Literature A v a i l a b le page: 40
- 3 New Reports Now Available From Ship Structure Committee page: 40
- International Oil Spill Conference To Be Held In Atlanta March 2-5, 1981 page: 40
- Norwegian Firm Offers Porthole/Escape Hatch —Meets Safety Rules page: 41
- Mississippi Marine Towboat Delivers Two New Vessels To Palmer Barge Line page: 41
- Pickands Mather Awards $10-Million Conversion Order To Fraser Shipyard page: 42
- S N A M E N e w England Hears Paper, ' L i a b i l i t y A v o i d a n c e In Ship Design A n d Construction' page: 44
- N e w OMNITHRUSTER For Small Commercial Boats —Literature A v a i l a b le page: 44
- Burton Launches Third Of Seven Tuna Seiners page: 46
- MorMac Appoints Marcelewski Philadelphia Office Manager —Edward J. Desher Retires page: 46
- Farrell Realigns Executive Personnel page: 46
- W e s t e r n Oceanic Inc. To Build 300-Ft. W a t er Depth Jackup page: 47
- Newport News Delivers The U.S.T. Pacific In Record Time page: 47
- Bourgeois And Mitchell Elected Vice Presidents At State Boat Corp. page: 47
- SNAME L.A. Section Hears Paper On Air Cushion Drilling Systems page: 48
- N o r w e g i a n Firm To Buy Jetfoils For Offshore Use From Boeing M a r i ne page: 48
- H i g h Pressure Filter Selection G u i d e From P a u l - M u n r o e Hydraulics page: 49
- Propp N a m e d M a n a g e r Of Z i d e l l ' s Swan Island M a r i n e Repair Division page: 49