S t a n w i c k A n d Vickers Form Joint Company

The S t a n w i c k C o r p o r a t i o n, Washington, D.C., has announced the forming of a joint company with Vickers Canada Inc. The new company, Vickers-Stanwick Systems Inc., is a Canadian entity being 51 percent owned by Vickers and 49 percent owned by Stanwick.

Operating out of its new headquarters in Ottawa, Vickers-Stanwick Systems Inc. will provide management, e n g i n e e r i n g and technical services to government and commercial maritime activities in Canada.

The Stanwick Corporation is a management engineering systems firm which provides integrated logistics support to governmental and commercial maritime sectors in the United States and other foreign countries. Major areas of services include Maintenance Management Systems, Shipyard Development and Operations, Technical Documentation and Training, Ship Repair Services and Professional Recruitment.

Vickers Canada Inc. is one of the largest ship repair and ship design companies in Canada providing services to governmental and commercial maritime sectors.

Vickers Canada is engaged in manufacture of defense and heavy industrial equipment, i n c l u d i ng nuclear powerplant components, heat transfer equipment and rapid transit cars.

Other stories from January 1980 issue


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