Electro-Nav To M a r k et SATURN Satcom In U.S.

Electro-Nav president Robert E.

Negron announced recently that his company has been granted exclusive rights to market the Elektrisk Bureau (EB) SATURN satcom in the U.S.

SATURN furnishes fast contact, round-the-world range, clear reception, and economical operation.

It handles telephone communications, telex, facsimile, and high-speed data, to and from anywhere on earth.

Strong antenna and terminal c o n s t r u c t i o n permits operation that is substantially unaffected by hurricane force winds and heavy rains, at a temperature range of —40° to + 65°C, even when a ship is rolling as much as 25 degrees in each direction.

The terminal and power supply are designed to fit into a standard radioroom console, reducing radioroom clutter.

Standard two-wire connections permit location of telephone jacks anywhere aboard ship, and full flexibility for locating telex, data and facsimile equipment. SATURN may also be wired to a ship's switchboard, allowing calls to be transferred within the ship.

SATURN is manufactured by EB of Norway, which has recently been awarded the contract to design, construct and install Europe's first earth station.

For a brochure describing SATURN terminal and antenna operation, add-on equipment, and technical data, write Robert E.

Negron, Electro-Nav, 1201 Corbin Street, Elizabeth Marine Terminal, Elizabeth, N.J. 07201.

Other stories from January 1980 issue


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