Papers Call For First P a n - A m e r i c a n Conference Of Ocean Engineering

The First Pan-American Conference of Ocean Engineering, which will be held in Mexico City, October 20-23, 1980, sponsored by the Pan-American Federation of Engineers Associations (UPADI), the Mexican Committee on Ocean Resources E n g i n e e r i n g (COMIRO), and others, has decided to extend the deadline for submittal of abstracts and papers, as follows: submittal of abstracts, May 4, 1980; communication of approval of abstracts, May 31, 1980; submittal of papers, July 31, 1980.

The general theme will be "Participation of Engineers in National Decisions," and papers on the following general topics are requested: the future of energetics, necessary alternatives for development, importance for developing countries, a p p r o p r i a te technological exchange, and interrelation between Pan-American associations. Two-page abstracts should be submitted to Comite Organizador del Congreso Panamericano de Ingenieria Oceanica, Apartado Postal 60-549, Mexico 18, D.F., Mexico. Cable: ORGSUBMEX, Telex: 01771437 COERME.

Maritime Reporter Magazine, page 14,  Jan 1980

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