ABS Approves Use Of Protective Ceramic M e t al —Literature A v a i l a b le

The American Bureau of Shipping recently approved the use of Belzona® Molecular Ceramic Metal for protecting exposed tailshaft sections, providing s h i p o w n e rs with an a l t e r n a t i v e to either stainless-steel clad welding or fiberglass wrapping.

Ceramic Metal®, which was developed for rebuilding and protecting metal subject to very aggressive erosion-corrosion attack, can be applied cold, thereby eliminating metalurgical stresses in the parent metal. A thixotropic compound, Ceramic Metal reacts to create a hard, abrasion-resistant, synthetic metal which, according to the manufacturer, is so tough it is almost impossible to machine. Other features include outstanding resistance to chemical attack, thermal shock, impact, and stress. The most common applications include repairs to condenser tube sheets, division bars, endplates and water boxes; also, repair of Kort nozzles, bowthrusters, cavitated propellers, sea scoops — even emergency repairs to t u r b o - b l o w er casings.

Belzona Molecular produces a complete line of Molecular Metals which includes: E-Metal®, for fast, emergency repairs to fuel tanks, pipes, radiators, oil pans, etc.; Super Metal® for rebuilding machinery and equipment, such as the repair of cracked engine and compressor blocks, oversized bearing and pintel housings, keyways and scored hydraulic rams.

Super Metal is fully machinable, making it ideal for rebuilding worn shafts.

For further information, plus a complete free package of descriptive and technical literature, write to A.M. Janczak, Executive Vice President, Belzona® Molecular Inc., 224 Seventh Street, Garden City, N.Y. 11530.

Other stories from January 1980 issue


Maritime Reporter

First published in 1881 Maritime Reporter is the world's largest audited circulation publication serving the global maritime industry.