Exxon ULCCs Receive S t a n w i c k M a i n t e n a n ce A n d Inventory Services

The Stanwick merchant ship maintenance system will be installed on four of the largest ships in the world, according to Robert Apple, president of The Stanwick Company Division of The Stanwick C o r p o r a t i o n , Washington, D.C.

Exxon International Company has awarded the contract to develop and install the maintenance system and to inventory the onboard spares in the four ultra large crude carriers (ULCCs) of the Esso Atlantic/Tokyo class.

Two of these tankers are approximately 500,000 dwt and two are 400,000 dwt. Exxon has decided to proceed with this class after a year of evaluation of the Stanwick maintenance system on four 37,000-dwt tankers of the Everett class.

According to Bud Kelly, The Stanwick Company project manager, maintenance engineering analysts from Stanwick's Maritime Systems Department, working in coordination with Exxon's maintenance and repair staff, will establish a comprehensive program of scheduled maintenance tasks for all maintainable shipboard equipment, and produce the management system for scheduling and auditing the accomplishment of the program. Stanwick will also inventory all shipboard repair parts to provide input data for a computerized inventory control program.

Stanwick's maintenance and inventory control systems are installed in more than 50 other commercial ships and drill rigs around the world.

For further information, contact Jerry Clark, Marketing Manager, The Stanwick Company, 3661 East Virginia Beach Boulevard, Norfolk, Va. 23502.

Other stories from January 1980 issue


Maritime Reporter

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