S N A M E N e w England Hears Paper, ' L i a b i l i t y A v o i d a n c e In Ship Design A n d Construction'

The New England Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers met in Newton, Mass., on December 5, 1979.

The speaker was Dr. Kenneth W. Fisher, who presented a paper on "Liability Avoidance in Ship Design and Construction." Dr.

Fisher is the author of several papers on shipbuilding costs and management practices, and he is editor of several books which span the gap between technical and legal matters in the marine industry. Dr. Fisher is the founder of a national firm of maritime management counselors e m p h a s i z i n g the technological aspects of that field.

Dr. Fisher's presentation was centered on the fact that liability often occurs and recurs in ship design and construction. The speaker examined the basis of some of the more common forms of potential liability which face marine designers and shipbuilders.

The presentation was illustrated with several interesting examples taken f r om the author's past experience. Dr. Fisher offered at the end o f his talk some suggestions which may be helpful in avoiding, or at least minimizing potential liabilities. Following the presentation, there was a period of questions in which several members participated.

Other stories from January 1980 issue


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