Propp N a m e d M a n a g e r Of Z i d e l l ' s Swan Island M a r i n e Repair Division

Carl Propp has been named m a n a g e r of the Swan Island (Portland) marine repair division of Zidell Explorations, Inc., Portland, Ore., according to Stanley Rosenfeld, vice president.

In his new post, Mr. Propp will be responsible for drydocking and repair production at both Zidell's South Portland d r y d o c k s and Swan Island repair facility.

Prior to joining Zidell Explorations, Mr. Propp spent 11 years as shipyard manager for the Port of Portland, and is credited with having made a substantial contribution to design of the port's 84,000-ton Swan Island drydock.

That expertise was immediately called on when the 213-foot Coast Guard cutter Yacona was drydocked at Zidell's South Portland yard.

Mr. Propp is past vice chairman of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME). He has contributed articles to marine publications and prepared technical papers on oil spills and reception facilities f o r the Inter-Governmental Maritime C o n s u l t a t i v e Organization (IMCO) symposium sponsored by the United Nations in Acapulco, Mexico.

Among his inventions on which Mr. Propp holds patents are a waste oil and water reception facility, and an oii and debris skimming vessel, which has won national recognition.

Zidell Explorations, Inc. is an expanding, diversified organization active in marine repair, voyage repair dockside, barge and d r y d o c k c o n s t r u c t i o n , marine equipment sales and valve manufacture.

H e a d q u a r t e r e d in Portland, Zidell Explorations operates offices in Tacoma, Wash., Long Beach, Calif., Houston, Texas, Atlanta, Ga., Baton Rouge, La., and E l m h u r s t , 111., and East Brunswick, N.J.

Other stories from January 1980 issue


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