Shell Offers Literature On New Diesel Oils

Literature is now available describing the performance characteristics of the new Argina® T Oils 30 and 40 introduced by Shell Oil Company to meet the more severe performance requirements of newly d e v e l o p e d medium-speed trunk-type diesel engines used in deep-draft marine service.

Diesels of this type are finding wide application in marine service and are designed to accept more viscous fuels of higher sulfur content.

Improved engine cooling incorporated in these units has the effect of lowering temperatures of cylinder walls and in ring belt areas under low-power operation.

This allows the formation of more acidic condensation.

One feature of Argina T Oils is a high base number (TBN-E 30) to neutralize acids caused by the use of high sulfur fuels.

The new oils are also suitable f o r many main engine reduction gears. In this application, Shell recommends Argina T Oils for complete system fill. It is not recommended t h a t t h e s e o i l s be added to conventional gear oils presently in the system. Available worldwide, the new and improved Argina T Oils replace Argina Oils 30 and 40.

For copies of the Argina Oils 30 and 40 literature, write William C. Merritt, Manager Commercial Communications, Shell Oil Company, One Shell Plaza, Houston, Texas 77001.

Other stories from January 1980 issue


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