De Laval Offers Literature On Centrifuges For Shipboard Use

Centrifuges are becoming increasingly important on shipboard due to the need for clean fuel oil and other oils at sea. As a result, centrifuges themselves are becoming more s o p h i s t i c a t e d to meet these needs.

De Laval Separator Company, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., r e p o r t s a growing trend in the use of more flexible and reliable centrifuges controlled with solid-state programmable controls (PCs). Frank Bauer, De Laval manager, Controls Engineering, points out that PCs are easy to maintain. "The principal benefit of PCs," however, "is flexibility. Secondarily, the PC provides tighter control of centrifuge in certain key operations," according to Mr. Bauer.

De Laval uses Texas Instruments programmable control systems in many of their centrifuge lines.

For more information and free literature on De Laval's centrifuges with programmable controls for shipboard use, write David E. Closs, MR-1, The De Laval Separator Co., Poughkeepsie, N.Y.


Other stories from January 1980 issue


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