N e w M A R C O Brochure Describes Hydraulic Pump Drive Units

A new 16-page brochure describing the full line of MARCO Hydraulic Pump Drive equipment is available from the manufacturer, the Industrial Products Division of Marine Construction & Design Co. ( M A R C O ) , Seattle, Wash.

The b r o c h u r e features complete specification and selection data for standard and marine equipment applications, as well as information on drive and mounting options for special requirements.

The MARCO Hydraulic Pump Drive (HPD) interconnects between a power supply and a fluid hydraulic pump for the transmitting of hydraulic power to an assortment of hydraulic functions (i.e., winches, line hauling devices, swing and track drives, etc.). The MARCO HPD can efficiently transmit power to as many as eight hydraulic pumps mounted at a single location.

The HPD can accept any SAE flange pump, and provides either increasing or decreasing gear ratios between the prime mover and the hydraulic pumps.

In addition to the many pump drive options available, the brochure describes the MARCO power take-off drive adaptor model E1400 and the special HPD designs that MARCO has developed.

Specifications d o c u m e n t e d include gear ratios, input/output RPM and HP, dimensions and weights. Information on input options for shaft, direct drive plate or clutch drive adaptations with 0 appropriate mounting criteria is also provided.

The comprehensive b r o c h u re serves as a complete, one-source reference and selection guide for MARCO HPD equipment. A free copy of the brochure may be obtained from Robert Cook, MARCO Industrial Products Division, 2300 West Commodore Way, Seattle, Wash. 98199. The company is also a leading manufacturer of large commercial fishing vessels, hydraulic fishing equipment, and oilfield products, including oil-spill skimmers.

Other stories from January 1980 issue


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