1980 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1980International Paint Company, Inc. of Union, N.J., recently sponsored a technical seminar concerning the economic importance of hull condition. It featured Dr. Robert L. Townsin, professor in the Department of Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding at the U n i v e r s i t y of Newcastle-upon-
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1980This year's Admiral of the Ocean Sea (AOTOS) Award, the U.S. maritime industry's highest honor for distinguished service, was presented to Senator Daniel K. Inouye of Hawaii. Sponsored by United Seamen's Service, the silver statuette of Christopher Columbus was presented to the Senator by Sam
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1980William Hunt and Kenneth Watson have joined N a s h v i l le Bridge Company (NABRICO) as plant engineers. Mr. Watson was formerly with Watson & Wynne, contractors, Murfreesboro, Tenn. He will manage all construction c o n c e r n i n g the Nashville and Ashland City, Tenn., plants for NABRI
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1980The 88th Annual Meeting of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers will convene at The New York Hilton Hotel on November 13-15, 1980 according to an announcement made by Lester Rosenblatt, president of the Society. "Again this year," Mr. Rosenblatt said, "we will have 14 excell
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1980The Hunt Company of Houston continues its expansion with the addition of three new sales team members — Elmo Bergeron, Terry L. Tucker and Frank Doonan Jr. Mr. Bergeron, with more than 30 years' experience in the oil industry, has been named sales manager for Louisiana. He will headquarter
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1980Far East-Levingston Shipbuilding Ltd. (FELS) has announced the signing of contracts to build two jackup rigs for Reading and Bates Exploration Co. (R&B). Costing approximately $80 million in total, the jackups will be of Friede & Goldman L-780 MOD II design for operating in water depths up
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1980As the title implies, this is a technical book dealing with the shipping industry. It is a reference manual packed with detailed information r e l a t i n g to shipping, navigation, marine insurance, maritime and commercial law, chartering, and ship operations. The bulk of the 510-page, hard
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1980lotron Corporation of Bedford, Mass., in close cooperation with Radio-Holland B.V. of Amsterdam, has just received what it believes to be one of the largest orders ever recorded in the maritime collision-avoidance industry. This order, valued at more than $4 million, calls for the installati
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1980John T. Gilbride Jr., general manager of Todd's Seattle yard, recently announced the promotions of Lawrence H. Hagen to director of industrial and public relations, and Dennis M. Plumb to personnel manager. Mr. Hagen has been employed continuously in the area of personnel management at the Se
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1980The Kings Point Fund, Inc., the financial arm of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy Alumni Association, has received a $20,000 grant from the Max and Victoria Dreyfus Foundation, Inc. The generous grant will be utilized to acquire books for the Academy's library, and the volumes obtained will b
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1980Iraq has ordered a 6,000-grt seagoing passenger vessel (artist's conception shown above) from the Wartsila Turku Shipyards. The ship will be delivered to the Iraqi Ministry of Transport and Communications in the spring of 1982. Capacity of the vessel will be about 300 persons, and passenger s
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1980M. Rosenblatt & Son, Inc., one of the nation's largest naval architecture and marine engineering firms, has expanded its Western Area operations with a recently added facility in Oxnard, Calif. The Oxnard office will be staffed initially with 60 engineers, technical writers, editors, and illus
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1980Two models of a new, four-inch chart recorder have been added to Morrow Electronics' Sea Viper line. The instruments are equipped with such sophisticated features as thermal printing head, noise suppression circuitry, and adjustable white line. The SV-101 shallow-water model has six depth ran
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1980Devoe Marine Coatings Company of Louisville, Ky., a division of Grow Group, Inc., recently announced management changes in its Western and Far Eastern regions. Owing to rapid expansion in Far East markets, George G. Moran, director of Pacific operations, is now headquartered in Singapore. The
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1980Within a recent one-week period, General Dynamics Corporation accepted two conditional orders f o r six liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers at a total cost of more than $1 billion. Three of the ships were ordered by Zapata Western LNG Inc., a subsidiary of Zapata Corporation of Houston. The o
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1980D.J. O'Rourke, vice presidentmarketing, has announced the promotion of Joseph G. Wink f r om distributor sales manager to sales manager-control products. Mr. Wink has been affiliated with Abex Corporation, Denison Division, Columbus, Ohio for more than 25 years, serving in many sales capaci
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1980Santa Fe International Corporation recently announced that it has awarded shipyard contracts f o r the construction of a jackup drilling unit and the conversion of two construction barges into drilling vessels. The new jackup, Santa Fe Rig 134, will be built by China Shipbuilding Corporatio
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1980The first meeting of the 1980- 81 season of the Los Angeles Metropolitan Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers was held aboard the S.S. Princess Louise, berthed in the Port of Los Angeles. Nearly 50 members and guests were in attendance to welcome the new Section o
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1980The fall meeting of the Gulf Section of The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers was held recently in Mobile, Ala. The afternoon technical session papers presented were: " A 20,- 000-Ton-Lift F l o a t i n g Drydock f o r a Shallow-Draft Harbor," by James A. Dumas of Bender Weldi
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Maritime Reporter
on November 1980Dr. Charles E. Cheeseman, general manager of General Electric's Simulation and Control Systems D e p a r t m e n t in Daytona Beach, Fla., has announced that Phillip W. Farmer is appointed program general manager, simulation systems, and John E. Breyer is a p p o i n t e d program general m