lotron Gets $4-Million Shell Order For Some 70 Digiplot Radar Plotters

lotron Corporation of Bedford, Mass., in close cooperation with Radio-Holland B.V. of Amsterdam, has just received what it believes to be one of the largest orders ever recorded in the maritime collision-avoidance industry.

This order, valued at more than $4 million, calls for the installation of a minimum of 70 Digiplot fully automatic radar plotters on ships owned and operated by Shell Tankers (U.K.) Ltd., London, and Shell Tankers B.V., Rotterdam.

Installations have already begun, and are scheduled to be completed in 1982. All equipment will be installed on a rental/maintenance basis.

The use of equipment of this type is required by the new U.S.

Coast Guard Rules issued on August 14, 1980 in accordance with the Port and Tanker Safety Act of 1978, and Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO) standards.

lotron is a major supplier to the international maritime community of automatic radar plotting aids for collision avoidance.

Radio-Holland will be in charge of the worldwide fitting of these installations.

Other stories from November 1980 issue


Maritime Reporter

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