SMS To Represent Two Scandinavian Co.'s In U.S. —Brochure Available

Scandinavian Marine Services, Westwood, N.J., has announced their exclusive U.S. agency representation for Gotaverken Motor AB and Oresundsvarvet AB.

G o t a v e r k e n Motor produces main and auxiliary diesel engines of Gotaverken, E r i k s b e r g and B&W design. SMS will also be responsible for marketing of their new Fuel Savings Program of engine modifications which offer substantial reductions in specific fuel consumption.

Oresundsvarvet produces and markets a complete range of marine spare parts to shipowners throughout the world. Their sales coordination center acts as a ma- j o r trading house and offers the efficiencies of bulk purchasing power and freight consolidation savings.

For further details and a free copy of SMS Spare Parts Brochure, write Ray Cole, Dept. MR, Scandinavian M a r i n e S e r v i c e s, Inc., 6 Sullivan Street, Westwood, N.J. 07675.

Other stories from November 1980 issue


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