Ballast Monitor Meets IMCO And USCG Rules- Literature Available

The Facet Mark V ballast monitor is said to be the only U.S.- made ballast monitor that meets IMCO requirements and is certified by the United States Coast Guard under the c e r t i f i c a t i on number 162.050/5005/0.

The sensing module of the ballast monitor continuously monitors the oil content in the overboard ballast water discharge using infrared absorption techniques.

The window of the oil sensing column is automatically cleaned to assure accurate oil detection.

The Mark V monitor has a microprocessor that converts the ship's speed, ballast d i s c h a r ge rate, and the ppm of oil to liters of oil per nautical mile. This figure is displayed on a digital readout.

The control module of the ballast monitor contains a monitor bypass switch that will permit deballasting in an alarm condition.

The recorder will continue to record the alarm condition along with the time and date.

For additional information and free literature on the Mark V monitor, write to Ray Jackson, Dept. MR, Facet Enterprises, Inc., I n d u s t r i a l Division, P.O. Box 5096, Tulsa, Okla. 74150.

Other stories from November 1980 issue


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