Frick Company Offers Brochure On MCM Refrigeration Compressor

The MCM refrigeration compressor, designed for heavy-duty, industrial or commercial applications, is described in an eightpage brochure recently published by the Frick Company.

The MCM is designed to meet heavy-duty standards r e q u i r ed for use in the industrial pressure and temperature ranges under both intermittent and continuous working conditions. The MCM can be typically applied in 14 to 70- ton (per compressor) refrigeration systems, particularly those systems which must operate unattended.

Other features of the MCM, including its operating efficiency, are detailed in the brochure.

For a free copy of bulletin 60-103/MAR 80 on the MCM compressor, write Dept. MR, Frick Company, 345 West Main Street, Waynesboro, Pa. 17268.

Other stories from November 1980 issue


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